Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4062: Build an altar, open a heavenly gate

It is said to be erected, but in fact it is an extremely ancient altar in itself. It belongs to the early stage of the prehistoric immortal world. It was of extraordinary significance at that time. It was later acquired by the Eastern Emperor and is now built on the basis of the original ancient altar. More magnificent and solemn.

The ancient altar is right in front of the ancient temple of Xianzun. The Eastern imperial family is headed by the Immortal King Taiyu, and a large group of important clansmen are here. Naturally, Eastern Emperor Yanran and several descendants of the Eastern emperor who have already become immortals also appeared. Altar.

The immortal king Taiyu stood in the sky, the mist was hazy, and the fairy radiance obscured it, making it impossible to see its true colors.

By his side, Ye Chen was there, motionless, and never stepped back because Immortal King Taiyu was the immortal king. Instead, he stood shoulder to shoulder, which made many members of the Eastern Royal family dissatisfied.

This is disrespectful.

It should be noted that the Immortal King Taiyu is the well-deserved first person of the Eastern imperial family. It is not only the first person in cultivation, but also the status and power. Even the patriarchs of the Eastern imperial family must be called the ancestor of the immortal king. Don't dare to disobey.

Now, a small foreigner from the heavenly king dared to stand side by side with the immortal king Taiyu.

The descendants of the Eastern Emperor only frowned, because the eldest brother, the Immortal King Taiyu, did not speak, so naturally they would not speak, especially now it is a good time to call the Father's Immortal Soul to return. It is not easy to destroy, even if the heart is grieving. It has to be suppressed temporarily.

The Immortal King Taiyu glanced at Ye Chen with a little surprise, because he knew better than anyone else that Ye Chen, who seemed to be the King of Heaven on the bright side, was not easy, even if he could not release the Immortal King's might, but Naturally, such coercive pressure can still prevent the Supreme Immortal from approaching, let alone the mere king of heaven, it is impossible to approach.

In this way, it can only explain one thing, this Ye Chen is not simple, it is not the simple answer of the superficial king at all, it must be a person with a lot of history.

Of course, this is not the time to speculate, because the ancient altar has been successfully completed, and the Eastern Emperor's immortal soul will soon be called to return. Before this, everything has to be suppressed, and it is secondary.

The Immortal King Taiyu looked at Ye Chen and said, "Little friends, please sacrifice a strand of the origin of the Immortal Venerable."

"Okay!" Ye Chen nodded, and when he put his palm off, a strand of the Immortal Venerable Origin of the East Emperor Bell was suspended on the altar.

On the ancient altar, the infinite brilliance suddenly shined on all sides.


In the Eastern Palace, even more bells rang, making the hundreds of millions of repairers in the Eastern Emperor's Holy City excited. They couldn't help but bow their heads and worship, because it was the real Eastern Emperor Bell, and it really rang.

At the same time, the Immortal King Taiyu stretched out a white finger, scratched his fingertips, puffed, a string of Immortal King's blood dripped down, every drop was crystal clear, containing incomparable vitality, letting the void live God lotus, avenue resonance, gods and demons appeared and other visions appeared, and they were very extraordinary.

In the Eastern Emperor’s Holy City, all the powerful people who witnessed all of this had their eyes shining.

The blood of the Immortal King, it is the blood of the Immortal King-level Avenue, how rare, a drop of the blood of the Immortal King can make the Primordial Kings live and die, and lifespan will increase sharply.

Even the supreme immortal is extremely concerned about the blood of the immortal king, and is even very excited.

Now it's not just a drop, but a string, with hundreds of drops, fused together, just like this flying out, exuding a special fragrance, fragrant, breaking through the barrier of the void, and falling on the ancient altar.

The blood of the immortal king was enough to make the supreme immortal jealous, and the quasi-immortal king was extremely moved.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

This string of immortal king blood turned into hundreds of millions of incomparably complex avenue runes, which are immortal characters, and then formed a great formation of immortal kings, which appeared on the ancient altar.

"Call the fairy formation!"

All parties exclaimed and recognized the origin of this immortal king formation, which is the legendary summoning formation. It is said that even if the supreme immortal has fallen, they can also use this immortal summoning formation to call for those who are lost in the years. The return of the fairy soul has an incredible effect.

