Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3935: Origin Burial Head

Ye Chen stood on the Pangu Pass, all living beings respected as gods, and his eyes were full of hot worship.

Including many supreme as well.

Respect the strong!

In the past, many supreme people followed Ye Chen and others to Pangu universe from the ancient road of origin, in large part because of Emperor Dan's Emperor Dan, but now even if there is no Emperor Dan, they are willing.

On the one hand, they have been born and died in the Pangu universe over the years, and have established a deep relationship. On the other hand, there are eternal giants in the Pangu universe, pointing them to go further.

In particular, Ye Chen, the taboo giant who was able to defeat the first generation giants, had a greater impact on them, and being able to watch the giants battle was also of great benefit to their cultivation, and had greater hope of becoming a stronger existence.

Ye Chen looked at the ancient alien universe and sighed slightly: "It's a pity, if in the prosperous age of the mythical era, I dare to enter the ancient alien universe!"

The current Pangu universe is far from the rival of the alien ancient universe. There is a serious gap in the number of giants. Otherwise, in the prosperous age of the mythical era, Ye Chen would not be afraid at all. The two first-generation giants directly intercepted them and prevented them from returning.

Now he can match the strength of many eternal giants alone, even if it is only a short time, it is enough.

Pangu Universe won a big victory, the class teacher went back, the universe cheered, and all parties called the same name, so that the spread of faith directly skyrocketed.

Under the heavens and ten thousand realms, ten thousand realms and eight realms, under the upper and lower realms, all living beings have faith, and the power of infinite belief rushes to the chaotic heaven day and night.

The power of faith is so strong that it is unimaginable that even the quasi-giant Buddha who proves the way of faith to become an emperor was surprised.

Whether it is this era or a more powerful mythological era, the Buddha also spent endless years to accumulate to this step, and the power of belief is immense.

But now, the power of faith Ye Chen has collected is no less than that of him.

But if you think about it carefully, it is only natural that the so-called times make heroes.

Born in this era of great turmoil, the chaotic giant Ye Chen made several strong expeditions and crushed the alien races, causing the alien races to fail many times. He was also suppressed by the supreme giant, and even killed. It was Ye Chen's contribution.

One person guarding the stability of the Pangu universe is the great merit of heaven. All living beings recite the grace and believe in him, and they can develop to this point in a short time.

What's more, some supreme people have actually become his believers, and the power of faith they have contributed is amazing.

Otherwise, in the peaceful years, no matter how strong the Fighting Saint King is, it will be difficult to achieve this effect.

After successively suppressing the two big alien giants, Ye Chen also began to think about killing them thoroughly, otherwise one day, the two big alien giants will unblock and escape, which will be a major disaster for the Pangu universe.

Moreover, it was difficult for him to kill the eternal tycoon in the past, but now it is not impossible. The prerequisite for killing the emperor of Destiny is first.

Back in the Pangu universe, Ye Chen met his long-lost wife and children. They hadn't seen each other for 110,000 years. They missed them very much, but didn't feel too sensational, because they were still there, and everything was okay.

As for the parents of the past years, they have also come out. After the accumulation of unlimited resources at all costs over the years, before Ye Chen left in his early years, he washed their muscles, injected chaotic blood, and rebuilt their foundation. The past hundreds of thousands of years , Naturally also reached a certain height-Taikoo King!

The king of the ancient times can live for half an era. Hundreds of thousands of years are nothing but trivial to an era that is counted for hundreds of millions of years. Therefore, he looks very young and has unlimited potential. He has the opportunity to become an emperor and even prove the supremacy.

Goodbye to the family, plain and warm.

Unfortunately, an important person is still missing-Ye Junlin!

He left that year and is still missing, but Ye Chen can feel that Ye Junlin's life origin is very strong, and he knows that Ye Junlin, this special Chaos Dragon, may also embark on a special path to the strongest.

He knows that when Ye Junlin returns, it must be the day when Ye Junlin will truly come to the Chaos Sea!

"By the way, what is the holy thing you got in the Great Desolation Realm? It is said that the giants of the ages are jealous." At this time, Ye Chen also asked what the holy thing was?

Otherwise, it would not be easy to attract quasi-giants such as the Silver Moon Great Emperor, the Ancient Emperor Xutian, and 13 supreme princes to encircle and suppress, and even the extreme quasi-giants such as the Destiny Great Emperor.

"Father, please come with me."

Qianxun and the others entered a barren starry sky and took action to build an extremely stable enchantment. Only then did they carefully sacrifice a quasi-giant Dao Pagoda.

It can be seen that the immortal quasi-giant Dao Pagoda actually shows signs of cracking, and the whole body is full of cracks, as if it is going to explode anytime and anywhere, and it is accommodating big terrible things.

The ancient emperor Dahuang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, this quasi-giant Dao Pagoda can hold on, otherwise it will finally burst open, and it will have a very bad influence on you, little friend Qianxun."


Finally, the quasi-giant-class Dao Pagoda could not bear it anymore. It exploded, and a huge head fell down. It was actually bigger than the Primordial Chaos World. Once it appeared, the entire Pangu universe was shaking slightly. , As if the Wangu giants are fully recovering.

During the period, more and more infinite thunders flew out, each of which was as long as hundreds of millions of miles at every turn, and was extremely large, resembling billions of thunder galaxies, rushing to all sides.

The barrier that Qianxun constructed broke down in the first place, and couldn't bear it.

Ye Chen immediately took action to stabilize the world and suppressed it with the power of the supreme giant, and everything gradually stabilized.

After all, this is not a living thing, but the head of a dead spirit. Although the power of thunder contained in it is extremely terrifying, and even more terrifying than Emperor Jie, he has enough strength to suppress it~www.wuxiaspot .com~ I finally see where the sacred object is. It is one of the heads of the burial owner of Origin.

The origin burial owner has ten heads, of which eight heads contain the power of the eight origins, the ninth head contains the power of life and death, and the tenth head is the most special, and no one knows the exact power attributes.

In front of him, the head of the original burial master is the original head of thunder.

Ye Chen felt that even if the original Burial Lord had passed away, the power contained in this head was still incomparably shocking, even no less than the eternal giant, and the power of thunder was endless, no less than the thunder of the eternal giant.

Because of the ten heads of the original burial owner, the blood-stained era has come, and for 110,000 years, many supreme, quasi-giant, and even eternal giants have fallen, and the ancient Chaos universe has also collapsed.

It can be seen that the head of the burial owner of the origin is definitely a secret of greatness, and it even involves ‘eternity’.

Ye Chen was also curious whether the eternal secret was contained in the head of the origin burial master.

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