Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4022: Ye Chenxue

With a loud bang, an infinite wave of destruction was born out of thin air, no less than Ye Chen ignited the wave of destruction created by many giants such as the Emperor of Longevity, spreading everywhere.

At the origin center of the ancient alien universe, I don't know how many star fields collapsed directly, at least involving half of the ancient chaotic universe, which is extremely terrifying.

However, a beam of brilliance was born, directly covering the entire alien ancient universe, and even the first generation shot again.

I saw that Shidai’s palm and Ye Chen’s strongest holy fist were shaken hard, and there was no injury. The brass bells on his wrists were still there, tinkling, giving birth to a ray of light, covering the infinite territory, with the supreme avenue. Weili, reversing everything, and even reversing time and space, made this endless wave of destruction revert to emptiness, returning to nothingness, as if it had never appeared before.

Even the ancestral temple where the first generation was located has not been destroyed and restored to its original state.

Seeing this scene, all the giants took a breath of cold.

This is the first generation, one of the five great overlords of the Chaos Sea, the most terrifying black hand in ancient and modern times, such an incredible method makes people tremble.

"It deserves to be the invincible originator of ancient and modern times. It is really unfathomable, and there are such methods. But in the last battle of life, I can kill you!"

Ye Chen screamed and continued to shoot, hoping to kill the first generation at the last moment of his life.

The power of the ultimate realm of the emperor boils in the body, erupting to the extreme, the form and spirit, and the chaotic universe are burning to the extreme all the time, in exchange for the most powerful force in this life, and even the real Chaos Sea.

The entire alien ancient universe was trembling, and the origin of the universe even wailed in bursts.

That's because Ye Chen unreservedly released the great power of the Emperor's Ultimate Realm. After such a complete explosion, the entire alien ancient universe would eventually be unbearable and began to collapse.

"If you act like this, you will destroy infinite sentient beings and form infinite karma, which is not good for you!"

When the first generation spoke, the ancestral temple under the seat released infinite light, resonating with the origin of the ancient alien universe, and suppressing the tremor of the entire ancient chaotic universe.

Also protect the sentient beings of the alien ancient universe.

Ye Chen sneered and said, "If you are not of my race, their hearts must be different. It is better for all the other races to die. Besides, I am going to die, even if the karma of the heavens increases, how can I help me!"

With this fist, countless heavy chaotic lights burst out of his fist, breaking through the blockade of the origin of the universe, and falling on the starfields, causing hundreds of thousands of alien beings to be wiped out, and they will never be superborn.

Among them, there are some Supreme Great Emperors who are sitting in the gates, but they are also vanished under the heavy chaos light.

Shidai sighed, "You don't understand now!"

The first generation mastered the means of turning decay into a miracle. Even if the beings of the ancient universe of foreign races were slaughtered, even the Supreme Emperor was among them.

But once it was shot, it was to reverse everything, resurrect it all, and let it all return to its original state.

This kind of method, even Ye Chen was dignified, it was more against the sky than the space-time emperor technique'Yuanshi' created by the time-space emperor.

Shidai fought against Ye Chen, while defending the ancient alien universe, showing unparalleled means, shaking the Chaos Sea.

The power of both surpassed everything, and in the end, with a bang, the two penetrated time and space, and then disappeared, not knowing where they were.

"The overlord of the emperor's ultimate realm is too powerful. It is infinitely close to the eternal realm. It is almost detached. Even the Chaos Sea cannot contain their power. They may enter the mysterious unknown that only the overlord of the world can go. In the middle of the earth!" An ancient first-generation giant said, knowing a lot, so he made a guess.

The ultimate realm of the emperor, the most extreme under eternity.

Perhaps, Chaos Sea can't accommodate their existence.

Of course, this is just a statement.

There are also giants who believe that the Chaos Tiandi and Shidai, the ultimate realm of each other's emperors unfolded and merged to form a new secret realm, and the two entered into a battle.

All in all, no one knows where they are.

Perhaps only a few other hegemons who are also the masters of the world know about it.

At this time, the war between the Alien Ancient Universe and the Pangu Universe ceased, because the key to victory in the war had already shifted to both.


I don't know how long after that, the two reappeared.

At this time, Shidai returned, and his figure was dimly visible as before.

But Ye Chen was flying backwards, his body was cracked, his aura was languid, as if he was already on the verge of being unbearable, and screaming from the sky, he felt helpless.

"It's a pity, it's not the ultimate realm of the emperor after all."

Ye Chen sighed with regret. Although he also managed to step into this situation, after all, he only succeeded in entering this situation with the help of external forces, and he could not persist for too long, and he could not really fight against the original generation. war.

He can't kill the first generation!

Shidai looked at Ye Chen calmly and said, "You come at an untimely time, the timing is wrong."

"Perhaps." Ye Chen smiled bitterly, and the figure that straddled the past and the present gradually faded, and the power of the Emperor's Ultimate Realm could no longer be maintained.

He looked beyond the alien ancient universe, looked at the Pangu universe, looked at the fighting ancestors, the supreme sage emperor, the warlord against the sky, the Yan emperor, the human emperor... and other familiar seniors. The parents, wives and children of Chaos Tianfu saw the younger sister Ruoxi and the disciple...

He saw the Chihiro experienced in the Chaos Sea, as well as several other personal biography and several disciples, and their sorrowful expressions were vividly visible.

Finally, he took a deep look at the Great Emperor Qingtian, who was the origin of the ancient universe of the alien race, and the Great Emperor Liu Dao who was walking away.

"This is the last battle in my life!"

Ye Chen roared, with a touch of tragic and strong, but did not continue the first battle.

Because he had fallen from the ultimate realm of the emperor back to the original half-step overlord level, and was no longer the opponent of the original generation.

He whispered, "At the last moment, more alien races will be exterminated!"


Ye Chen chose to blew himself up!

Finally, the broken power exploded in the ancient alien universe infinite power, rushing to the eight wilderness, and even annihilated the entire ancient alien universe.

"Do not!"

The giants of the alien race changed color, and the Emperor Chaos exploded. At the last moment, it was no less than the real overlord of the Chaos Sea. Such unmatched power would completely blew himself up, which would make the entire alien ancient universe suffer a huge impact, even extremely It may collapse completely, creating an entire alien ancient universe completely annihilated.

However, the other giants were unable to return to the ancient alien universe to stop, because it was too late.

With a faint sigh, something terrifying happened.

In the ancestral temple, Shidai sighed and shot.

No one knows what happened, only knowing that everything is reversing, Ye Chen's self-destruction did not cause any casualties to the ancient alien universe.

The Emperor Chaos is over!

ps: Ye Chen will be back soon!


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