Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3945: The Emperor of War

Suo Tianzun's body was full of infinite sacred emperor light, and the light was dazzling, no less than that of Emperor Jin Crow. He said very powerfully: "Emperor Jin Crow, this is a matter within my clan and human race, please don't interfere."

The Great Emperor Jin Crow looked at Suo Tianzun and said coldly: "Heaven and Human Race? This is my Pangu universe, but not your Celestial Human Race's territory. You can't tolerate presumptuousness. Stop immediately, otherwise it's no wonder this seat is not welcome."

Behind Suo Tianzun, a pair of angel wings trembled and said indifferently: "Okay, today I want to see you, a new quasi-giant, and you have some ability."

Even if Emperor Golden Crow has become a quasi-giant for more than 100,000 years, for Suo Tianzun, who has become a quasi-giant for more than two or three eras, he is still very young and arrogant. He is now shooting and manifesting the sacred emperor. Everbright handprints were shot towards Emperor Jinwu.

As soon as the sacred emperor's handprint appeared, the heavens trembled immediately, and the incomparable sacred emperor's light was scattered across the heavens and domains, and the tranced heaven and earth seemed to have a more flaming day, which was extremely eye-catching and illuminating the world.

Emperor Jin Crow also snorted coldly, clapped his hands, and collided with him.


Under the terrible collision, the two quasi-giants were fighting each other, and the heavens and domains were shaking, almost torn apart, extremely terrifying.

Such a collision was even more astonishing than the Supreme Emperor War.

If it weren't for the heavens and domains to be very special, they would not be able to withstand the collision of such quasi-giants.

This time, the figure of Emperor Golden Crow retreated two or three steps, slightly at a disadvantage.

But of course, as Suo Tianzun said, Emperor Jinwu was just a new quasi-giant after all, and there was indeed a certain gap between him and his quasi-giant who had been in multiple eras.

"Emperor Golden Crow, get out of the way, you are not your opponent, I don't want to hurt you."

Suo Tianzun is obviously very powerful and belongs to the strong among the quasi-giants, but he does not want to entangle too much with Emperor Golden Crow. In the final analysis, this place is also the territory of the Pangu universe, and his defeat of Emperor Golden Crow is not a problem, but it is too much to kill. Difficult.

He passed by, the infinite sacred emperor light on his body burst out, and he wanted to break through the barrier of Emperor Golden Crow in one fell swoop. At the same time, he was also attacking the distant angel emperor. The inheritance of the quasi-major road of Xiugus must be Take it back and don't lose it.

At this moment, it showed Suo Tianzun, the quasi-giant who has been in the Chaos Sea for multiple eras, of his world-class cultivation. Even if he fought against the Golden Crow Great on one hand, the other side still had enough energy to capture the Angel Emperor.

Naturally, the Supreme Lord of the Heavens would not allow Suo Tianzun to take action against the Angel Emperor, and one after another to block.

"Holy light is eternal!"

Suo Tianzun shouted loudly, and suddenly, two rays of light and shadow rushed out of his body. It was no different from the general, but in an instant he broke through the obstacles of the heavens and rushed to the angel emperor.

The speed of his shot was so fast that everyone had not really reacted to it before they successfully broke through with those two lights and shadows.



Soon, two lights and shadows descended in front of the angel emperor, and they also contained quasi-giant to powerful power. In just a few encounters, the angel emperor continued to cough up blood, very embarrassed. .

"Holy Light Blockade!"

The two sacred light and shadows rushed out of countless chains of the order of the holy light, intertwined in all directions, and the angel emperor was blocked, suppressed, and captured.


Suddenly, a loud shout suddenly exploded the heavens and domains.

The two rays of light suddenly exploded, with countless chains of light order.


In the next moment, a terrifying gun slammed across the starry sky of the universe, swept through hundreds of millions of stars, and blasted directly at Suo Tianzun.

Strong as Suo Tianzun's expression immediately changed at this moment, and who the shot was, gave him the feeling that he was much stronger than King Crow Great.

"The Holy Light is immortal, and all laws will not invade!"

With a long roar, immeasurable soul light bloomed in his eyebrows, and immediately appeared a light shield, a light shield made of sacred platinum sacrifice, engraved with the locus of the supreme quasi-giant Dao pattern, and greeted the invincible gun.


The light shield of the quasi-giant Taoist level collapsed and flew, and the war spear made a deep battle mark on the light shield, almost pierced, demonstrating the powerful combat power of the shooter.

"You have the courage to ignore presumptuousness in my Pangu universe. You are afraid that you will not put the emperor in your eyes."

A majestic figure appeared, the whole body bloomed with infinite fighting intent, which could crush the heavens. It was the Emperor of War, and he was also shocked and born while sitting in the gate.

Suo Tianzun's discoloration changed. Although he was also very strong, even in the field of quasi-giant, he rarely encountered opponents, but when faced with the war emperor who was truly invincible to quasi-giant, there was a huge gap.

Without him, because the emperor of war is an extreme quasi-giant!

Suo Tianzun hurriedly said: "Friends of the Emperor of War, there is a misunderstanding on this matter. Please listen to my explanation. My Celestial Race only wants to restore the inheritance of one line, nothing more."

"Why did you come here, I don't care, but today you dare to make a move in Pangu universe, and you still want to chase and kill the supreme emperor of my Pangu universe, really when my Pangu universe is where you want to make a move?"

The battle emperor snorted coldly, holding a battle spear in his hand, pointing at Suo Tianzun, and striding across the sky, aside from speaking, his battle spear smashed and shattered the heavens.

How dare Suo Tianzun be negligent, with a long scream, his own combat power also exploded to the extreme, the infinite sacred emperor light burst out, continuously injected into the quasi-giant light shield to protect himself.

On the other hand, a humanoid weapon appeared in his hand. It was very special, but quite terrifying. It turned into another quasi-giant like a spirit, playing a terrifying quasi-giant Dao, and fought fiercely with the Emperor of War.

"That humanoid weapon is not simple, it is the body of a quasi-giant, refined into a real weapon."

"A quasi-giant has been sacrificed and refined into a This celestial quasi-giant Suo Tianzun is not simple at all, it can even be said to be terrifying, and the strength is far stronger than the average quasi-giant."

The supreme princes from all sides can see the horror of that humanoid weapon. It is truly a quasi-giant who was made by life sacrifice, which is quite terrifying and amazing.

After the full recovery at this moment, the humanoid weapon can move all its limbs and facial features, and there is no pain, and it is not afraid of life and death. If another quasi-giant, join forces with Suo Tianzun and kill the emperor.

"Just because you dare to fight the emperor head-on? Get out!"

The emperor was cold, and he didn't put Suo Tianzun in his eyes at all. With a sweep of his gun, he swept across Liuhe and the Eight Wastes, and then the quasi-giant light shield was blown away, and the light was dimmed countless times.

At the same time, the anti-sky warfare is being performed, and the most terrifying power of attack, which is rare in ancient and modern times, is unfolding, just like the second anti-sky warlord, unarmed, hard and humanoid weapon.

After several encounters, one arm of the humanoid weapon was torn apart, and the neck was almost torn apart, and the head was almost separated.

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