Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3961: Emperor

Immediately, everyone understood, fearing that all of this was due to the Celestial Race, otherwise how could the alien race know their tracks.

   You must know that they left the Pangu Universe silently, and on the way there, Ye Chen took action to cover up all the traces, even the ancient giants would never want to find any clues.

   It's not the Celestial Race, and it's impossible for the alien race to detect all this.

   "What a celestial race, dare to betray us!" Shen Rong looked ugly, killing infinitely.

   Angel God Emperor's graceful face also showed a thick dignified color, but he did not expect that the aliens could not stop halfway, and the lineup was extremely vast, sending a full three eternal giants.

   And for the emperor of longevity, she also knows a thing or two, that is the giant of the world that made the three ancestors of the Celestial Race jealous.

  The three giants of the ages come together, just to deal with them?

   I'm afraid it's because of this young and strong fighting king.

   Ye Chen raised his eyes and said: "The Celestial Race betrayed the news to you aliens."

   Apart from this, there is no other possibility.

   The Emperor of Longevity sneered and said, "It’s okay to tell you that humans are about to die. It is indeed the Celestial Clan who told us the news."

   The Angel God Emperor's face was pale. Although he didn't have a sense of belonging to the Celestial Race, in the final analysis, he came out of the Celestial Race. Master Xiugus also buried the Celestial Race underground.

   As a last resort, she really does not want to go to the opposite side of the Celestial Race.

   But now, besides the Celestial Race, who else will betray them?

   "Impossible, shouldn't, the three ancestors are all wise, how can they easily become enemies of the Pangu universe." The angel **** emperor shook his head lightly, feeling that there was a hidden feeling here.

  Although Ye Chen and others had foul with the Celestial Clan before, it was not serious. Besides, the Celestial Clan knew the power of the Pangu Universe and also knew the power of Ye Chen.

  In love and courtesy, even if the Celestial Race does not like Ye Chen, they will not continue to betray such a terrifying first-generation giant.

   And once Ye Chen successfully escaped and survived, for the Celestial Race, he would face Ye Chen's endless anger, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

   Why betrayed?

   Angel God Emperor really can’t understand.

The angel emperor Xiuchen knew the struggle in his mother's heart, and he sighed secretly, and said: "Mother, don't rush to defend the Celestial Race. Brother Ye has come to suppress the Celestial Race, crush the two ancestors, and let the Celestial Race release you and me. The two of them are also powerfully demanding the soldiers of the quasi-giant as a reward, which can be said to have made the Celestial race faceless. Under the anger of the Celestial race, they would not hesitate to sell our traces to foreign races."

   The Angel God Emperor was silent, and now, only this explanation is left.

   Ye Chen's eyes fell coldly, and said: "I will clean up the Celestial Race myself, but only with the three of you foreign races coming, dare to stop me?"

   In the words, I looked at the past and the present, and did not put the three big aliens in the eyes, even if there is the first-generation giant, the Emperor of Longevity.


   Alien heroes Yiling!

   However, no one dared to refute it, because all the past achievements all showed that the Fighting Saint King was indeed very strong, and it was completely unqualified to say these things.

   In the past, he resisted many foreign tycoons by himself, and the anti-slaying caused people to turn their backs on the horse, and the emperor and ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty were suppressed.

   In front of him, even though the alien race had come to three eternal giants, there was even the first generation giant, the Emperor of Longevity. However, if you want to truly kill the Saint King of Fighting, there is no absolute certainty.

"Do you look down upon this seat?" The emperor of longevity squinted his eyes, unleashing the infinite eternal power on his body, surging through the ages: "Fighting the saint king, don’t be too arrogant. Although you are strong, the three of the people in this seat are enough to kill you. !"

   The reason why only three alien giants came to attack Ye Chen, on the one hand, was that Alien Ancient Universe could not send too many eternal giants, because all aspects were eyeing each other, and Pangu Universe monitored every move.

   Once too many foreign giants are born, then the other eternal giants in the Pangu Universe that have drifted away in the Chaos Sea will inevitably be alarmed and participate in it. In this way, it will be even more difficult to kill Ye Chen.

   On the other hand, also because of the absolute confidence of the Emperor of Longevity in his own strength, as the first generation of giants, he does not believe that he can't kill a sage king with two eternal giants with him.

"haha, really?"

   Ye Chen sneered, and took Will everyone into his body with his hands, because next will be the giant-level peak battle, and the Supreme Emperor will not be able to help at all, on the contrary, it will become his burden.

   The angel **** emperor wanted to make a move. She was a quasi-giant anyway, but after seeing the opponent's lineup, she fell silent and actively gave up the struggle and entered Ye Chen's body world.

   Giant-level battles, quasi-giants are not enough to watch.

   On the alien side, the Emperor of Longevity did not collect the quasi-giant and supreme who followed, but ordered it to disperse, without knowing what purpose it had.

   "It's a bit interesting. Today, I want to see where the guts of you bereaved dogs come from, and dare to stop and kill me!"

   Ye Chen seldom calls this seat, but the outside or enemies generally call himself this seat, showing his majesty.

   The words stayed behind, followed by the footsteps With a bang, the heavens shook, and the sea of ​​chaos exploded heavily. Ye Chen took the initiative and killed the three eternal giants of the foreign race.


   The Chaos Giants attacked, and they shocked the past and shone the present, turbulent many realms.

   "Hahaha." The Emperor of Longevity laughed and said, "I don't know how many epochs, no one dared to speak to this seat like this. Back then, even those who provoke one or two have passed away, including the eternal giants!"

   He is the first generation giant, an immortal existence that has been in the world since the beginning of Chaos Sea, a truly invincible existence.

   How many epochs have passed, but She is the same first-generation giant, even if other giants of the ages dared to do this, they have personally killed them, leaving a remarkable record in the long years of life.

   In fact, he can be called one of the people who have lived for the longest time in all ages. Even if you look at the first generation of giants, the years of rise are relatively high, otherwise he would be called the Emperor of Longevity.

Across the ancient and modern, overlooking one epoch after another, the endless years, the Emperor of Longevity witnessed the birth of the Chaos Sea and the Chaos Ancient Universe, and also witnessed the rise and fall of countless supreme lords, including many eternal giants. As they rise up against the sky from their weak hours, they also watch the endless years and fall.

During the period of   , there is no lack of witnesses of the rise and fall of some supreme beings that have risen during the same period.

The world has changed for countless generations, and it is as strong as an eternal giant who has witnessed the rise and fall with his own eyes. He is the only one who has always survived in this human world and has become a witness of history. This life.

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