Obviously, the Eastern Emperor wanted to use this to call the lost Immortal Soul of the Eastern Emperor.

"However, if you want to call the Immortal Soul of the Eastern Emperor to return, you need not only the blood of the descendants, but also the essence and blood of the descendants to have the best effect."

There is an older generation of strongest people frowning and saying that although the blood of the Immortal King is very extraordinary, it feels a little worse to call the Eastern Emperor to return.

Naturally, Immortal King Taiyu also knew that the wound on his fingertips had never been closed, and then ten drops of blood flew out. Each drop of blood was far more brilliant and crystal clear than the blood of the Immortal King before. I don’t know how many times it contains the most powerful. The vitality of the immortal king also has a trace of its origin, which is exceptionally extraordinary.

"The blood of the fairy king!"

The parties exclaimed and were shocked by it, even the Supreme Immortal showed their energy, and was moved by it and wished to rush to grab it.

The essence and blood of the fairy king is the essence of the avenue of the fairy king, and even contains a trace of the origin of the fairy king. Even the fairy king does not have much essence and blood of the fairy king. Ten drops of the essence blood of the fairy king are sacrificed, which directly makes the face of the fairy king Taiyu. A little pale for it.

From this, it can be seen that the flying out of ten drops of the blood of the Immortal King also hurt the Immortal King Taiyu.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Ten drops of the blood of the Immortal King flew down on the Immortal Summoning Array, and immediately, the Immortal Summoning Array gave birth to infinite splendor, illuminating all places.

There were a few drops of the blood of the fairy king, revealing infinite blood, enough to flood the vast starry sky, everything was suppressed.

The ritual for calling the Immortal Soul of the Eastern Emperor is complicated, but it is actually very simple. It only requires the blood of the descendants of the Eastern Emperor and a strand of the origin of the Immortal as the medium.


On this day, the Eastern Emperor’s holy city shook, and runes of the Infinite Avenue were born on the ancient altar, densely packed, all over the void, intertwined in the void into a mysterious and heavenly golden gate.

Tianmen is very mysterious, and it seems to be able to communicate with unpredictable mysterious and unknown areas that are not known by the world.

The Chaos Sea is really too big and endless, boundless, not to say that it is the supreme, even if it is the supreme existence of the immortal king, the eternal giant level and so on, you can't say it for a lifetime to explore every inch of the Chaos Sea.

The loss of the Eastern Emperor's fairy soul is suspected to be in a mysterious and unknowable area.

There is even a rumor, it is very likely that it is in the eternal unknown place in the legend.

Back then, people like Emperor Taisheng and Saint Ancestor of Fighting took the initiative to enter the eternal unknown place. In the end, they had to be attracted by the time and space to successfully return.

Now, if you want to call the Immortal Soul of the Eastern Emperor, who is suspected to be lost in the eternal unknown, to return, you need to use the blood of his descendants as a guide ~ and the descendants are strong enough to guide the return of the Eastern Emperor more accurately.

Moreover, the origin of the immortal deity of itself evolved into a bridge to the sky, piercing through the endless void, piercing all the falsehoods, and allowing the immortal soul of the Eastern Emperor to cross back.

On Calling the Immortal Formation, the blood of the Immortal King Taiyu and the blood of the Immortal King were burning, turning into a heavenly gate, running through the mysterious and unknown place where the Immortal Soul of the Eastern Emperor was lost.

Among them, ten drops of the blood of the Immortal King appeared, imprinting the immortal king's blood throughout the ages, and it was extremely powerful. At this moment, they reflected on each other, illuminating a flaming pillar of the Immortal King's light, rushing into the Tianmen, and opening a special path.


At the same time, the Eastern Emperor's Bell, which was transformed by the origin of the Immortal Venerable, flew out, shining a fairy light behind the Tianmen, and then disappeared out of thin air, and then built a special immortal bridge across the unknown land, and officially began to lead the Eastern Emperor.

However, such a move also created a huge crisis.

The Tongtian Bridge runs through the Chaos Sea and officially opens an unknown area in the Chaos Sea.


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