Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4043: Too 13

The latest website: Tai Xiao is shocked, this Ye Chen is definitely not a little saint, his ability must be countless times stronger than what he looks in front of him, otherwise it will not be possible to alarm the revival of the immortal king clock brand.

The immortal king clock's brand resurrected, sinking and floating on the Tai Xiao Yuan Shen, hanging down with faint rays of light, sheltering the Yuan Shen who was about to explode, and repairing it.

"Hey, it turns out that there is also an immortal clock brand on your soul, which is interesting."

Ye Chen naturally understood the immortal king clock imprint in the deepest part of Tai Xiao's primordial spirit in an instant, and the light in his eyes became more radiant, as if two emperor lights were shooting out and submerged in Tai Xiao's body.


If the immortal emperor's soldiers slammed, the immortal king's bell was branded and trembling loudly.

Ye Chen smiled slightly and moved his palm.

call out--

The next moment, Tai Xiao saw in amazement, the immortal king clock brand in the soul flew out involuntarily.

"Do not--"

Tai Xiao tried to use the blood of the Immortal King to imprison and restrain the immortal King Bell from leaving, but it couldn't, and could not hinder it.

The Immortal King Bell is imprinted away from the body, but it is in the radius of Zhang Xu. The entire body is engraved with dense and innumerable avenues. They are all supreme immortal patterns. The moment it flies, the entire Wushanzong mountain range is shaking. The mighty power spread like a sea like a deep sea, causing everyone to change color, almost no less than a real immortal clock.

"this is--"

The powerhouses in the line of Emperor Tai's Immortal King don't even know that there is such a mark of the Immortal King's Bell in the depths of Tai Xiao's soul.

But the moment they saw the immortal bell brand flying out, all the immortal royal family members trembled and surrendered, because they felt the immortal bell brand was extraordinary, like the legendary Tai'a bell that smashed the heavens.

"It's too Zhong!"

"The legendary fairy king clock is dedicated to the eternal Taoist soldiers of the supreme fairy king."

"Unexpectedly, your Majesty attaches such importance to His Highness, and he does not hesitate to place the Immortal King Bell in the depths of his soul."

The powers in the line of the immortal king Tai Ah sighed, and felt that the immortal king Tai Ah valued his son Tai Xiao.

But Sect Master Wushan and other **** kings and quasi-kings have sharper eyes and perceive that this is not the fairy king clock in the legend, but just a mark of origin.

Even so, the immortal king's bell is imprinted here, and it must be no less than the immortal soldier, and it must be extremely strong.

"The Immortal King's Bell is imprinted here. If the supreme immortal soldier is born and conquered, who will be the most exalted?" The guardian of the **** king laughed and stared at Ye Chen coldly and said: "You are strong, But if you continue to fight against my wife, the immortal king, once the immortal king's clock is imprinted, no matter how strong you are, you will only end up in smoke."

As if sensing the words of the guardian of the **** king, the power released by the immortal king's bell brand was even more amazing, shattering the void, extremely terrifying, and giving everyone present felt like a ray of power falling, enough to kill everyone present.

"It's just a mere immortal clock. How can it hurt me? Even though Tai Azhong is here, he dare not hurt me."

Ye Chen was proudly cold, with a move with his palm: "Come here!"

However, it was such a terrifying immortal king clock brand that straddled the void, and did not rush to Ye Chen like the guardian of the **** king imagined, but finally landed on Ye Chen's palm, with only a palm. The size is small and small.

Isn't that appearance just surrendering to Ye Chen's hands?


Tai Xiao was completely panicked, the immortal king clock brand was the original imprint of Tai A Zhong, and the immortal king himself rubbed and applied it, no less than a real fairy soldier, even the supreme immortal could not be so easily attracted. .

How did Ye Chen do this?

The powers of King Tai Axian are even more unbelievable. Even the supreme immortal can hardly do it. Who can do this step, but who else is the deity of King Tai Axian?

