Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3963: Invincible posture

At the same time, Ye Chen has evolved hundreds of thousands of Chaos Sword Lights out of thin air, rushing out of the sky, underground, void, and chaotic nothingness, everywhere, far away, and flooding the enemy.

   This is a peerless ultimate move, extremely scary.

   The expression of Emperor Swallowing Emperor changed drastically.

   That kind of killer move can hurt his eternal body.

   The expression of the Emperor of Longevity changed slightly, but there was no big surprise. It was indeed amazing to admit the strength of the Saint King of Fighting, which broke through the ages.

   Therefore, this time I came to three giants of the ages, and he, the first generation giant, took the lead personally, which shows how much attention is paid to the fighting king.

   "Battle Saint King, today you will die!"

   The emperor of longevity roared, full of hairs flying, shining bright light, and infinite soul power rippling between the eyebrows, turning into a monstrous ocean, evolving a terrifying killing technique.

   This is a first-generation giant, the strongest of the giants, and it makes a full shot. That scene is unimaginable, and it is enough to make the giants of the ages feel scared.

   But seeing the realm of longevity resurfaced again, it was more real than before, as if it had evolved a real upper realm, with space resonance, time rippling, and time immortal.

   This strike showed that it was unparalleled, and compared with the other two foreign giants, they were far behind.

   This is the strongest display of the first-generation giants, which is far from comparable to that of ordinary giants.

   At the same time, two foreign giants were also attacking, cooperating with the emperor of longevity, to kill Ye Chen.


   Ye Chen showed the Tianhuang Euphorbia in his left hand, the spear of judgment in his right hand, and the Chaos cauldron above his head. One halberd and one shot were the main attack, and the cauldron was the main defense. It could be described as an integrated offense and defense, completely fearless.

   At the same time, Ye Chen yelled and performed Chaos Taoism, surpassing the old Chaos Five Forms. It is a world-class Taoism created for thousands of years after becoming a giant. There is no clear move, no clear method, and you can do whatever you want.

   seems to be ordinary and insignificant, there is only one style, but at this moment the most terrifying method of attack has evolved, and all methods in the world can evolve.


   A long river of years emerged, and a huge monument stained with emperor's blood fell from the sky, covering the boundary, and pressing on the three giants of the foreign race.

   "The Burial Monument?"

The Emperor of Longevity was taken aback. It was the eternal soldier of the Emperor of Heaven, who was once infected with the blood of the emperor, but in fact, not only the emperor was killed, but the emperor was even killed, and he was buried with the blood of more than one eternal giant. The soul of the eternal giant.

   Under the loud noise, the burial monument was exploded. After all, it was not a real Heavenly Emperor soldier, but just evolved.

   wa la la

After the burial monument was smashed, countless chains of order and gods appeared between the heaven and the earth, but they had the mighty power to suppress everything, intertwining the three giants, making them feel a sense of **** to block the road, and the emperor of longevity said gloomily: " What a fighting saint king, it has evolved into a monument to the heavenly burial of the emperor, and now it has evolved into a sleepy sky!"

  The trapped Tiansuo is also a famous soldier of the Heavenly Emperor, which can trap the soldiers of the Heavenly Path, but in fact it can trap the giants of the ancients.

   Of course, I couldn't really stop the three of them, they were torn apart.

   Later, Ye Chen used Chaos Taoism to evolve one after another eternal Taoist soldiers that shocked the world. They continuously blasted and killed the three giants of foreign races, and the sound of rumbling kept shaking in all directions, which was quite vast.


Once again, after the evolving eternal Taoist soldiers were shattered, at this time, after the power of the three foreign giants such as the Emperor of Longevity was greatly reduced, Ye Chenchan appeared, holding two war soldiers, and a great chaotic cauldron above his head. Before, he shouted: "Kill!"

   More fierce giant war broke out.

The blood was overwhelming, and people were stained with blood from time to time. It is better than Ye Chen's body being stained with blood. The chest, abdomen, shoulders, and legs were all penetrated. The bones are deeply visible, the blood is blurred, and the chaotic holy blood is dripping and staining red. The boundless sea of ​​chaos.

   Of course, it has its own, but more of it belongs to the enemy.

He is too strong. As a chaotic giant like the first generation giant, he is blessed by three eternal soldiers. The three foreign giants also have a headache. During the war, he could not be effectively injured several times. On the contrary, he was **** from time to time. .

   If it were not for the existence of the Emperor of Longevity, it would be even more difficult to harm Ye Chen.

   A place of emptiness in the sea of ​​chaos, silent, there are three terrifying figures here, without aura, hidden here.

   If Ye Chen were here, he would definitely find that these people were precisely the three ancestors of the Celestial Race.

   At this moment, the three ancestors of the Celestial Race are secretly observing this fierce giant battle.

   The second and third ancestors were shocked, and I had known Ye Chen's power a long time ago, but I watched it again and it was still the same.

  The three big alien giants, including one of the first generation giants, cooperated with the three, it was difficult to gain much advantage during the war.

   Is this the strength of the fighting king?

   is stronger than imagined, and the corresponding strength was also hidden in the Secret Realm of the Celestial Ancestral Land.

   It is no wonder that the first ancestors spoke, and the battle of the holy king is unfathomable. I saw it today and it was true.

   The first generation ancestor Shimou stared at Ye Chen, the half-universe half-world stone body on his body was shining, and he didn't say a word, which didn't mean anything.


Ye Chen roared, his black hair flying, his roots flying like a real dragon, his eyes were as bright as heavenly swords, and he evolved an infinite body. He was surging by endless chaos, and time and space surrounded a long river of years appeared, as if Re-enact the chaos to create an ancient universe and practice the good fortune of the universe.

  Behind his head, the Taiji diagram constructed by the lunar sun appeared, and there was also a tenth heaven divine aperture behind him, which evolved into the tenth heaven of the new universe.

   Ten Thousand Worlds are also emerging one after another, and all spirits appear.

   A vast upper bound is even more present.

   At this moment, like the master of the universe, his power is amazing.


   The four eternal giants fought fiercely together, extremely fierce, hundreds of millions of order **** chains exploded, ten thousand lines collapsed, ten thousand worlds shattered, all souls were charred, and no one knew how many realms were shaken.

   is here, far away from the core of the Chaos Sea, otherwise such a battle will inevitably alarm the giants of the heavens.

   Even so, the terrible fluctuations of the war passed away, giving way to the supreme powerhouse at the core of the Chaos Sea, and was shocked. Looking at this place, he secretly surprised who would act.

   It's a pity that the distance is too far apart, and the four eternal giants are fighting fiercely, affecting the secrets of heaven, and because of the blood-stained era, the people at the core of the Chaos Sea can't predict who is fighting.


The emperor of longevity roared, because his shoulder was pierced by Ye Chentianhuang Euphorbia, another alien giant was pierced by the spear of trial, and the last alien giant, Emperor Swallowing Emperor, was pierced by Chaos. Ding shattered half of the eternal body.

   This scene completely shocked the three ancestors of the Celestial Race.

   With one enemy and three, you can still reach this point. The Fighting Saint King is really brave.

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