Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3972: Break the line

However, there is not much time for Ye Chen to verify this point of view, because the inexhaustible force of killing is drowning, and it is far away, completely obliterating every inch of space, and it is inevitable to avoid it. .

   Even if it is replaced by an eternal giant, most of it can only hold on for a short period of time, and then he will be smashed by a blast.

   After all, this is one of the strongest killing arrays that can annihilate the ancient universe!

   But the phantom of Chaos Little Universe is extremely strong, resisting most of the attacks, and even if there are still many remaining, it is not a big problem for Ye Chen.

   It's just that he can clearly feel that the small chaotic universe is gradually being corroded by the final kill. Obviously, it is not true that the final kill can annihilate the ancient Chaos universe.

On the other hand, Ye Chen was also quite curious. Since the entire chaotic ancient universe can be destroyed by a single kill, there should be a kind of devastating wave of destruction to the chaotic universe that has not been completely perfected, but why Now it collapses extremely slowly.

   Although it is still collapsing, but at that speed, if you want to be completely collapsed, the time limit is probably more than ten thousand years.

   Ye Chen couldn't help but wonder whether there were some unknown factors here.

   The Emperor of Longevity was surprised. It seemed that he did not expect that the phantom of the Chaos Cosmic would be so immortal, able to withstand the terrible power of the world. It should be noted that even if it is the first generation giant, it is nothing more than that.

   Ye Chen encompasses the phantom of the chaotic small universe. It does not invade all the laws, and all evils do not penetrate.


   The killer burst was rumbling, and the whole was trembling, receiving a huge impact.

   I have to say that Ye Chen is really too strong, and he was enveloped in a series of kills, and it was difficult to really help him for a while.

But in the same way, Ye Chen couldn’t help but the Emperor of Longevity, because that Absolute Killing Formation was both a killing formation and a defensive formation. It could protect the Emperor of Longevity and others to a great extent. It is only necessary to break the battle.

   But at present, it is difficult to be as strong as Ye Chen.

   Is it so stalemate?

   No, Ye Chen would never wait for this. Once the ancient alien universe came to other supreme giants, although the possibility is not high, it is not impossible, he would not sit idly by.

   "Well, as long as you kill the Emperor of Longevity, nothing is not worth it."

   Ye Chen looked towards the final kill, his eyes pierced through everything, and he could see the same cold eyes of foreign heroes such as the Emperor of Longevity.

   The Chaos Immortal Armor flew out and fell on Ye Chen's hand, the Emperor Swallowing Emperor who had been suppressed for a long time inside.

   The Emperor Swallowing rushed out of the Chaos Armor, but turned around without thinking.

   Because he knows Ye Chen's horror well, he is far from his opponent.

   But Ye Chen grabbed it with a big hand, the universe was shrouded in shadows, and time and space were blocked in all directions, making Emperor Swallowing Emperor unable to break free.


   Divine power erupted, Ye Chen suppressed and imprisoned Emperor Swallow with absolute power, and then injected a large amount of Chaos Divine Power and Chaos Runes, the expression of Emperor Swallow changed: "Battle Saint King, what do you want to do?"

   "As a prisoner, you are not qualified to ask these questions, you can only contribute all your value with all your strength!"


Ye Chen threw the sealed Emperor Swallowing Emperor away, and the huge body of the eternal tycoon slammed straight into the final killing array. When the light of immeasurable killing rushed to Emperor Swallowing Emperor, it suddenly detonated the infinite power of chaos in his body. .

   The terrifying loud noise immediately alarmed the Chaos Sea.

   The Emperor Swallowing Emperor was torn apart, detonated, and completely exploded in the final kill.

   This is not the first time Ye Chen has done this. In the past, when he killed the ancient alien universe alone, he used the alien quasi-giant to detonate, preventing the three big aliens from pursuing and killing.

   is just a repeat, of course, the detonator is much stronger, and it is the real giant of the ages.

   The detonation of an eternal giant was extremely terrifying, much more terrifying than a simple self-destruction.

   The unparalleled power is arbitrarily impacting the absolute kill formation, and the entire killing array is constantly shaking.

   The aliens were all shocked and furious. The fighting sage king was so cruel, and unexpectedly detonated the Emperor Swallowing Emperor to break the battle.

   I have to say, this is indeed an extraordinary strategy. The final kill was really shaken by a violent blast, and one can imagine the impact.

   Ye Chen screamed: "Detonating an eternal tycoon can't completely break this unique battle? It's not easy!"

   Soon, Ye Chen detonated the reorganized Emperor Swallowing Emperor again.

   This time, I was blown away by Shengsheng.


   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Chen left with the eternal soul of Emperor Swallowing Emperor who was torn apart, and immediately detonated again, slamming into the final kill array fiercely.


   The terrible loud noise is endless, it is hard to imagine that it can crush everything completely.

   Within the final kill, the emperor of longevity and the foreign heroes felt the impact, but they were not harmed, and the final kill was fully resisted.

   However, he was hit by the Emperor Swallowing Emperor several times, and it was a lot of faintness.


   The Emperor Swallowing Emperor was detonated once again, and the power of destruction was greater than the past, completely tearing apart a huge gap.

A handful of eternal souls who put away the extremely weak and weak of Emperor Swallowing Emperor ~ Ye Chen rushed into the core of the ultimate battle array, and shot directly, the most powerful chaotic power instantly crushed a bit of alien supreme, accurate Giant!

   Although it is impossible for the vitality of the supreme and quasi-giant to die immediately, Ye Chen, like a tiger, entered the flock, and instantly caused extremely terrible and huge casualties to the foreign race.

   A supreme emperor's body couldn't bear the power, the real body burst, even if the spin broke apart, it finally exploded completely.

Thirty-seven alien supreme sages are all supreme figures of the Dzogchen Emperor Realm. However, facing Ye Chen who is more than twice as powerful as many of the first generation giants, he can't bear it directly. It's gray.

   It is unbelievable, but to what level is Ye Chen so powerful today.

   Of course, Ye Chen focused on the Emperor of Longevity, and broke through the defense of the ultimate attack, fell from the sky and killed him.


   With a full blow, the eternal body of the eternal emperor of longevity trembles constantly, showing signs of cracking.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Chen struck seven punches in a row, all with full blows. The Emperor of Longevity was hit hard, and his strength declined sharply. It was not as good as before. Moreover, facing the stronger Ye Chen, the eternal body could no longer bear it. , Completely exploded, torn apart in the void.

   "No, this seat will never just fall away like this."

   The Emperor of Longevity roared, the eternal body was instantly reorganized, and in that instant, he caught the three quasi giants of the foreign race directly, lit them directly, and threw them to Ye Chen to detonate.

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