Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3905: Refining the fairy armor, transforming the eternal Taoist soldiers

Tens of thousands of years ago, in the most terrible war, foreign giants once entered the Pangu universe. The entire Pangu universe was in an unprecedented crisis. Even if it was blocked by the Great Heavenly Lord Cang Yan, the Wuxiang King completely recovered from his sitting, wearing a chaotic fairy. A, merged with the sun of heaven, sublimated to the extreme, and fought close to the foreign giants.

Later, Tiandao Sun fell into disintegration, and the Wuxiang King was seriously injured and dying. The Chaos Armor was also torn to pieces and completely broken in that battle.

Today’s Chaos Immortal Armor is nothing but the supreme of Chaos Tianfu’s line, which was later repaired and seemed to be repaired intact, but in reality the inner gods fell into a permanent sleep, the infinite chaotic pattern collapsed, leaving nothing behind. It's just a hard armor without spirituality.

Ye Chen entrusted the Chaos Immortal Armor and murmured: "My true body is immortal, but the law body is not. I need to sacrifice an immortal armor for him, and cooperate with the upper law body to be able to exert more powerful combat effectiveness."

Zheng Zheng Zheng -

At this time, he took out a terrifying armor, far surpassing the Chaos Immortal Armor, and even the Chaos Immortal Armor was far inferior at its peak.

Because this is a giant-class battle armor, also known as the eternal Taoist soldier, belonged to the Emperor Jiyuan, after the years of the river was smashed, he did not care about taking it back, Ye Chen naturally would not miss it, and took the opportunity to put it away Up.

Now, he wants to elevate the Chaos Immortal Armor to a great realm, reaching the level of the eternal Taoist soldiers, but he needs infinite rare immortal materials.

Although Ye Chen was wealthy, he would also need to exhaust all his wealth if he wanted to make an eternal soldier-level armor.

In the final analysis, he can't compare to those supreme giants who have accumulated multiple epochs.

Fortunately, the sacrificial armor is not the main soldier.

The function of battle armor is more defensive than attack.

In front of him, this giant-class battle armor of the Emperor Jiyuan Abyss was better.

Ye Chen intends to dissolve this giant armor, and then let the Chaos Immortal Armor ascend to become a real giant armor.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Ye Chen shot to show the Chaos Giant-class combat power, completely shattered the Giant-class battle armor, and then appeared as a giant-class chaos source fire, spending a lot of time completely dissolving the battle armor, and smelt the chaotic fairy armor together.

All the scars of Chaos Immortal Armor are repaired and become harder and more immortal.

Ye Chen branded the infinite chaos rune into the chaos immortal armor, making this immortal armor surpass the past.

After spending hundreds of years, the Chaos Immortal Armor was successfully refined.

Generally speaking, even if an eternal giant wants to sacrifice a giant-class battle armor, it will take hundreds of thousands of years, but Ye Chen just smelts the real giant battle armor in the Chaos Immortal Realm, so it saves a lot of time.

Even so, it took hundreds of years to truly succeed.

The moment when the chaotic fairy armour was successfully refined, it was the radiant fairy light that shone through the eternal heavens and turbulent the entire universe, which was quite amazing.

However, no catastrophe came.

Ye Chen frowned, "Is it because the way of heaven is still repairing itself, so it can't come to the catastrophe, or is it for other reasons?"

No matter how to say it, the Chaos Immortal Armor barely reached the level of the eternal Taoist soldiers, able to withstand the attacks of the eternal giants.

Of course, if possible, he still hopes that the Primordial Chaos Armor can go through the baptism of the Heavenly Tribulation, so that it can truly be transformed and become an immortal soldier of the world.

When all this was completed, the Chaos Immortal Armor was integrated into his body.

Although his Chaos Saint Body is no less than the eternal Taoist soldiers, immortal, but the current Chaos Sea is too dangerous, Chaos Immortal Armor can resist one or two at a critical moment.

On the other hand, he also spent hundreds of years refining the corpses of the supreme emperors he killed into puppets and integrating them into the sealed gate, making them extremely sublime and becoming stronger.

Unfortunately, there has never been a catastrophe.

Finally, Ye Chen took out the Great Chaos Cauldron.

In the cauldron, the Emperor Jiyuan was suppressed.

After his eyes fell on the inner world of the Great Chaos Cauldron, he couldn't help frowning when he saw that the entire vast inner world was constantly falling apart.

He is very strong, able to defeat the eternal giants and even explode, but it does not mean that he can be killed.

A person who can become an eternal tycoon, throughout the ages, who is not the Chaos Sea Invincible who crushes an era, one person appears, so that all the Tianjiao in the entire Chaos Sea in an era will be dimmed.

Their ability to get to this point is enough to explain a lot.

Ye Chen was not sure that he could kill Emperor Jiyuan.

But continued suppression is not the answer.

If possible, he hopes to kill the Emperor Jiyuan.

The Emperor once said that there is nothing wrong with killing.

Representative, you can kill the Emperor Jiyuan!

During this period of time, Emperor Jiyuan had naturally tried to break the Great Chaos Cauldron, but what made him look ugly was that such an eternal giant like him could not break the suppression of the Great Chaos Cauldron.

He has a special feeling. What suppresses him is not only the great chaotic cauldron that has become a soldier for thousands of years, but more like a vast world beyond imagination, like an upper world, and even a chaotic ancient universe. The suppression has prevented him from breaking away from the suppression.

After the Emperor Jiyuan knew that it was really difficult to succeed, he gave up, sitting cross-legged in the cauldron, recuperating, and striving to recover as soon as possible, so that he would have stronger strength to break through the suppression of the great chaos cauldron.

At this moment, he felt Ye Chen's gaze, and said in a deep voice: "Fighting Saint King, let this seat go out. As long as you are willing to let this seat go out, this seat can swear the heavenly oath and forget the blame for everything before."

Hearing this, Ye Chen sneered: "Let's forget the past? I'm just a prisoner under the ranks. What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?"

Even if the past is not blamed, it is impossible to release.

The secret of Emperor Qingtian must not be revealed.

Prisoner under the order?

Ji Yuan Huangzun's look is ugly. He is a majestic foreign tycoon, overlooking the invincible existence of the Eternal Era. Once upon a time, he suffered such a great shame and became a prisoner of the ranks.

However, how different is the current situation from the real prisoner?

He, Emperor Jiyuan, was suppressed here by the Fighting Saint King, unable to escape.

The Emperor Jiyuan said coldly: "The Fighting Saint King, it’s not that this seat begs you to release, but you must release this seat. Perhaps in a short time, this seat can be suppressed by you, but our ancient universe will never Allow the life of an eternal giant to be in danger. If you continue to persist, it will not be good for your Pangu universe, and it will even cause the Pangu universe to face the disaster."

"Really? I am looking forward to Ye Chen sneered. This kind of threat is useless at all. The immortal world will not sit idly by, and all the immortal kings will take action.

Otherwise, the aliens will not retreat that day.

Although he couldn't really kill the Emperor Jiyuan at the moment, this was his home field.

The figure flashed, transforming the chaotic giant body and the spirit of the chaotic emperor into one with the deity, and directly attacked the Jiyueyuan Emperor.

There is no doubt that this is one-sided.


The Great Ding of Chaos shook, and the inner world almost exploded.

The Emperor Ji Yuan roared and was powerfully blasted, but after his saber was broken several times, he squeezed and suppressed him.

Before leaving, Ye Chen said coldly: "This war knife, can it be regarded as interest for the heinous sins you committed to Pangu Universe."

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