Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3910: Power of faith, power of thought, power of will

"Have seen your Majesty Fighting Saint King!"

The supreme of the heavens must also be called Your Majesty.

Ye Chen's eyes fell directly on the Buddha.

The Buddha naturally knew his existence and his power, but he was always calm, still clasping his hands together, and said peacefully: "The poor monk has seen Ye donor!"

Ye Chen smiled, without the slightest power of the Chaos Giant, and very peaceful, like an ordinary person, politely said: "Buddha, I have some questions and I want to ask you something."

"Ye Shizhu made a serious statement, please come in."

"it is good!"

The supreme separates and makes a way.

Ye Chen walked side by side with the Buddha, but the emperor Shequ Xuanshen was a little behind, and the other supreme all followed in, restraining the emperor's might, just like an ordinary person.

Da Leiyin Temple, Daxiong Hall.

The supreme people sit cross-legged on the ground futon, and the ground is spotless.

Ye Chen also sat cross-legged on a futon. To be honest, this was his first visit to Da Leiyin Temple.

He sat opposite the Buddha's seat and said, "Buddha, what is the difference between the power of belief, the power of thought, and the power of aspiration?"

Once, Ye Chen believed that the power of faith is both the power of thought and the power of will. It is just the difference in how the world calls it.

But as his cultivation became more advanced, he also gradually noticed the difference between the three.

Especially in the last ten thousand years, he has studied for a period of time at the level of the supreme giant, and he has noticed many mysteries.

It seems to be the same, but in fact there is a fundamental difference.

However, after all, he spent too little time on this path. Even if he became an eternal giant, he would not be able to thoroughly understand this path in a short period of time. Perhaps it would be better to ask the Buddha of the great achiever on this path.

All the Supremes listened attentively.

The Buddha folded his hands together and said: "Faith is the deep-rooted belief and respect of a certain creature or thing by the people. It can be a person, a demon, a demon, or a stone, a mountain, a city, etc., everything in the world , Can become an object of faith. Faith is to become a believer, trusting the existence of one’s faith, and treating it as a god."

"The power of belief can also be regarded as a kind of power of mind. It is the intangible power of the believer for the object of belief. But the power of faith is also separated from the power of mind and belongs only to the aspect of faith."

"The power of mind is thought. There are thousands of thoughts, joy, anger, sadness, emotions, and six desires, all of which are thoughts."

"Thinking is also thought. Dreaming is also thought."

"Different thoughts will produce different thought powers."

"Wish power is the same. It is a kind of mind power. It is the common people’s desire for a certain thing, hope to become an imagination. Or hope that the world will be better, or hope that the world is peaceful, or hope to become wealthy, etc. , This is all willingness."

His words are not too complicated or mysterious, and they are concise and concise, expressing the most core everything.

The power of faith and the power of aspiration are both power of mind.

The power of thought is enormous, but the power of belief and the power of aspiration are the two major branches of the power of thought.

The simple words made Ye Chen have a deep understanding.

He earnestly thanked the Buddha, even if he cultivated a higher level, he still thanked him.

Before leaving, the Buddha suddenly said: "Ye Shizhu, the poor monk knows that you have built a **** image and collected the power of faith, but only that, for many years, it has maintained the scale of many years ago and is limited to a certain area. The poor monk has a saying Want to remind."

Ye Chen said, "Buddha, please speak."

The Buddha said: "Build temples, erect statues, and spread to the world. If all beings do not die, you will not die."

Ye Chen remained silent for a long time and bowed earnestly: "Teached!"

How clever he is, how can he not understand what the Buddha meant.

He had done building temples, erecting statues, and spreading to the world.

But it has always been coping style and somewhat perfunctory.

The so-called temple is replaced by a temple.

The purpose of erecting a **** statue is to gather the power of faith and condense a powerful clone.

The spread of the world is only limited to the scope of the jurisdiction of Chaos Tianfu.

In the final analysis, his fundamental purpose is not to walk the road of faith to become an emperor.

But now, he understood other meanings of the Buddha.

Let the world believe in him, believers and people all over the world, take the road of faith to the extreme and give feedback.

All beings believe in him, and he is closely related to all beings.

One day, even if he perishes, he will be reborn and reappear in the world because of the belief of sentient beings.

This is similar to the starry sky He Yao, branding the heavens, but more powerful.

The heavens and stars, and the world, are all unconscious.

The world is conscious, so people who believe in are more alive.

Ye Chen had to admit that this is a supreme Dafa, and only outstanding people like the Buddha can do it.

In the old days, he spread Buddhism and Taoism to the world, allowing sentient beings to believe in, and using the power of sentient beings to prove Taoism and becoming emperor.

All beings are him, he is all beings.

Obviously, this is a stunning path for eternity. At this point, even if one dies, there is a certain hope that in the future, with the help of the faith of sentient beings, they will return to life.

Unless the sentient beings who believe in him are destroyed, if the believer is immortal for a day, he has the hope of resurrection.

"Buddha, you are worthy of a stunning eternal person, this road is not impossible to walk." Ye Chen secretly said, the blood stained era is too terrible, the eternal giants are in danger of perishing, and it is better than Ye Chen to dare not say it. Through the blood-stained era.

The future will only become more and more difficult.

He also wants to find a way out.

He can't die, at least at this stage, he can't because there are too many shoulders.

Not long after, Ye Chen personally built a temple for himself in Chaos Tianfu, with his own statue in the temple.

As soon as the idol appeared, the light shining on the heavens and the eight realms of the ten thousand realms, all beings were visible, and they worshipped one after another.

The power of infinite faith rushed into the temple, converging into a vast ocean of power of faith, which greatly increased the power of faith that was originally gathered.

Originally, the Chaos Tianfu, the Chaos Tianzhou and the Primordial Heavens under its jurisdiction, all had the statues of Ye Chen. For hundreds of thousands of years, and how much power of faith has gathered, it is amazing, but at this moment, the power of faith is It came from the entire Pangu universe, with a wider range and more power of belief, and it surged immediately.

Like a deep sea!

Ye Chen raised his head and said softly, "Thank you!"

All this is not his work. He has never liked being too high-profile, and just wants to take it slowly, but the origin of the universe spreads to him throughout the universe, and all beings can see it.

It was also because of Ye Chen's impressive record and popularity that reached the extreme of glory over the past ten thousand years, so much power of faith suddenly emerged.

The Buddha looked at this place with a smile.

Ye Chen handed all this to his disciple Huanggu Demon God to deal with, while he continued to sit in the gate and meditate.

He had a hunch that the peace in front of him would not last long and would soon be broken.

Therefore, all the means will be arranged one by one.

In this way, after a few months, suddenly the ancient demon **** walked into the house, saying, "The disciple has seen Master."

Ye Chen returned to innocence, without the power of a giant, and said, "What's wrong?"

The ancient demon said: "I'm owed Master, my disciples have received news about the master and the others."

Hearing this, Ye Chen's always calm face also showed a touch of joy, and said softly: "Is there finally news..."

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