Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3965: Suppress the Big Three

The Emperor of Longevity is really a bit unclear, and the world is vast. Even in the past and present, it is really difficult to see such a young and strong supreme giant.

   He was yelling, and his whole body rushed into the endless avenue runes, shining brightly, shining boundlessly, and the longevity world enveloped himself, trying to isolate Ye Chen's attacking power and recover his injured body on his own.

  The broken limbs are flying back, and the injured body is beginning to reorganize.

As an eternal giant, and even the most powerful first-generation giant, he was actually forced to this point. I don’t know how many epochs have been there before, and he is also a junior whose years of cultivation are far from his own. This is unimaginable in the past. .

   "It's useless. Although you are the first-generation giant, you are both the first-generation giants. There are strengths and weaknesses. You are not my opponent."

   Ye Chen waved Tianhuang Euphorbia, once again cut down the head of the Emperor of Longevity, and separated his head. Of course, even so, it would have little effect on the first generation giants. The vitality was flourishing, and reorganization was not a problem at all.

   However, this time it was difficult to do it, because the Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia contained absolute eternal power and chaotic power, which suppressed the ten thousand ways, and the eternal giant's way could not be resolved in the first time.

   The Emperor of Longevity really wants to refit his head and needs to pay a price that is beyond the previous.

   "Battle Saint King, you are looking for death!"

   The Emperor Swallowing Emperor rushed over and turned into the body of the Sky Swallowing Beast. It opened its mouth that could swallow the heavens and swallowed Xiang Ye Chen to rescue the Emperor of Longevity.

   At the same time, the third alien giant also broke free from the blockade of the Gun of Judgment.

   At this moment, the three giants of different races showed supreme taboo supernatural powers, and they all killed Ye Chen together.

   "Eternal ages are empty!"

   Ye Chen used the forbidden supernatural powers of the samsara emperor to dissolve all supernatural powers and spells into nothingness.

   Of course, such a one-time solution to the taboo magical powers of the three giants, it is impossible to be as strong as he is completely safe, coughing up blood from the corners of the mouth, and paying a great price.

However, Ye Chen's goal has been achieved. In the field of inability, the advantages of the Chaos Eucharist are fully displayed. In an instant, he came to the front of Emperor Swallowing Emperor. The emperor respects, standing strong.

At the same time, the Chaos Immortal Armor flew out of him, croaked, appeared on the Emperor Swallow, completely wrapped his incomparably huge body, tightly sealed every inch of the corner, as if he was wearing this pair of chaos. Xianjia.


   Chaos Immortal Armor can be an absolute defensive Taoist soldier, and it can also be a powerful weapon to blockade and suppress the enemy, suppressing the Emperor Swallowing Emperor in the Immortal Armor, wrapping, suppressing, and imprisoning actions in layers.

   The Emperor of Swallowing roared, struggling frantically, releasing the eternal power, and countless eternal roads were gushing out, impacting the chaotic armor, trying to break free from the blockade of the chaotic armor.

   It's a pity that even if he is very strong, he is an eternal tycoon, but if he wants to explode an eternal soldier, he can't do it in a short time.

   Ye Chen's purpose is very simple. It is enough to simply block Emperor Tun Emperor's actions for a period of time.

With a long roar, Ye Chen held the great chaotic cauldron, the human and the cauldron became one, turning into a bright chaotic light, breaking through the air in an instant, penetrating the chaotic sea, tearing the boundless ground, and crashing on the third alien giant. A strong blow.

   Of course, this is the only way to smelt the usual thousands of tricks in order to blow up an eternal giant in the face.

   The Great Cauldron of Chaos shook and suppressed it in the cauldron. No matter how this alien giant struggled and caused a sensation in the Great Cauldron, he never let go.

   Dingbi has all the heavens and all spirits emerging, and even the mark of the strongest person that was killed in the past is emerging, as if he has recovered, and at the very least, he has also boarded the Supreme Emperor realm to suppress this alien giant.

   The imprisonment and suppression of two foreign giants one after another seemed to be slow, but this actually happened in just a few moments, and it was completed.

   Of course, even if it is as strong as Ye Chen's imprisonment and suppression of two eternal giants in a short period of time, the seemingly simple thing is also serious.

   This can be said to be a combination of the usual hundreds of thousands of moves into a single move against the enemy, it is not simple.

   Naturally, the effect is very good. Two foreign giants were suppressed in a short period of time. As far as this battle is concerned, it can virtually reduce a lot of pressure.

   Finally, Ye Chen's eyes fell on the Emperor of Longevity, quite dazzling and cold: "It's your turn!"

At this moment, Ye Chen did not hesitate to burn the chaos holy blood in his body, and quickly adjusted the Qi machine to the most extreme, and continued to be in the peak and hey state, holding the Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia to attack the past, the Emperor of Longevity is the Qi machine. How could he be his opponent when he was weak.

   "Junior, come on!" The Emperor Longevity roared!


   The two first-generation giants were at the peak of the battle. The Chaos Sea continued to explode, and many realms were sank. The world affected by this, and even the Primordial Chaos World, are countless.


   Half an hour later, the Emperor of Longevity was blown by Ye Chen.

The blood was surging, once the first-generation giants were crushed to pieces, the power of the explosion was amazing. There were many realms, and the impact was extremely far-reaching. Even the ancient chaotic universes at the core of the Chaos Sea far away from here were shocked, and their eyes widened. Looking at this place.

   The wave of destruction is too strong to hide.

The Chaos Immortal Armor and the Great Chaos Cauldron, which are suppressing the two great alien, and the two great ancestors of the Celestial Race, who are fighting fiercely by the strongest Taoist bodies of the eternal giants, are all destroyed by the emperor's blood. Boom and fly away.

   But soon, the immeasurable blood and light were reversing, reorganizing the eternal body of the Emperor of Longevity.

   His Eternal Soul is roaring, showing the most terrifying eternal principles, giant magical powers, and great killing skills, etc., slaying Ye Chen frantically, even in a severely wounded and weak state, this moment also blooms unprecedented combat power.

   The long river of years has surfaced again and again, and it has been blasted away again and again, unable to descend effectively.

In the end, after the peak battle that can be regarded as shocking the ancients, the first generation giants such as the emperor of longevity were also exploded by Ye Chen many times, the body of the eternal exploded many times, and the soul of the eternal was torn apart. Again and again.

   Although Xingshen has been reorganized again, the Qi machine is weaker than ever.

   He was suppressed by Ye Chen himself, and he used the great halberd to penetrate his head, penetrate the body of eternity, soul of eternity, and nailed to the sea of ​​chaos, extremely weak.

   But it is still extremely difficult to kill this first-generation giant, far more difficult than killing the eternal giant.

   is as strong as Ye Chen, unable to kill this first generation giant in the first time.

Naturally, in this battle, Ye Chen also paid a high price. The eternal Taoist soldiers such as the Tianhuang Euphorbia and the Judgement Spear exploded many times, covered in blood and shattered their flesh several times, and the chaos holy soul was also torn apart. After driving it many times, the Qi machine fell and was in an extremely weak state. This was the weakest time since becoming a giant.

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