Ye Chen's eyes scanned the immortal king clock's brand. The immortal king clock's brand was very powerful, no less than a fairy soldier. He had a ray of will instinct and wanted to struggle, but it felt Ye Chen's feelings more clearly than anyone here. Powerful, it can be said that the starry sky is boundless, the universe is boundless, immeasurable and unpredictable.

As if it were its true owner-too Axian King!

Immortal King Zhong's brand didn't dare to struggle anymore, calmed down, and completely surrendered to Ye Chen's hands.

Ye Chen smiled, flipped his palm, the immortal king clock brand disappeared, submerged into his body, and even submerged in the dantian immortal king Dao species, was swallowed, and became a fairy king clock pattern on the immortal king Dao species.

Ye Chen felt that his understanding of the Supreme Immortal King Sutra had improved a lot.

Also, Tai Ah Zhong was originally the immortal king soldier of Tai Ah Immortal King, and his life was both cultivated and derived from the same origin.

Even if it is just a brand of origin, it also contains an extraordinary understanding of the Supreme Immortal King Sutra.

Ye Chen glanced at Tai Xiao, and said lightly: "This can be regarded as your disrespect to me."

Tai Xiao spit out a mouthful of blood, his immortal king clock imprint was taken away, and said that it was just a disrespectful apologize to him.

He hurriedly attacked his heart and roared, "Thirteen!"

Tai Xiao Tian Ling covered it, rushed out a celestial light, and sank into the vast Xiao Han.

At this time, the guardian of the **** king looked at Ye Chen coldly, and said: "Although I don't know what you used to make the immortal king bell brand be suppressed by you, but when the ancient king of my clan came out, you No matter how strong it is, there is only a dead end!"

Soon, an immeasurable expanse of heavenly majesty came in an instant, and in an instant it enveloped the entire Wushan Zong mountain range, covering a radius of millions of miles.

At this moment, not to mention other people, even the Wushan Sect, the super powerhouse of the quasi-monarch realm, felt the endless pressure like Mount Tai, revealing a faint of horror: "Prime King!"

That's right, it is the Taikoo King.

As a fairy prince, Tai Xiao has a distinguished status. If it is a normal time, it is impossible to send the Primordial King to protect the road. The Divine King is enough, but during the Bloodstained Era, he still sent the Primordial King-level strongest to protect the road. .

The majestic and boundless king's heavenly mighty sky above, completely shrouded in a radius of a million li under this king's mighty mighty sky, and the quasi-kings were also frightened.

The entire Wushan Sect mountain range is crumbling, and the guardian patriarchal arrays appear out of thin air to protect the Wushan Sect.

Wei Yun felt that the boundless power was superior to his Master Wushan Sect, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

The Primordial King, but a giant-like existence, has the ability to control the sky and the earth. With a single thought, he can lay down hundreds of millions of corpses, breaking thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

Such a Taikoo King's dear to Ye Chen can be said to be in great trouble.

However, Ye Chen, who was carrying the guardian of the King of God, remained unheard, unaffected by the slightest influence. He raised his head and said indifferently: "Since you are here, come out. Don't hide your head and show your tail in front of me, otherwise I will do it myself. , You would not have hoped that way."

Everyone in the Wushan Sect changed color, and Ye Chen even dared to yell at the Primordial King at this time.

That is the Primordial King. The Age of Peace is a giant that dominates the immortal realm, especially the Primordial King of the line of the Tai'a Immortal King, who cultivates the Tai'a Immortal King's Sutra and the Unworldly Immortal King's art, which is more powerful, not the ordinary Taikoo The king can be compared.

The guardian of the God King who was being carried hurriedly said: "Thirteenth Ancestor, please take action and kill this person!"

"Too much nonsense."

Ye Chen said indifferently, with a slight force with his palm, he directly squeezed the head of the guardian of the God King. A headless body fell from the sky, and the body of the God King class smashed the Wushan Mountain Range. seat.

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