Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4008: Ye Chen's promise

The immortal kings of the primordial immortal realm changed their colors: "There are so many eternal giants in the ancient universe of foreign races. How did this happen?"

   "Think of me that the prehistoric immortal world is in the eternal era, and I have been collecting information from all parties in the Chaos Sea, but there are some eternal giants in the alien ancient universe, but they have never heard of it, shouldn't be the case!"

   "Once an eternal giant is born, there must be huge movements, how did the alien ancient universe hide it?"

   There are many immortal kings in the great desolate fairy world, from the first generation of giant immortals, the middle to the immortal kings, the quasi immortal kings, and the supreme immortals are all shocking.

As the first Chaos Ancient Universe in the Chaos Sea, the age of the Primordial Immortal Realm can be said to be the longest. The ancient alien universe, the ancient Chaos Universe with its original generation, has been closely observed, and even the aliens have been seen with their own eyes. The rise of the ancient universe has reached its peak.

   For the ancient universe of alien races, it is not to say that it is an eternal giant. Even the supreme, or even the emperor, and some of the world's arrogant talents who are not in the era, will observe closely, and there will be no leftovers.

   However, I never knew that there were such a terrifying number of eternal giants under the ancient alien universe.

   Even the prehistoric fairy world feels a little frightened.

   From the Eternal Era to the present, how much information has the alien ancient universe hidden?

   Is everything in front of me?

   The deepest part of the Chaos Sea, a mysterious place, and even a place regarded as a forbidden place by all parties.

  This place is indeed the territory of the oldest clan-the origin holy clan.

At this moment, there is an extremely terrifying eternal giant in the origin holy race. It is recovering. Looking at the alien ancient universe in the center of the Chaos Sea, one can also see an alien giant coming out, shocking the past and present. Not too much.

  There is the most ancient and modern existence, after the opening of the sea of ​​chaos to the present, looking at the ancient universe of the alien race, slowly said: "The alien race, will finally show its hideous fangs in this life?"

"Era after epoch change is also the accumulation of epoch after epoch. The ancient universe of foreign races, led by characters like Shidai, has gone through many epochs, and has long been no less than the immortal world. My origin of the holy race can be regarded as a long time observation of foreign races. However, I didn't expect that the accumulation of foreign races would be so profound. There are so many eternal giants, not to mention that there are several people who have reached that level, almost touching the level of the ancestor, the first generation, and the emperor."

   "The background of the alien race is the most terrifying, but the prehistoric immortal world can't be underestimated, but at this time, I dare not rush to make a move."


   Hong Huang Xianjie.

   Even Ye Chen's expression changed drastically, and it was the first time he was so shocked.

   The alien race is too terrifying. If he had entered the alien ancient universe alone, he would have never returned when he met such a lineup.

   It seems that since the epochs of the ancient alien universe, too many backgrounds have been hidden.

   And I don’t know, are there other giants still dormant?

   At the very least, Ye Chen hadn't seen Shi Dai's figure yet, and he seemed unmoved.

   All parties in the Chaos Sea trembled in the Chaos Ancient Universe, and felt an extremely terrifying sense of oppression. With such a large number of eternal giants, I am afraid that only the Primordial Immortal Realm in the Chaos Sea might be comparable.

   "Yes, the Pangu Universe is right in front of me. I shot it and destroyed the Pangu Universe, and went straight to Huanglong to find the true eternal secret."

   "I wanted to do something in a few more years, but unfortunately, the Pangu universe has already touched the bottom line of the ancient universe in our world, and there is only one more mythological destruction!"

   The tycoons of the foreign races spoke without a word, indifferently and ruthlessly ordered to carry out another cleansing of the ‘myth shattered’ of the Pangu universe.

   Headed by them, there are three terrifying existences whose breath is no less than that of Mo Daozi. These are among the real strongest backgrounds of the alien race, second only to the strongest ancestor, and are known as the taboo existence of the half-step overlord.


   The tycoons of foreign races crossed the Chaos Sea directly, approached Pangu Pass, and directly shot, attacked Pangu Pass, and even dealt with Taishenghuang and others.


   Fighting and fighting the saint ancestors are fearless, fully releasing the mighty power of the world, the ancient and modern.

The warlord against the sky held a halberd in his hand and penetrated an alien giant. When the halberd shook, it easily shattered the first alien giant, and the light of war enveloped the fragmented alien giant, turning into a glowing silver light. The light, actively attacking the giants of foreign races.

   Tai Sage Emperor looked solemn, but he was not afraid, the Yin Yang Tai Chi picture enveloped the nine heavens and ten places, leading the Yan Emperor to rush to the foreign giants.

   Human Sovereign, with the Reincarnation Tower on his head, holding the Human Sovereign Sacred Sword, also broke out to the extreme.

   Ye Chen's Immortal King's Dharma Body roared, smelting the Heavenly Dao Sun, and all the eternal Dao soldiers revived the strongest, exploding out of a more powerful force than the original giants.

   A terrifying collision broke out in the Chaos Sea.

   In an instant, Pangu Pass was completely exploded, and nothing could be resisted. Only the Heavenly Emperor's Ziji Lingxiao Palace was safe and sound, releasing a special brilliance.

  In the Pangu universe, several quasi-giants and the supreme emperors led the powerful to go, even if they knew that they were not able to intervene, they should give their part of strength at this time!

   Vaguely, blood and light can be seen, flooding the universe, the vast and boundless sea of ​​chaos, spreading across the vast boundaries.

   The supreme emperors and quasi-giant figures were blocked, because the emperor’s voice came out, and it was still calm: "You don’t want to come here to add casualties, stay in the universe, and maintain the stability of the universe."

   In this level of war, the supreme and the quasi-giant are nothing but cannon fodder, and cannot play much role. It is more appropriate to stay in the universe, maintain the stability of the universe, and protect all beings.

   All the emperors supreme grief, in these wars, supreme is just a small soldier, unable to play a corresponding role.

  The Emperor of War, holding the supreme scepter, said loudly, "I can fight!"

   With the blessing of the supreme scepter, as a quasi-giant in the extreme realm, he can fight a real eternal giant.

But his figure was blocked by a majestic force. He was a warlord against the sky. His voice resounded: "You don’t want to The real battle, the general eternal giants are also dead forever, you Staying behind in the Pangu universe will bring even more terrifying impacts. People of the eternal giant level will be required to sit down, and you will be fine."

   The King of War was silent. He wanted to reproduce the frontline battle, but as the warlord said, in the battle of that level, the general eternal giants really only have a life of nine deaths.


   Ye Chen roared and shook the prehistoric immortal world. At this moment, he completely broke out, releasing a much more terrifying power.

   Seeing that the Pangu universe is about to suffer the most terrible attack, he can't just sit back and watch, let alone watch the Pangu universe with all his family and friends collapse.

   He showed his unparalleled combat power and used Eternal City to suppress Mo Daozi. On the other hand, he rushed to the direction of Pangu universe.

   Furthermore, the voice shook the realm of the immortal world: "Everyone, if anyone helps me through the pangu universe, my Chaos Emperor made a promise here, after the tribulation, if there is a request, I will go all out."

   This sound shook the primordial immortal world, and even spread the Chaos Sea, shaking all parties.

   There is no doubt that Ye Chen's promise is tempting.

   As the invincible Emperor Chaos in the world, he made the promise of "As long as I ask for it, I will go all out." It can be described as an extremely important favor, even if it is a giant of the same level, it is bound to be extremely tempting.


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