Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3947: Ye Chen shot

Below, the quasi-giant Suo Tianzun of the Celestial Race did not continue to attack the angel emperor. Seeing the shocking battle above, it was shocked and sometimes revealed a gloomy color. Obviously, the psychological impact of this battle on him was not bad.

He couldn't imagine that the Emperor of War was so strong that he could fight the third ancestor to this point, even if it was just a relic, it was invincible enough to find an enemy in the chaos and shipwreck.

The battle between the two directly reached the outer sky, which belonged to the highest point of the Pangu universe, almost detached from the Pangu universe, and surpassed the heavens.

Obviously, the third ancestor of the Celestial Race did not want to be too charcoal, otherwise, with his strength, he could fight under the sky outside the sky like the old foreign giants, allowing the aftermath to disperse and annihilate the heavens.

Of course, on the other hand, it was also because the third ancestor of the Celestial Race perceives that there is an eternal giant in the Pangu universe coldly watching. If he dared to do this, the consequences would be disastrous.


Finally, the battle came to an end. The Emperor of the War Emperor Deng Deng Deng stepped back infinitely, with blood from the corners of his mouth and blood on his body. In this battle, he was not the opponent of the third ancestor of the Celestial Race, but he was defeated.

However, the remains of the third ancestor of the Celestial Race did not gain much advantage.

Generally speaking, they are in a range that is not too far apart.

The third ancestor of the Celestial Race looked at the Emperor of War solemnly. He did not expect the extreme quasi-giant to be so powerful, but he looked at the angel emperor, and said: "Give the remains of Shugusi and the great path to this seat, Ben You don't want to engage in evil with the Pangu universe, nor do you want to destroy this chaotic ancient universe."

The Emperor of War coldly said: "Do you want to destroy?"

The third ancestor of the Celestial Race said: "If you don't hand it over today, even if the shed skin of this seat cannot succeed, the true body of the deity will come in person."

The discoloration of all parties changed, and the deciduous skin of the third ancestor of the Celestial Race was so powerful, and the real body of the deity was so powerful that it was hard to imagine.

By then, will Pangu universe repeat the same mistakes of the past years of the invasion of foreign giants?

"is it?"

An ethereal voice suddenly sounded, but the slender and tall heroic figure suddenly appeared in the sky. It was Ye Chen, who did not know when to appear.

Standing with his hand, he looked at the remains of the third ancestor of the Celestial Race, and said indifferently: "This seat hopes that your true body can come, otherwise, it's just sloughing and it doesn't mean much."


When the words fell, Ye Chen set off and took a step forward, already in front of him in an instant.

A punch blasted out, shaking all the way!

At this moment, the human skin of the third ancestor of the Celestial Race was always calm on the face, and finally changed color. He could feel Ye Chen's horror, beyond the Emperor of War, and said in surprise: "Who are you? I never knew that there was a figure like you in the Chaos Sea."

As the third ancestor, he is also a giant of the ages. In the same era, he is almost either in retreat or in deep sleep, even in the blood-stained era. He rarely pays attention to the current Chaos Sea. Big event, otherwise, would you not know Ye Chen, the fierce fighting king!

Shocked and shocked, the skin of the remains is blooming with infinite sacred emperor light, which contains the eternal giant-level road runes, melted in the sacred emperor light, and turned into indestructible light armor to protect oneself.


During the collision, the sacred emperor light released by the third ancestor of the celestial race can be said to have been destroyed. The chaotic holy fist penetrated everything and landed in front of him. It penetrated all the emperor light defenses and penetrated the remains. The front and back of the human skin.

The heavens were silent, with just one blow. The remnant of the third ancestor of the Celestial Race was able to fight the Emperor for a long time and suppress it, but could not resist Ye Chen's punch.

In the distance, Suo Tianzun waited for the Celestial Race to change the color.

The third ancestor of the Celestial Race also showed incredible eyes, facing Ye Chen, and said: "Who are you, you are so strong, even the Supreme Sage Emperor back then."

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Taishenghuang is my master, and master is strong. As a disciple, I am naturally strong."

The Chaos Sacred Fist shook. Even if the skin of the sloughed was inscribed with infinite giant-level runes and the existence of eternal blood, but it could not withstand Ye Chen's power, and the third ancestor of the Celestial Clan that was attached to it completely collapsed. Extinct, only a piece of human skin remains.

This deciduous human skin looks thin, but it is extremely heavy, and a single trace is enough to crush the sun, moon and galaxy.

"Although it is just a relic, it contains the essence of the eternal giant. It is extremely tough and not much worse than the armor of the eternal Taoist soldier. It can be refined into a good defensive armor." Ye Chen chuckled. Taking away this remains, after all, this remains can have such a strong power, on the one hand, because of the eternal thought of the third ancestor of the Celestial Race attached to it, on the other hand, it is the result of the sacrifice of infinite treasure .

After obliterating the eternal thoughts of the third ancestor of the Celestial Race, Ye Chen turned his eyes and looked at Suo Tianzun.


Under the eyes of the first-generation giants, the quasi-giants could not bear it, and the soul of the quasi-giants almost disintegrated, their faces were pale, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

"I heard that you want to bring back the great inheritance of my friend's ancestors." Ye Chen said lightly, but Suo Tianzun was shocked when he heard it, and learned an amazing piece of news.

Angel Emperor is a friend of this mysterious giant.

Who is he?

Among the arrogances of the Celestial Race not far away, Soth tremblingly said: "You, which giant are you?"

Ye Chen seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "Me? Not long ago, you said that you would challenge me, and you said that my name is not righteous, and it is impossible for Chaos Sea to be powerful. It is a deception."

Immediately, Soth's eyes widened, terrified.

This supreme taboo giant who can easily annihilate the third ancestor's eternal thoughts is actually the fighting king?

Suddenly Soth felt a sense of despair.

Fighting Saint King is not a joke, but truly possesses the strength of the eternal giant.

He dared to scream, it was clearly an act of seeking death.

At this moment, Soth said bitterly: "Your Majesty the Fighting Saint King, please also have a lot of yours. Don't blame me for the lies of such villains. I really don't know Taishan."

"Following the prestige of the eternal giants will bear the blame for death."

Ye Chen said lightly, under the supreme, guilty of supreme majesty, it is a heinous crime, not to mention that he can kill an eternal giant like the supreme taboo giant, it is a crime worthy of death.

When Soston changed his color, he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Your Majesty the Fighting Saint King, please forgive me, I won't dare next time.

Suo Tianzun also hurriedly said: "Please also your Majesty Fighting Saint King to forgive the children. The adults don't remember the villains, the children will definitely not dare next time."

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