Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4045: Prince Slayer Daoji

Latest website: Xianjun! ?

Hearing this, everyone in the Wushan Sect Mountain Range was shocked, especially the Wushan Sect Master was even more stunned.

This Ye Chen, who wanted to be accepted as a direct disciple, was actually a fairy king.

It should be understood that the fairy king is above the immortal king, half-footed into the immortal realm.

Throughout the endless years of the establishment of the Wushan School, there has never been such an existence.

King Wushan's expression changed drastically, and he actually turned away a fairy king!

Tai Xiao was also taken aback. He didn't expect that the one who was fighting against him was actually an immortal monarch. It's no wonder that he had such a deep understanding of Tai'a Sword Art.

It's just why, such an immortal king wants to hide his strength and hesitate to degrade and fight with him.

Although he is a fairy prince, his status is very honorable, but in fact, in the eyes of the fairy, he is still only a small junior, and few people will lower their respect like this.

Ye Chen said lightly: "I am not a fairy."

Tai Shisan frowned. If it weren't for the immortal king, how could it be so strong, but he also felt that Ye Chen might just not want to be exposed, saying: "Although the Daoist is very strong, but today I killed the **** of the line of the immortal king. The protector of the king also hopes to give an explanation."

Although Ye Chen is very strong, and the immortal monarch exists, so what? They are the powerhouses in the line of the immortal king, and they represent the immortal king.

Even if the real Supreme Immortal saw them and didn't dare to be so arrogant, let alone an immortal king, he directly killed a divine king, and waited for the entire Tai'a immortal king to be in the same line.

Ye Chen glanced at him, and his indifferent gaze made Tai Shisan's hair horrified: "Do you still want me to make amends for you?"

Tai Thirteen felt a burst of horror. The other party simply swept his eyes across him, making him feel that his whole body was about to explode. He was definitely a peerless powerhouse far above him, even if not. The real immortal monarch must also be the absolute king, not far from the realm of immortal monarch.

Since the other party is such a peerless existence, the mere king of the gods dares to offend him, and he is also committing the following crimes. Even if he is too a fairy king, he will not follow a fairy king or be infinitely close to a fairy king for a little **** king. The existence of antagonism is not worth it.

Although the King Tai Axian is not afraid of people, there is the Supreme Immortal King, the King Tai Axian, who will not interfere too much in mundane affairs, and will not even pay attention to these mundane matters for hundreds of millions of years. Matter, unless it is dangerous to the entire Immortal King's line, it will be alarmed.

The other supreme immortals in the line of Immortal King Tai's are the same, and will not interfere.

Therefore, it is definitely not worth it to fight against such a peerless power for the sake of a **** king.

Missing so far, Tai Shisan hurriedly said: "Friends, please calm down your anger. Too frost offends you. This is his fault."

Too frost is the name of the protector of the **** king.

Everyone was in an uproar. The dignified generation of the immortal king, Tai Shisan, unexpectedly apologized to Ye Chen. What kind of immortality was that?

Tai Xiao frowned and said, "Thirteen, he stole the immortal king clock from the temple."

"The Immortal King's Bell brand has been stolen!?" Tai Shisan's expression changed, and only then did he realize that it was the life-protection card that Immortal King Tai A had personally shot and bestowed on Tai Xiao.

He looked at Ye Chen with a look of jealousy, but he also frowned and said, "Your Excellency, the Immortal King's Bell Seal is the imprint of the body bestowed by His Majesty. You must not lose it. Please hand it over."

Ye Chen said flatly: "I can't hand it over."

The immortal king clock brand has been completely integrated with the immortal king's Taoism, it is not impossible to peel it out, but it is difficult.

Moreover, since it fell into his hands, there is no reason to hand it over.

Even if the immortal king is here, I don't want to come out!

Tai Shisan's face was slightly dark, and said: "Your Excellency, if you don't hand it over, even if you are a fairy king, I will never sit idly by, even if you are an enemy, you will come back!"

"Really?" Ye Chen just slapped it and slapped it. With a bang, the figure of the Immortal King King, Tai Shisan, was photographed and disappeared in an instant. I don't know where he was photographed.

Raising his hand, he patted a Primordial King, this kind of ability really shocked everyone present.


But at this time, above the Wushan Sect, there appeared a towering and huge fairy gate, exuding strands of peerless fairy tales.

"Xianmen, could it be that the Supreme Immortal came personally?"

Under the immortal gate, everyone felt the surrender originating from the soul, including Emperor Wushan, the ancient emperor, and only Ye Chen and Tai Xiao, the immortal prince heir, could stand.

One is the half-step overlord, and the other is the heir of the fairy prince, with the blood of the fairy royal family in his body, he is naturally noble and does not kneel to anyone.

The fairy gate opened wide, and a strong figure walked out. The fairy light was flowing, far superior to the ancient kings like Wushan King, but compared with the Supreme Immortal, there was still a big gap. It was indeed an immortal. Jun.

"His Royal Highness!"

The immortal monarch who walked out was the immortal monarch of the line of the immortal king Tai'a. He bowed slightly towards Taixiao, then looked at Ye Chen and said, "You are the bold person who dared to seize the imprint of the immortal king's bell."

Tai Xiao said solemnly: "Too Huang, shot, suppressed this guy."

"it is good!"

Immortal King Taihuang shot, showing the power of the immortal king, once shot, the power is far better than the Tai 13th and other ancient kings, shaking hundreds of millions of miles of rivers and mountains, and the world is the only one who dominates everything.


The vast fairy light blooms, and the mighty parties.

However, soon, the fairy light exploded, and a frightening scene happened.

But I saw Ye Chen raise his hand to suppress the immortal light. The immortal monarch, known as the invincible under the supreme, buckled under the seemingly ordinary palm. In the end, the figure slammed into the earth. I don't know how many mountains have completely collapsed into ashes, and the Wushan Sect's continuous magic array exploded, and I don't know how many major tracts were annihilated into the sky.

A huge crater with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles appeared on the earth, which was terrifying.

In the void, Ye Chen still stands tall, condescending, overlooking the wilderness, and said indifferently: "I'm just a fairy, do you dare to deceive me? The line of the immortal king, I really think I'm so deceived, if not in the old fairy world Old love, you will definitely die if you offend me today."

"Especially you, too young."

Ye Chen looked at Tai Xiao, his seemingly plain gaze swept over Tai Xiao, directly causing his soul to explode, extremely painful, looked at Ye Chen in horror, and said, "What do you want to do?"

"As a fairy prince, you are indeed qualified to be proud of the same generation, but it is not your capital to look at the heavens. You have to understand that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. Even if your father dare not ask yourself that the world is invincible, you just rely on your father's generation. Father Yin, don’t do whatever you want and think that you are not afraid of everything. In this world, there are still many things you need to fear. Now, I abandon your cultivation, cut your foundation, and you can practice again."


Tai Xiao screamed, his whole body was radiant, his cultivation was exhausted, and he fell from the Holy Tibetan Triple Heaven to the acquired realm, and instantly became a mortal!

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