Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3943: negotiation

Soth is angry!

He was just a mere abandoned son, and he dared to commit a crime against him, the young master of the same line.

It's a sin worthy of death!

You know, his origin is not simple. He is not an ordinary emperor, but the son of a quasi-giant. His father is one of the quasi-giant-class ancestors of the eight major bloodlines of the Celestial Race. In the human race, the supreme status is similar, no less than the real ancient emperor.

Today, a deserted son dared to attack him, the young master of the same line. It is a sin worthy of death!

"Big brother, kill this abandoned son for me." Soth roared and asked the Celestial Supreme to kill the Angel Emperor.

He is the big brother of Soth, an ancient emperor-level senior, and the big disciple of his father!


The angel emperor and the ancient emperor of the heaven and human race directly broke out in a terrifying battle.

At the same time, under the instruction of Soth, other Celestial Emperors, Primordial Kings and other super princes directly rushed into the supreme world within the Angel Emperor to search for the remains of the Celestial quasi-giant.

What's more important is the inheritance of Xiugus!

Along the way, super powers of the angelic emperor appeared to block, there were primordial emperors, and there were emperors, all of which were accumulated by the emperor in endless years, and they were all born in this blood-stained era.

These super-powerful angel emperors can’t help watching the Celestial Super Tianjiao seize the remains of the Celestial quasi-giant. Even in a sense, the Celestial Clan can be regarded as the main clan of the Angel Emperor. No way.

However, in the face of the steadily advancing Celestial Super Tianjiao, the number of strong men at the top level of the Angel Emperor Clan is not an opponent at all, and they are losing ground.

The super arrogances of the Celestial Race, it was almost the only one who went straight to Huanglong, killed the emperor's palace, and sensed the remains of the Celestial quasi-giant Shugus.


Ye Cangqiong and Shenrong were furious, and came directly to intervene.

Both are the supreme of the Dzogchen Emperor Realm. The real ancient emperor intervened at this moment to assist the angel emperor. The three ancient emperors took action and directly repelled the heaven and human supreme, and the emperor's blood splashed.

At the same time, Shenrong descended to the palace, and one person forced a dozen super celestial arrogances, including Soth, to retreat.


The ancient temple where the remains of the quasi-giant Xiugus was hidden turned into a ball of light and rushed into the body of the Angel Emperor!

"Two, please help me to contain the supremacy of the Celestial Race, I will kill that kid!" The angel emperor stared at Soth with blood red eyes, killing infinitely, and directly killed.

Insulting his mother will undoubtedly die!

The Supreme Celestial Race changed color and was about to leave, but Shenrong cut off the sky and said indifferently: "Stay."

Ye Cangqiong didn't stop it, even if he knew he would offend the Celestial Race.

What's more, how can Pangu Universe fear the Celestial Race?

Secretly, there can be enlightened by the eternal giants!

The angel emperor Shina came in front of Soth and roared: "You dare to insult my mother, you will be killed today!"


In just one face, the emperor Soth exploded half of his body. Really speaking, the emperor was far from an opponent of the ancient emperor's level, the gap was too big!

Soth hurriedly asked for help from the handsome boy: "Help me!"


Upon seeing this, the handsome young man sighed, but he shot hard with the angel emperor. With a bang, he directly repelled the angel emperor and flew back hundreds of thousands of miles.

The angel emperor changed color, and this handsome young man was able to repel himself, even if he did not use his full strength, it was not easy!

"Two, it's over, this is a matter of my celestial race, please don't bother to interfere and leave."

The handsome boy spoke. He looked like he was sixteen or seventeen years old, extremely handsome. At this moment, when he spoke, the Tianjiao of other Celestial Races did not dare to interrupt, showing awe.

"No way."

Shen Rong was very strong and refused directly, although he felt that this handsome young man was not simple, and his cultivation level was unfathomable.

Soth said coldly: "The Supreme Human Race, this is my father, and even the ancestor of the Celestial Race. He spoke in person. You shouldn't refuse, otherwise it will be the same as causing a catastrophe to you and even the Human Race."

Ye Cangqiong's emperor bloomed all over his body, and said coldly: "This emperor wants to see how to cause disaster to my human race."

The handsome young man glanced at the angel emperor, who looked very young, but his eyes contained hundreds of thousands of years of vicissitudes, not a teenager, and there was a peerless antique in his body, and said indifferently: "In the past, I cultivated the ancients with your ancestors. Sinai grew up with a friend."

The angel emperor, Shen Rong, and Ye Cangqiong were shocked. This person is actually an old antique who has lived for such a long time, and listening to Soth's words, it seems to be the ancestor of one of the eight lines of the human race.

The angel emperor looked solemn: "You are?"

"Suo Tianzun." The handsome young man said, "The ancestor of the eight great veins of the Celestial Race."

When the words fell, the ancestor, one of the eight great veins of the Celestial Race named Suo Tianzun, slowly dissipated the terrifying coercion, and even stably covered Ye Cangqiong and other three human race supreme, as if it were A terrible quasi-giant.

No wonder, he dared to claim to be a good friend who grew up with the ancestor of the angel emperor son.

A supreme celestial quasi-giant descended into the Pangu universe and appeared in front of the three. It was as strong as the three of them were all of the ancient emperor-level Dzogchen emperor realm supreme. However, they were still facing a major enemy, and they felt overwhelming. A sense of majestic oppression.

Without him, this is the power of the quasi-giant!

Suo Tianzun said: "Today, I am here to welcome the remains of an old friend back to the ancestral land. You shouldn't stop it."

The Angel Emperor looked hesitant, and finally sighed, "The old ancestor belonged to the Celestial Race. Returning to the ancestral land is of course natural. I will not stop it. But I have a request to release my mother!"

Originally, this condition was not After all, Xiugusi is the ancestor of the Celestial Race, and it is of course buried in the ancestral land.

But now, knowing that his mother was suppressed in the Celestial Race, he was ashamed of Shugus, but he hoped to take this rare opportunity to exchange for his mother's release, regain freedom, and reunite mother and son ever since.

"You are not qualified to talk about requirements!" Soth snorted coldly, "and immediately hand over the inheritance of the ancestor of the cultivation line."

"No!" The angel emperor immediately refused. How can the inheritance of Xiugus be handed over to other people? This is given to him by Xiugus himself, and more importantly, Xiugus is an old man in his line Ancestor.

And his mother Angel God Emperor Xiudilia must be released.

Hearing this, Soston's face was gloomy: "You are toasting and not drinking fine wine. My father is here, how dare you refuse."

The angel emperor said coldly: "The old ancestor of Xiugusi is my ancestor. How can I hand over the great road inheritance to me personally. And immediately release my mother!"

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