Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3937: The status of the original generation

Ye Chen burst out multiple beams of light between his eyebrows and rushed into the distance.

Not long after, many Xeon figures appeared in front of them. It was Emperor Taichu, Ruoxi, Qianxun, Ye Jing, Will, Corpse Eater, Pheasant, Peacock King, etc., who were all trusted people around him. Or loved ones.

"You follow me, there is hope to prove Dao Chengdi and walk out of the road!"

After saying that, Ye Chen tore open the void, led everyone into the Great Chaos Cauldron, and saw the vast worlds evolving in the Cauldron, each suppressing many supreme, quasi-giant, and eternal giants.

In particular, the two foreign giants of Jiyuan Huangzun and the ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty, outside their respective worlds, are suppressed by the Sealed Gate and the Gate of Destiny, and the quasi-immortal king Dharma body personally controls the suppression of the two eternal Taoist soldiers.

As for the other quasi-giants and supreme, they are very weak, so there is no need to do so.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen's suppression of the supreme powerhouses, stunned. Although they also knew that his combat power was against the sky, and that he had suppressed many eternal taboos, they saw it with their own eyes, and heard from a long distance. Countless times.

In particular, I saw the Emperor Jiyuan, the emperor ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty, who were the supreme giants of foreign races that shook the ages, overlooking the ages, and stunned the Chaos Sea.

In the endless years, one era after another has made all the ancient chaotic universes frightened, but now they are reduced to Ye Chen's prisoner and suppressed here.

Fortunately, Ye Chen is on their side.

"Battle Saint King!"

The Emperor Jiyuan and the ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty roared, looking at Ye Chen, his eyes were cracking, full of endless anger.

Once upon a time, their dignified magnates, their well-deserved supreme existence, have actually been reduced to the current prisoners, and they are suppressed here by the new generation of the hostile Pangu universe, what a humiliation.

The other supreme and quasi-giants who were suppressed looked at Ye Chen with deep awe.

It is as strong as the two giants of the ages have been suppressed, let alone them.

"Don't come to the two Taoist friends without any harm." Ye Chen smiled, especially the Emperor Ancestor in the early Yuan Dynasty, because his injury was hit by the Open Sky Universe, and the origin of his injuries was destroyed, far more serious than the Emperor Jiyuan.

Although the emperor at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty was frightened, he was also full of jealousy. He looked at Ye Chen and said solemnly: "Battle Saint King, dare you let this seat come out and fight head-on."

"A prisoner in a small rank is also a defeated general. Why do you have the qualifications to talk to me about the conditions and fight head-on." Ye Chen sneered and said: "I won't talk nonsense with you. I want to know some secrets about your alien ancient universe. You tell me that although I can't let you leave, I can leave you a trace of remnant soul in the world. I believe that with the power of the eternal giant, a strand of remnant soul also possesses the power of the Supreme Emperor, how about?"

"Huh, how can this seat be a person who is greedy for life and fear of death? Fighting the saint king, if you want to take action, you will take action. This seat will see what you can do." Yuanchu Dizu coldly snorted, how arrogant he is as an eternal giant How can you betray the ancient universe of alien races.

Ye Chen had already expected this, but only smiled.

The ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty said solemnly: "Battle Saint King, your Pangu Universe is really so ambitious, you actually did not hesitate to let Emperor Shitian cut off the Nine Heavens and destroy thousands of races, just to let him rebel and enter the ancient universe of our world. Inside, and refined the heavenly ways of our ancient universe."

He was imprisoned with the Emperor Jiyuan, and it was natural that Emperor Qingtian Emperor Shi Tiannai was a traitor, or in other words, he had never betrayed the Pangu universe, but was only lurking in an ancient alien universe.

It is hateful. Since the Great Qingtian entered an era of the ancient alien universe, even the giants of the alien race did not have much doubt. After all, cut off the heavenly path of the Pangu universe, cut off the nine heavens, and annihilated thousands of races. There is also a way back to the Pangu universe.

Unexpectedly, all of this is just a show for the alien ancient universe.

Behind him, Emperor Taichu and the others were shocked. The Great Emperor Qingtian was actually an undercover lurking in the ancient alien universe?

These secrets, even they did not understand.

The same is true for the heir of the Emperor of Taichu.

No wonder, because it matters a lot.

But now they all have the power to rival or challenge the supreme, and they are qualified to know many ancient secrets.

Emperor Jiyuan said solemnly: "Don't say it's the emperor Shitian, the Six Dao Great Emperors are also most likely a traitor to the Pangu universe."

In the past, there were two eternal tycoons, Qingtian Great Emperor and Liudao Great Emperor, among the betrayers of the Pangu Universe. Since Qingtian Great is also an undercover agent, pretending to be lurking, I am afraid that Liudao Great Emperor is no exception.

Upon hearing this, Ye Chen's mind moved slightly.

He can be sure that Emperor Qingtian has never betrayed Pangu Universe, but he cannot be sure of Emperor Six Dao.

Although the Great Emperor of Reincarnation said that the Six Dao Great Emperors never rebelled, but in the endless years, the Six Dao Great Emperors will inevitably not truly fall into the darkness and become a member of the ancient alien universe.

Moreover, before leaving the Alien Ancient Universe in the past years, Emperor Qingtian seemed to have something to say to Emperor Liudao.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor said coldly: "Although you suppressed me here, but I believe that the other eternal giants of the ancient universe in our realm will definitely find out that the Qingtian Emperor and the Liudao Emperor are traitors, and the predecessors will even more."

Ye Chen was slightly astonished. The emperor in the early Yuan ancestor spoke to Shi Dai and took the initiative to call it Senior.

After all, both are giants of the ages, but from this it can be seen how respected the position of the first generation in the ancient universe of the alien race, and the giants of the ages such as the emperor and ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty must be honored as predecessors.

Not only seniority, but also strength!

How strong is the original generation!

As strong as the Great Emperor Qingtian, everyone had to sigh, unfathomable, one can imagine how jealous he was.

Ye Chen said coldly: "If your foreign race dares to be disadvantageous to the people of my Pangu universe, likewise, I will not let your foreign race go, and you two are the best embodiment."

The emperor of Jiyuan said: "The Fighting Saint You came here on purpose. It shouldn't be a boring story with us."

"Naturally." Ye Chen got rid of his thoughts and said: "Today, my purpose is to solve future problems."

In the future, once a more terrifying battle broke out, Ye Chen wondered whether he could continue to suppress the two foreign giants.

Once they succeeded in getting out of trouble, it would be a disaster for Pangu Universe and Qingtian Great Emperor.

Therefore, he needs to completely solve the two major problems today.

The expressions of the Emperor Jiyuan and the ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty changed drastically. The former immediately snorted: "The fighting saint king, although you are strong, no less than the first generation giants, but you must understand that the eternal giants are immortal and immortal. It is not easy to kill, even if it is you."

Ye Chen glanced at the ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty and said: "Didn't the ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty tell you that the Emperor Destiny was killed by me?"

Having said that, he took out the head of Destiny the Great.

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