Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3916: Quasi-giant blew himself up

The ancient emperor Xu Tian used nihilism to prove his way, and attacked him with multiple emperor skills, turning all of them into nihility, and opened his eyes, shooting the golden dragon tail of the golden dragon through two huge blood holes, and a large amount of dragon blood was spilled. .

The black hole of eternal exile created by Will's divine grammar is even more empty.

At the same time, he greeted Qianxun and said coldly: "It's only the supreme one, and I dare to fight with this seat? Where does the courage come from?"


Strong as Qianxun, no less than Dzogchen Emperor Realm Supreme, was also directly dismantled the offensive, shot out a void beam in the opposite direction, and shot at Qianxun.

Qianxun's expression changed, and he immediately moved horizontally for hundreds of millions of miles. The Void Beam still wiped his suit, and the suit that could withstand the Supreme's attack collapsed.

He was horrified, if it fell on himself, how terrifying the blow would be.

I am afraid that his fighting Communion is not necessarily bearable.


Suddenly, there was a shock on the battlefield.

With a loud noise, accompanied by the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the sea of ​​chaos bursts open, and the world is shattered, and there are quasi-giants who are crushed to pieces and exploded in the sea of ​​chaos.

That wave of waves can be described as terrifying, the majestic power penetrates time and space, shaking the chaotic sea, with blood light illuminating many realms in an instant.

It seems that there is the collapse and dying of the big universe, and the waves are rippling and I don't know how many boundaries.

Both sides were alarmed.

A quasi-giant exploded and broke the world, shattering the semi-border area, causing a terrible impact on the world.

Fortunately, in the Great Wilderness Realm, many chaotic primitive worlds have collapsed. Otherwise, such an impact will cause these chaotic primitive worlds to suffer terrible shocks, the world's barriers will be shattered, and hundreds of millions of sentient beings will be destroyed.

However, there are still three chaotic primitive worlds, including the Great Desolate Ancient World, being affected and driven far away by the terrible explosions.

who is it?

That quasi-giant exploded?

"It's the Great Huang Ancient Emperor!"

The supreme and strongest people were shocked. It was the ancient emperor of the Great Desolation, exploding.

In particular, he is a quasi-giant who refining the body, and his blood is incomparably prosperous, surpassing other quasi-giants. Once exploded, his power becomes even more terrifying, as if to pull down the entire wilderness realm to be buried together.

The endless power of destruction is beyond imagination.

That is a quasi-giant-level self-destruction, as strong as an eternal giant, afraid of avoiding its edge, even a little carelessness will cause injury.


Qianxun was frightened, and was he as strong as the ancient emperor of the Great Desolation and was also beaten by the emperor of Destiny?

Their situation is so desperate!

"No, it was the predecessor of the Great Desolate Ancient Emperor who chose to blew himself up, trying to reverse the situation in front of him." Abenu said, with a bit of tragic and vigorous.

Their situation is too bad, for the sake of them, the ancient emperor of the Great Desolation did not hesitate to blew himself up to prevent the three quasi-giants from chasing them down.

For the first time, the supreme lords of one's own side feel so powerless, even if they prove to become the emperor and become the ancient emperor of Dzogchen, immortal and immortal, but at this moment they are so powerless.


The blood and light reversed the nine heavens, and the quasi-giant-level fluctuated the heavens, shocking the realm.

Visible to the naked eye, all the blood and light are rolling back, reorganizing the immortal emperor body of the Great Desolate Ancient Emperor.

His body and spirit are reorganized, his towering and tall emperor body is no different from the past, and the quasi-giant-class Xeon fluctuation is still arbitrarily powerful.

This made Qianxun and the other party supreme breathe a sigh of relief. As a quasi giant, the ancient emperor of the Great Wilderness had unmatched vitality, so it was naturally impossible to be killed as soon as he was killed.

Even if it is crushed and blew up, it can be reorganized.

However, what made their faces gloomy was that the Great Desolate Ancient Emperor had definitely encountered the most difficult predicament, and he did not hesitate to explode to try to reverse the situation.

Sure enough, after the terrifying quasi-giant-class self-explosion, the emperor of Destiny, Silvermoon, and Ancient Xutian were embarrassed, stronger than the extreme quasi-giants such as Destiny. Blood, a little blood on the corners of the mouth.

Let alone the other two, they are even more tattered, with bones visible in many parts, which is very miserable.

This is the situation that the ancient emperor of the Great Desolation exploded in exchange for it, and it can barely be regarded as a bit of a disadvantage.

At the same time, the ancient emperor of the Great Wilderness was transmitting the sound, saying: "Hurry up, the holy relic must not be lost."

Qianxun and others looked right, and immediately turned and left, rushing to the direction of Pangu universe.

Indeed, the real sacred object was not in the Great Desolate Ancient Emperor at all, but in one of the goddess and others.

The ancient emperor of the Great Wilderness refining the holy relics was nothing more than a sound.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Immediately, the supreme and supreme one on the side of the goddess penetrated the Chaos Sea and departed quickly.


Emperor Yinyue was cold and angry. Unexpectedly, the ancient emperor of Great Desolation would be so staunch. He hadn't reached the extreme yet, but he chose to explode to lose.

Xutian ancient emperor was in tatters, with bones visible in many parts, and suffered injuries.

But these are just ordinary injuries that are quickly repaired, and the ancient emperor of the Great Desolation, the self-explosive Xing Shen, will hurt the origin, and the injuries are really serious.

As strong as a quasi-giant, they dare not explode Xingshen too many times, each time it will seriously damage the origin.

To put it bluntly, or more serious, it will even affect the evangelical giants in the future. It may stop here for the rest of your life, and you will not be able to smoothly advance to the eternal giants in your life.

"What an ancient emperor of the Great Wilderness, I made this seat look down upon him." The emperor of Destiny didn't look pretty either, and in order to stop them, he blew himself up at all costs.

It's as strong as he was also hit.

The Great Desolate Ancient Emperor still looks like a rainbow, but in fact it has already revealed a bit of weakness.

The self-destruction also caused the original source to be damaged. How can it be truly safe and sound?

But for the safety of the rising star of the Pangu universe, he had to.

The emperor of Destiny summons the long river of time and immediately displays the supreme destiny law. There are infinite rules of destiny and emperor roads and condensed into a chain of order and gods. Each one is extremely strong and can have hundreds of millions of pieces. It blocks the ancient emperor in an instant and evolves a destiny. The door has unpredictable power.

The ancient emperor of the Great Wilderness was trapped in it for a while, and it was difficult to break free.

"Now you are watching your Pangu universe juniors, so captured by this seat, kill them one by one, take out that holy object." The Destiny Great Emperor turned and left, and in one step, he came to Qianxun and the others. before.

"Hey, how many people are eternal emperors!" For the first time, the emperor of Destiny observed several people at close range. They are Ruoxi, Qianxun, and Ye Jing. They are all eternal emperors, and they are very strong, and they are all comparable to Dzogchen The imperial realm is supreme.

Speaking of it, there are eleven real Supreme Great Emperors. Although the three of them are only eternal emperors, they are strong enough to fight at the pinnacle, waiting for 14 Supremes.

"The era of the Pangu universe is no less than the era of mythology. There have been so many eternal emperors in succession, but unfortunately, it is impossible for you to truly make the ultimate leap in your life. You are destined to die today. This seat has seen your destiny. !" Fate the Great said coldly, piercing through the luck of all lives.

As soon as the Destiny Emperor spear was released, it crashed down.

The goddess and the other supreme dare not to neglect, they all attacked together.

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