Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4060: Taiyu Immortal King!

In fact, it was not just her, but the other nine Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, and even others, who were quite curious as to where Ye Chen was sacred.

Because, everyone who is a real Tianjiao is basically named Eastern Emperor Territory, such as Ye Chen in front of him, but he is quite strange.

Moreover, it was even more shocking that Ye Chen didn’t enter the Eastern Emperor’s Temple for a long time, even a quarter of an hour. Even the ten Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao set foot in the Eastern Emperor’s Temple earlier than him. After staying and coming first, I fully realized the origin of the last ray of Xianzun in only a quarter of an hour.

What a terrible talent.

"who are you?"

Donghuang Yanran looked at Ye Chen, also surprised, condensing her beautiful eyebrows slightly, because this Ye Chen was too unfamiliar.

More importantly, the other party seemed to be just a heavenly king. Compared to their easily divine kings, quasi-kings, and primordial kings, they were able to fully understand the origin of the last ray of immortal deity, what a heaven-defying sentiment.

Some people even suspect that Ye Chen is not a so-called heavenly king at all, but may be the Supreme Immortal.

Of course, the suspicion soon disappeared, because the immortal stele contained the power of the Immortal Venerable of the Eastern Emperor, which was reversible from ancient to modern times, not to mention the Supreme Immortal, even the quasi immortal king could not break the defense of the Immortal Venerable.

Unless it is the supreme fairy king!

However, the Supreme Immortal King is not so boring at all, and in the Eastern Emperor’s Holy City, there is the Taiyu Immortal King, and he will not sit idly by, let other immortal kings come, and thoroughly understand the origin of this immortal. , Lost the last hope of calling the Eastern Emperor to return.


At this time, the immortal light is endless, and there is the Supreme Immortal relative, descending into the East Emperor Temple.

"See your Majesty Haoyu!"

In the Eastern Emperor's Temple, everyone except Donghuang Yanran and Ye Chen, including Donghuang Qingshan, paid great salutes.

This is a supreme immortal of the Eastern imperial family with a high status.

Naturally, the origin of the last ray of Immortal Venerable in the immortal stele was thoroughly comprehended, and it also shocked him who was practicing in the Eastern Emperor's Holy City.

He came in person, the purpose is to see what is sacred in the end, to fully understand the origin of the last immortal deity left by the Eastern Emperor, and become the biggest winner.

Soon, True Immortal Haoyu saw the Eastern Emperor Bell on Ye Chen's palm, revealing a ray of light, and said: "Are you the one who thoroughly understood the origin of the last Immortal Venerable?"

Zhenxian Haoyu was a little surprised, because he had never seen Ye Chen.

Ye Chen lifted his eyes, looked at the real fairy Haoyu, and said lightly: "You can say so."

True Immortal Haoyu frowned. This is the first time I have seen such an arrogant young heavenly king in so many years. Wouldn't even those Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao pay great salutes when they saw themselves? Unless it is a descendant of the Eastern Prince like Donghuang Yanran, he can't be polite.

But that is a special case.

However, Zhenxian Haoyu thought that as long as he fully understood the origin of the Immortal Venerable, he could become a direct disciple of the Eastern Emperor. The position of the personal disciple of the generation of immortal Venerables is so high that it can sit on an equal footing with the Supreme Immortal, and even make all the immortals jealous. Minute.

Because the Eastern Royal Family is one of the strongest clans in the prehistoric immortal realm. Not only is the son of Emperor Taiyu the immortal king, but also two direct disciples who have also become the immortal kings. It can be said that they are four immortal kings. Extreme.

The Eastern Emperor himself is even more a figure of the Heavenly Immortal Venerable who is suspected of being a half-step overlord. Looking at the entire prehistoric fairy world, only the immortal ancestor who has also disappeared can overwhelm him.

There are several senior immortal king brothers, as well as many quasi-immortal king-level and supreme immortal-level brothers Ye Chen, really qualified not to salute the supreme immortal.

Of course, he didn't even know Ye Chen's identity, he was the Chaos Heaven Emperor who was the invincible Chaos Sea a million years ago. Even if the Eastern Emperor returns, it is impossible for him to salute.

Haoyu Zhenxian said: "What is your name?"

Ye Chen said lightly: "Ye Chen."

"Ye Chen?"

He was chanting this name. For some reason, Zhenxian Haoyu always felt that the name was a bit familiar, and then he was shocked. Isn't it the real name of the most enchanting Emperor Chaos in the Pangu Universe in the past years?

This young Tianjiao who has thoroughly realized the origin of the last ray of Immortal Venerable is also called Ye Chen.

Of course, True Immortal Haoyu cannot compare Ye Chen with the legendary Chaos Heavenly Emperor. For the time being, Ye Chen’s appearance has changed a bit compared to the past. What's more, the fall of Chaos Heavenly Emperor is the best in the ancient alien universe. The strong first generation personally did it.

The first generation, but can make the entire prehistoric immortal realm exist like an overlord of the world, if he exists, even a half-step overlord will not survive.

Ignoring the true immortal Haoyu, Ye Chen planned to smelt the Eastern Emperor Bell, which was transformed from the origin of the Immortal Venerable, into the Immortal King Dao Seed.


At this moment, a coercion that can be described as crushing the ancient and modern years suddenly fell from the sky, solidifying the entire time and space in the Eastern Emperor's Temple. True Immortal Haoyu also changed drastically, exclaiming: "Your Majesty the Immortal King !"

That's right, at this time, the immortal king's might, and only in this way can the Supreme Immortal also be imprisoned.

Immortal light was surging, a majestic figure fell from the sky, and all the races respected each other. This time everyone including Haoyu True Immortal also paid great salutes. Only Ye Chen and Donghuang Yanran remained.

Donghuang Yanran is the real sister of the Immortal King Taiyu, so naturally you don’t need to salute, but Ye Chen is just a little heavenly king. Even if there is a high chance of becoming a direct disciple of the Donghuang, but at least it’s not at the moment. Disrespect and disrespect a fairy king.

Everyone felt Ye Chen's arrogance.

Ye Chen just raised his eyes and calmly watched the arrival of the Immortal King Taiyu.

There is a halo of immortals on the body of the Immortal King Taiyu, which can have one hundred and eight. Each immortal halo actually penetrates through a vast world, quite extraordinary, just like the supernatural immortal lord of the heavens, with the glory of the immortal king. Covered up, can't see the true face, can only see the stalwart figure looming, giving people a sense of sacredness.

"Haoyu has seen His Majesty Haoyu is really respectful.

The Immortal King Taiyu nodded slightly, his eyes fell on Ye Chen. This was the light of the Immortal King, even if it was not deliberate, it could still make the Supreme Immortal feel boundless pressure.

However, Immortal King Taiyu was slightly surprised, but Ye Chen's expression was calm, there was no panic at all, no awe.

I have to say that this state of mind is amazing.

Immortal King Taiyu spoke peacefully, "What's your name?"

Ye Chen said calmly: "Ye Chen."

Immortal King Taiyu also showed a strange look: "Ye Chen? Same as the real name of the invincible Chaos Emperor of the past."

Donghuang Yanran also looked at Ye Chen in surprise. It was also the first time she knew that the real name of the Chaos Emperor who was enough to keep pace with his father a million years ago was also Ye Chen.

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