Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4050: Today, let you see 1 finger, 1 finger can crush the past and the present


True Immortal Chiyang was crushed to pieces, exploded far away from several immortal realms, and his blood was surging. I don't know how terrifying it was. It swept through many immortal realms and shook a small part of the southern wasteland of the prehistoric realm.

It also exploded hundreds of millions of stars in the sky over the southern wasteland of the fairy world into ashes.

Shocked the world!

Slap the fairy soldier!

Slap the supreme immortal!

Such a mighty force has long been beyond the category of the Supreme Immortal, even the Supreme Immortal who is against the sky in ancient and modern times can hardly be achieved, and they have become the generation of the immortal goddess who overwhelming the ancient and modern.

Could it be that Ye Chen is a quasi-immortal king, or even the supreme immortal king who sits above the heavens and overlooks the world in the legend, who has not appeared in several epochs?

All beings are awe-inspiring and silent.

Whether it is a quasi-immortal king or a higher-level immortal king, it is absolutely beyond their ability to measure and speculate.

King Wushan regrets it even more. Knowing that Ye Chen is such a world-class figure, he would never push him out of the door. How could he regret it now.

A supreme immortal's abrupt body and bones shattered, causing a small half of the southern wilderness to shake, especially the many immortal realms nearby, even the supreme immortal, the ruler of these immortal realms, was also shocked and born.

They were all shocked, and they wanted to know what happened, Chiyang Zhenxian, such a long-standing veteran Supreme Immortal, suddenly exploded and broke to pieces. It looked shocking.

In the end what happened?

They released the immortal consciousness and proactively explored the Chiyang Immortal Territory.

However, Ye Chen didn't want to reveal his identity prematurely.

True Immortal Chi Yang didn't know him, but it didn't mean that other Supreme Immortals couldn't guess it either.

He hoped that after returning to the peak, he would return to the Pangu universe again, and then he was caught off guard by killing the alien ancient universe.

As a result, the cosmic chaotic body of Ye Chen shook, and the whole body's qi machine completely turned into a black hole, capable of swallowing all qi machine, even under the exploration of immortal consciousness, he could not perceive Ye Chen's existence at all, on the contrary, he could only perceive a strange one. The black hole, swallow it, even if the fairy consciousness explores it, it will be involved and swallowed.

Several Supreme Immortals showed shocked expressions, opened their eyes and looked into the distance, piercing through hundreds of millions of miles, wanting to penetrate all the truth.

"You dare to spy on me when you wait?"

Ye Chen's expression sank slightly, and he let out a cold snort.

The sky above the Canglan Immortal Territory, located in a distant place beyond the unknown hundreds of thousands of miles away, has a round of immortal sun hidden in the depths of the starry sky, which evolved from the power of the immortal immortal.

This immortal sun is called Canglan Xianyang.

Canglan Immortal Sun is the seat of Canglan Canglan Sword Immortal, the lord of Canglan Immortal Territory.

In weekdays, Canglan Sword Immortal is far away from the Canglan Immortal Territory and enters the immortal starry sky to sit and practice.

Naturally, True Immortal Chiyang's crushed bones also alarmed Sword Immortal Canglan.

At this moment, he walked out of the immortal sun with a diameter of hundreds of millions of miles, and looked into the red sun immortal domain in the outer starry sky above the Canglan Immortal Territory. He wanted to know what was happening, and he also pressed his eyebrows because he didn't expect anyone to dare to face Chi. Yang Zhenxian shot and exploded his fairy body.

At this moment, Sword Immortal Canglan felt that the light of the fairy eyes suddenly became pitch black, and he couldn't see anything clearly. When he was wondering, suddenly, an unimaginable force appeared out of thin air, sending Canglan Sword Immortal. The immortal body that straddled the immortal domain suddenly flew, and slammed into the Canglan Immortal Yang.

The Canglan Xianyang shook, and a giant vortex with a diameter of tens of millions of miles suddenly appeared on the surface of this huge immortal sun, which was completely sunken.

This scene almost happened to several other Supreme Immortals who were spying. They came abruptly, as strong as the Supreme Immortal, and could not detect it. They were quickly blown into the air and hit their respective seat gates or fairy cities. The above, caused a lot of great shocks in the fairyland.

All this actually happened in the blink of an eye.

The great immortals were shocked and angry.


At the same time, the true immortal Chiyang reorganized the immortal body, and every inch of his body collapsed to reveal the light of the radiant fairy road, like a sun sword that can cut the sky.

There is no doubt that True Immortal Chi Yang was completely furious at this moment, even though Ye Chen was crushed to pieces once, seeing how powerful he was, he was still violently unwilling and hoped to win the game back.

He thoroughly bloomed the supreme immortal might, and he did not know how many immortal domains.

At this moment, he is about to explode most comprehensively.

At the same time, several Supreme Immortals such as Canglan Sword Immortal also moved, and in the blink of an eye, they came to the Chiyang Immortal Territory together.

Counting, there are five Supreme Immortals, and they all sacrificed the Supreme Immortal soldiers to each other.

The True Immortal Chiyang also recast the Chijin Immortal Spear. After all, even if the Immortal Spear is broken, it will not be completely scrapped. With the master’s immortal power perfusion, it can be recast in a short time. Bloom the strongest power.

The five supreme immortals kept pace, and at the same time shot Ye Chen.

True Immortal Chiyang said indifferently: "I don't know who you are, but you can never be a member of my prehistoric immortal realm. I know the supreme immortal, the quasi-immortal king, the immortal king, or even the immortal venerable in the immortal world. , But you have never existed. And from the beginning, you have never really used mana. In this case, it means that you are not the immortal cultivator of the prehistoric immortal world, you are from outside the immortal world, and it is very likely He is still a supreme emperor who takes the route of refining the body, and may also be a quasi-giant."

"But, this is not your arrogant capital. In the realm of prehistoric immortals, even if you are a quasi-giant, you have to take it!"

An immortal sword appeared in the hands of Canglan Sword Immortal. The immortal sword was stained with blood, drinking immortal blood, and emperor blood. It was very extraordinary. He pointed to Ye Chen indifferently and said: "Anyone who offends me today will die, no matter who you are. undoubtedly!"

The five supreme immortals pointed to Ye Chen remotely and vowed to kill him!

Hearing the words Ye Chen raised his eyes slightly and took a step forward. In an instant, the sky exploded, and only Ye Chen's words swept through: "You take yourself too seriously, I didn't want to be too Take action, but you have to provoke my patience again and again after waiting. In that case, I can only take action to kill the immortal."

"Tu Xian? You are not qualified!"

Chi Yang Zhenxian and other five supreme immortals shot, and at the same time shot Ye Chen.


Infinite fairy power bloomed, shaking half of the southern wasteland.

Faced with the murderous intent of the immortal Dao that was enough to sink an immortal realm, Ye Chen remained motionless and said indifferently: "Today, let you look at one finger, one finger can crush the past and the present, can kill the immortal and kill the emperor, and cut off the eternal! "

He only pointed out a finger, and the next moment, the five supreme immortals were all horrified, their eyes widened, revealing an unprecedented shock.

Only that finger broke through everything, broke through the forbidden magical powers they used, turned the decay into magic, and fell on them!

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