Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4064: Strike the Darkness

After all, the supreme immortal was born in the Eastern royal family, and it was not a simple generation. During the supreme-level battle, the dark supreme also saw blood, but overall, a lot of immortal blood also burst into his body.

And the most frightening thing is that the Dark Lord actually captured the blood that was scattered by the Supreme Immortal, swallowed it, and the faint aura was also stronger.

"Come back, this is not a simple supreme, dark and evil, can't be careless."

There is no need for the Immortal King Taiyu himself to take action. The Eastern Royal Family walked out of a supreme quasi-immortal king, drank the supreme immortal, calling him to return, and then descended in front of the immortal gate, the immortal might spread, and the dark territory was transmitted through the heavenly gate. Inside, the majestic face was covered with a cold color, and he snorted: "A dark supreme dared to take the blood of the fairy king and the origin of the immortal king of my clan, and invade my desolate fairy world by chance and die!"

The fairy light erupted, and the quasi-immortal king shot, extremely powerful, far surpassing the previous supreme immortal.

Suddenly, the dark territory was shattered by the fairy light. I don't know how many hundreds of millions of miles were shrouded in the blazing fairy light, and the vast darkness was broken open, like if a round of fairy road sun traverses, illuminating the eternal night!

Although the Dark Supreme was very powerful, able to prove the Dao in the flesh compared to the Supreme Emperor, but the gap with the level of the quasi-immortal king was still huge, and he was blasted away.

The quasi-immortal king of the Eastern Royal family took advantage of the victory and pursued, and under ten moves, the Dark Supreme was exploded, and the blood of darkness was scattered over the unknown land.

Even the connecting sky bridge was also contaminated with the blood of the Dark Supreme, and the light dimmed slightly in a vague manner.

However, with the help of darkness, the Dark Lord escaped a catastrophe and disappeared.

"Be careful, this dark territory is very evil, you can't be careless." The quasi-immortal king said in a deep voice, even he felt a sense of oppression, and he could see that this dark territory was very difficult.

"I'm not afraid, my Eastern imperial family is not weaker than others, and the immortal king is standing, and the darkness is not afraid." Another quasi-immortal king of the Eastern imperial family also came, speaking like this, very calm.

In fact, it also comes from the confidence of strong strength and background. The Eastern Royal Family is one of the strongest families in the prehistoric immortal world, and there are several immortal kings side by side, and there is also the ultimate heritage left by the Eastern Emperor.

Even if the Dark Territory is quite evil, don't be afraid.

The Tongtian Bridge continued to penetrate, and soon, the Dark Supreme came again, and not only one person, but the four Great Dark Supremes came at the same time, very powerful.

Although the races are different, there are eight arms, dragon head, horse body, snake tail and peng wings, snake head human body, upper body human, lower body scorpion... but without exception, these dark sages are all red eyes. , Very strange and evil!

On the one hand, he wants to plunder the blood of the immortal king, and on the other hand, he must use the bridge built by the source of the immortal to invade the prehistoric immortal world.

The quasi-immortal king shot again, struck the four dark supreme, still repelled.

However, in the dark area, it is obviously not simple. It also walked out of the dark quasi-giant, with an extremely evil and strange power throughout, which made people feel a sense of ominousness.

The quasi-immortal king of the Eastern imperial family fought fiercely with the dark quasi-giant in the air.

The dark quasi-giants are terrible, they are all physical manifestations, extremely powerful, torn apart and attacking with multiple immortal lights, they are approaching step by step.

At the same time, a few more dark quasi-giants came, and twelve dark supreme lords followed and launched an attack.

The other quasi-immortal kings and supreme immortals of the Eastern imperial family did not dare to be careless. All came at this moment. There were a total of five quasi-immortal kings and 27 supreme immortals, which could be called an extremely luxurious lineup of immortals.

It can be seen that the strength of the Eastern Royal Family is why it can be known as the well-deserved ruler of the Immortal Realm East.

All the quasi-immortal kings and all the immortals attacked together, pierced through all darkness, killed the darkness and shattered, the immortal light shone on the dark territory, and the dark powers retreated.

But obviously, there are quite a few Supremes in the Dark Territory, and they are coming one after another. Later, the Dark Quasi-Giant has a large number of eight, and the Dark Supreme has as many as 33, which is no less than that of a chaotic ancient universe. Peak combat power of the supreme level.

"Eight quasi-giants, thirty-three supreme, isn't that a dark territory, but a darkened chaotic ancient universe?"

Some people suspect that it is not a chaotic ancient universe, it is difficult to have so many supreme and even quasi-giant-level peak combat power, so they suspect that an unknown chaotic ancient universe is bred in the dark territory.

"Impossible, the fiftieth Chaos Ancient Universe does not exist."

Immediately he shook his head and vetoed it. If there was really the fifty ancient Chaos Universe, the entire Chaos Sea would know it, and it would be impossible to hide it.

At this time, the Immortal King Taiyu, who had been sitting up and watching, finally made a move.

At the first thought, the immortal king showed the monstrous power of the immortal king with the help of those ten drops of the eternal blood.

Ten drops of the blood of the fairy king, at this moment, are burning together like billions of suns, blooming an unprecedented avenue of light, surging the light of the fairy king, and the figure of the fairy king Taiyu appearing, like the real body of the deity crossing time and space, truly descending in this darkness Within the territory, the prestige of the immortal king is extinguished.

The fairy light all over his body turned into an endless avenue of flames, burning endless darkness.


In the flames of the avenue, a flaming fairy sword appeared out of thin air. It was the sword of the fairy king. It broke through the sky. As soon as it faced each other, it severely wounded a dark quasi-giant and opened it in half.


The dark quasi-giant is roaring, the power of the fairy king contained in the sword of the fairy king has great restraint against the dark quasi-giant, but a large amount of dark blood is splashing, but it is ignited by the flame of the fairy king, and it burns quickly. The darkness Was burned.

This is the power of the Immortal King level, even if it is only in the air, it can severely injure the quasi-giant who proves the way in the flesh.

Taiyu Immortal King made a strong shot, ten drops of the Immortal King’s essence and blood shone out of the eternal light, and every drop of the Immortal King’s essence and blood was steamed with clouds and Xia Wei, and a phantom of the fairy king appeared, all of which were projections of the Taiyu Immortal King. At the same time, they shot and killed the Dark Supreme.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Cooperate with all the immortals of the upper east royal family to fight together The Dark Supremes retreat steadily, and they were slain with blood and flesh.

Even the dark quasi-giant was joined by two quasi-immortal kings, cut off their heads, and annihilated the true spirit.

The terrible peak battle began to fall.

On the side of the Eastern imperial clan, they have gained a huge advantage.

However, no one in the Eastern royal family showed joy, because this was just the beginning, and no one could guarantee that there would be no eternal giant-class taboos in the dark territory.


Suddenly, the flaming and boundless light of the fairy king was suppressed, and the endless darkness fell from the sky, suppressing the light of the fairy king in the opposite direction.

With a loud roar that shook the ancients and the present, it was obvious that a giant dark giant who did not know how terrifying and huge had come, and the dark aura was better than a few big dark quasi giants and the dark supreme. .


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