Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4083: Datianzun is great?

"Ye Chen, I inherited your eldest son from the immortal realm, Taiyu Immortal King, as well as the two great immortal kings Jiuyou and Hao Zun." Ye Chen said, a strand of the immortal sovereign flew out and said: "This is what you left. The last strand of the origin of the Immortal in the East Emperor’s Temple, as a guide, I came here from the prehistoric immortal world."

The two Great Heavenly Sovereigns and All Heavenly Sovereigns were shocked that Ye Chen actually came from the prehistoric immortal realm.

Donghuang Datianzun frowned, because he had wandered too far away, and the fairy soul was lost. He knew how difficult it was to get from the prehistoric world to the eternal world. During this period, there was not only an endless sea of ​​chaos, but also the endless darkness of the land of eternal night. , Difficulties and difficulties, to successfully come to the eternal heaven.

Ye Chen, only a supreme, wanted to come here from the prehistoric immortal realm, it was a little weird.

With a flick of his finger, he sent a strand of the source of the Immortal Venerable to the front of the Great Heavenly Venerable Eastern Emperor. Ye Chen said, "Return this to you. Now the Chaos Sea situation is very dangerous. The universe, and the ancient alien universe has frequently triggered Chaos Sea Wars recently, so your children and disciples hope you can go back and sit in the Eastern Imperial Territory."

"Junior, you are only the Supreme, you don't even respect the Eastern Emperor."

At this time, King Jin'e was in trouble, and he stated that Ye Chen had no intention of respecting the Eastern Emperor in his words, and at this time offended the Great Heaven.

Everyone fell on Ye Chen, and the heavenly venerables were a little unhappy, and they didn't even respect the Eastern Emperor's great heavenly venerable, let alone the inferior heavenly venerables.

"It's okay, the little friend is just entrusted to find this seat." Donghuang Datianzun didn't care.

The Immortal Great Tianzun said with a bit of indifference: "Emperor, you don't care, but the eternal heaven, the power of the Tianzun is not offensive. This time you can forgive once in your face, but if there is another time, you will not forgive. ."

Donghuang Datianzun frowned slightly, but he had no words to refute, and said, "You can rest assured that you are immortal."

Immediately he said to Ye Chenwen: "Little friend, you are here for the descendants of this seat. You must have gone through a lot of hardships. This seat can make a decision and give you a celestial order to enjoy the same treatment. How about ?"

As soon as this statement came out, countless people in the Immortal God City looked at Ye Chen with envy and envy.

You don't need to experience the Supreme Grand Competition to get the Heavenly Venerable Order. What an honor it is, and only the Great Heavenly Venerable can bestow it like this, and the Heavenly Venerable has no such qualifications.

King Jin'e gritted his teeth and said: "You're a junior."

"No need!" Ye Chen shook his head, leaving all the heavenly supreme and quasi-giant stunned, staring at Ye Chen in astonishment, and actually refused to let the Tianzun Ling bestowed by the great heaven.

All Heavenly Sovereigns are also a little surprised, this little supreme has a lot of courage.

The Eastern Emperor's Great Heavenly Sovereign was also slightly startled, and then shook his head and smiled bitterly. This was the first time he had given something away and was rejected.

He said: "Well, since you don't need it, I will stay. But if you have other requirements, I can promise you once, as long as it is not excessive."

The sentient beings are more fiery. Although they have lost the Heavenly Sovereign Order, they have received a promise from the Eastern Emperor's Great Heavenly Sovereign. There is no doubt that this is more worthwhile.

Especially, if you can become a direct disciple of the Eastern Emperor's Great Heavenly Sovereign, you can even get his instructions directly, which is more precious than getting the Heavenly Sovereign Order.

"This is fine." Ye Chen accepted the favor. Although he doesn't need it now, it doesn't mean that he won't need it in the future.

"Well, you go back, this is not a place you can stay for long." The Immortal Great Heavenly Sovereign seemed to be quite unhappy with Ye Chen, and with a majestic force, he wanted to blast Ye Chen out of this place. Donghuang Datianzun's meaning, let alone Ye Chen's feeling.

However, when this majestic force fell on Ye Chen, it suddenly dissipated, causing many people to be surprised.

This is the power of the Great Heavenly Sovereign, even if it is not much, it shouldn't be something that a Supreme Sovereign can bear.

Ye Chen glanced indifferently at the Immortal Great Tianzun, with a sense of unpleasantness, and said: "I wanted to leave by myself, but you confronted me several times, really thinking I was a good persimmon? Well, today I will challenge you and replace Your position has become the new great heavenly sovereign of this core universe."

Shocked to the world, Ye Chen actually wanted to challenge the Immortal Great Heavenly Sovereign and replace him?

Everyone felt that Ye Chen was crazy, a little supreme, dare to challenge the great heaven.

The face of the ancient master changed drastically every day, even if Ye Chen knew the Great Heavenly Lord of the Eastern Emperor, but so provoking the Immortal Great Heavenly Lord, no one could keep him, it would also affect him.

King Jin'e sneered: "Every day, this supreme courage under your command is so courageous, even the immortal **** dare to challenge."

Donghuang Datianzun's expression changed slightly and said, "Little friend, you quickly apologize to the immortal Datianzun."

The implication was to protect Ye Chen.

Otherwise, to provoke a great heavenly statue in this way would really provoke the immortal great heavenly statue to the wrath, and even his fellow great heavenly statue can't keep it.

Da Tianzun's majesty cannot be provoked. This is the unchangeable rule of the eternal heaven.

The Immortal Great Tianzun coldly snorted: "No, since he dared to challenge this seat, I have to take a look at him. He is a little supreme. How dare He De dare to challenge this seat? Today, this seat grants you a death!"

Obviously, the Immortal Great Heavenly Sovereign was truly angry, and it was absolutely intolerable to be provoked by a little Supreme.

Suddenly, an unprecedented majesty bloomed on him, far better than the previously unknown eternal majesty. The surging power instantly overwhelmed the entire immortal city, and even the entire immortal universe, transformed into The supreme ruler.

Under the majesty of the Huanghuang Great Heavenly Sovereign, all sentient beings trembled, including the Supreme and Quasi-giant, and they were also frightened.

The Immortal Great Heavenly Sovereign clicked a finger, this finger was the Great Heavenly Sovereign's finger, possessing the mighty power to destroy the human world, capable of annihilating anyone under the Heavenly Sovereign, shattering the vacuum, and pointing to Ye Chen.

"Immortal, give me a face and forgive him." Donghuang Datianzun spoke with a serious look, and the same flaming great heavenly prestige stopped him.

"No need, Donghuang."

Ye Chen prevented the Donghuang from taking action, stepped forward, and also pointed a finger, and said indifferently: "Don't say why the Great Tianzun is so great. Although you are the first generation giant, you are not invincible in the world. Before the eternal heaven, I once broke into the land of the eternal night alone, and defeated the nine dark giants, among them is the chaotic ancient seven heroes. The seven of them are very strong, all of which are the eternal giants. In other words, they are all Tianzun, and the leader The Flame Demon God is no less than your Great Heavenly Sovereign level, but when he arrived, he was all blown up and suppressed by me. You are nothing more than that in my eyes."

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