Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4086: Followers

Donghuang Datianzun opened his mouth, with a gentle smile, and said: "I don't know where Ye Daoyou came from, the ancient universe. I think that although you have cultivated a certain immortal way, it is not like the cultivation of the prehistoric immortal world, especially the strong body of Daoist. It's rare in the next life."

The Immortal Great Heavenly Sovereign was also surprised. It stands to reason that there are a few people in the world whose bodies are comparable to him, but Ye Chen can suppress him. I have to say that this kind of body is not generally strong.

Ye Chen had never been taboo, and said, "I come from the Pangu universe."

Hearing that, Zhong Tianzun was very surprised.

Although many celestials have basically entered the territory of the eternal sky before multiple epochs, they have also learned from the supreme or quasi-giant who entered an epoch that the Pangu universe had a cosmic war with the alien ancient universe, and suffered a disastrous defeat, heavy casualties, and even heaven. There is a shortage.

Although many giants on the Pangu universe did not perish and survived, they have never heard of Ye Chen as the number one person. Logically speaking, this half-step overlord should be famous for the endless years of Chaos Sea, and it is impossible to be here. I don't even know.

Donghuang Datianzun said in amazement: "I have a vigorous and vigorous daoist taoist friend, I don't know which taoist friend was reincarnated and reborn."

The other Tianzuns were also surprised. They also suspected that Ye Chen was a great giant in the Pangu universe, reincarnated and reincarnated in cultivation, otherwise, how could they not know each other, how could they look very young.

Ye Chen faintly smiled and said, "You have misunderstood. Although I have been reincarnated, it is not an ancient person you have known before. It is this era that truly proves the way and has come to this point."

All the gods were shocked.

How can there be such a person in the world!

"There is such a person in the world, Fellow Daoist Ye, you let me know that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world!" The Eastern Emperor sighed leisurely, and had to admit Ye Chen's evil spirits, and immediately said in a serious tone: "You Daoyou Ye came from the wild world, Thank you very much for coming here under the entrustment of the descendants. However, it is not clear that I will leave the eternal realm and stay there for a while."

Ye Chen said: "Because the main heaven of the eternal heaven?"

All Tianzun was not too surprised, after all, Ye Chen was also a generation half-step overlord, so it was only natural to guess.

The Great Heavenly Lord of the Eastern Emperor nodded: "The main heaven, the core of the Eternal Heaven Realm, contains great secrets, which need to be guarded by all Heavenly Lords and cannot be ignored."

"What a secret?" Ye Chen said bluntly, now that he is qualified to know, the heavenly venerables dare not hide it.

The Eastern Emperor Datian said: "These great secrets can't explain clearly for a while, it's not like Daoyou Ye go to the main heaven together."

"Okay." Ye Chen agreed.

The gods discussed for a while, and Ye Chen looked at the immortal god, making the latter very jealous and vigilant.

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Are you willing to become my follower?"

These words stunned the heavens, and actually wanted the immortal great heavens to become followers?

Donghuang Datianzun raised his eyebrows.

The Immortal Great Heavenly Sovereign sneered: "Although I am invincible to you, but I am also a Great Heavenly Venerable. The world is so big that it can go, whether it is the Eternal Heaven Realm or the Chaos Sea, as long as I am willing, there will be many The forces are willing to be regarded as guests, and even let this seat become the master of a chaotic ancient universe."

This is true. The Great Tianzun is the first generation giant, not to mention that the Immortal Great Tianzun is the innate Chaos Demon God proving Dao, and Dao has also reached the level of the first generation giant, much stronger than the ordinary first generation giant. Such a giant, countless forces. Willing to solicit.

Especially in this blood-stained era of blood and rain, the strength of the Immortal Great Heavenly Venerable can even deter the heroes. The ordinary first-generation giants are not willing to be enemies, even the prehistoric immortal world is willing to pay a high price to solicit and guard.

Ye Chen said lightly: "If you want to go further, follow it. If you don't want it, I won't force it."

Hearing this, the Immortal Great Tianzun suddenly hesitated.

In his situation, if he goes further, he is a half-step overlord.

It is impossible to say that you don't want to step into this step. After all, it is in a field that is more invincible than the original giants. Looking at the entire Chaos Sea, the number of half-step overlords is probably not more than twenty.

This is still a discussion of ancient and modern.

At that point, aside from the few invincible overlords, who can threaten?

In the blood-stained era, there is no fear.

Saying no desire, it is false, but the Immortal Great Heavenly Sovereign does not believe Ye Chen's words, because every half-step overlord’s path is unique, and the realm is only slightly higher than that. That's it, it's hard to give some pointers.

Even if there is, it is the most precious practice experience, basically impossible to teach others.

Therefore, the Immortal Great Tianzun hesitated, but still said: "Can you really let me step into the half-step overlord field?"

Ye Chen said bluntly: "I can only give pointers one or two at most. Whether you can step in depends on your chance. Outsiders can help. But I can tell you that my physical training flow route is most suitable for your innate. Chaos Demon God. Whether you want it or not depends on you. My purpose is very simple. If you follow me, you will fight for me. You will even fall into the most terrible battle in the Chaos Sea. Not to mention you, even I will fall In danger."

The Immortal Great Heavenly Sovereign is even more silent, and as strong as Ye Chen, such a half-step overlord is in danger of perishing. One can imagine how tragic the battle that will be faced in the future.

Ye Chen stopped persuading.

At this time, the Eastern Emperor Datianzun said: "The blood stains the future, the most tragic, the ten thousand races wither, the ten thousand worlds are destroyed, and the universe collapses. It is very likely that the strongest overlord will also fall. You better think about it."

The Immortal Great Heavenly Sovereign was silent for a moment, came to Ye Chen, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, I am willing to follow you and fight for you, but I hope I can step into the half-step overlord."

"You will."

Ye Chen said a word and turned to leave.

Immortal Great Tianzun followed.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Tian Zun lamented ~ is indeed a half-step overlord, even the immortal Great Tian Zun of the Megatron Eternal Heaven has become a follower.

However, they also felt depressed by Ye Chen's words.

Yes, the blood-stained future is getting closer. It is the tragic future that is truly blood-stained in the Chaos Sea. Even the most hidden old antique will jump out. No one can avoid it, and the half-step overlord is in danger of perishing. , And even the Chaos Sea Overlords who squeezed the invincible hand of ancient and modern times, I am afraid the same is true.

All Tianzun left the ancient temple of Datianzun.

In the Immortal God City, everyone did not leave, silently waiting for the gods.

At this time, seeing Ye Chen appear side by side with the Great Heavenly Sovereign of the East Emperor, the Great Heavenly Sovereign of Immortal followed closely behind him, and the Heavenly Sovereigns followed.

The corresponding status can be seen from it. Obviously, Ye Chen and the Great Heavenly Sovereign of the Eastern Emperor are the respects, the Great Heavenly Sovereign of Immortality is slightly inferior, and the Heavenly Sovereigns are the last.

However, everyone believed that the Immortal Cosmos was about to change, the position of the Great Heavenly Sovereign would be replaced, Ye Chen would become the new Great Heavenly Sovereign, and the Immortal Horizons would also be renamed.

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