Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4098: Chaos defect

That year, the existence that was trapped in the long river of years was indeed the most powerful and invincible!

At the very least, as powerful as it is, the original will of Eternal Night Land is even more powerful than the half-step overlord in terms of strength. In one-to-one situations, even the half-step overlord is not its opponent.

But that year, the fighting ancestors and others appeared, went to an important place in the long river of years, and fought with it, and finally shocked the invincible existence.

That invincible existence was originally trapped in the long river of years and could not leave. It knew it and had been paying attention all the time.

After all, many times, it came to the important place of the long river of years, and with the help of this place, it finally cultivated its own spiritual wisdom, and was born. It knows many things on the river of years, including how the invincible exists. I know when I'm trapped.

For a long time, it has been jealous of the invincible existence, worrying that the invincible existence will one day get out of trouble and will deal with it. Therefore, the fighting ancestors and others are going to solve the trouble of the invincible existence, it is not allowed.

Unexpectedly, even though the invincible existence was trapped in a long river of years that had been cut off, he could still make a move, and showed an invincible blow that overwhelmed the past and present!

That sword can cut through eternal years, fly out of the long river of years, and cut its original body of will in half.

Fighting Saint Ancestor and others took the opportunity to take the opportunity and almost killed it here.

If it hadn't escaped in time at the critical moment, it would have been killed there.

I am afraid after thinking about it!

However, after the Fighting Saint Ancestor and others took that one away, the original will of the Eternal Night Land had no worries about it, and it was naturally no longer afraid.

What's more, that important place in the long river of years is an important place for cultivation, and outsiders are not allowed to set foot.

Missing this, Eternal Night’s original will suddenly soared, staring coldly at the three half-step overlords, especially Ye Chen, and said: "Your human race has repeatedly forced me, today I will take action and cut a human race in half a step. Overlord, let your human race regret it!"

"Ever night without boundaries!"

The Eternal Night Land Origin Will roared, and the dark upper realm suddenly rose from the sky, releasing a world light curtain, covering Ye Chen, and there were countless dark lights killing Ye Chen.

This dark light is like a galaxy, endless, but it also contains infinite killing power, enough to kill the eternal giants in a flash!

There is no doubt that this is the killer of the will of the Eternal Night, once it appears, it also poses a huge threat to the half-step overlord!

The Eastern Emperor and the Wild Demon Lord were shocked and wanted to rescue Ye Chen, but the Eternal Night Land's original will was blocked, and he did not give the two and a half steps to the host.

Ye Chen was directly wrapped in this dark upper realm, and there was endless light of darkness attacking him all the time.

Of course, Ye Chen himself is very strong, with the protection of the cosmic shadow, even the light of darkness cannot break through it for a while, but these dark lights are also very strong and are eroding the cosmic shadow all the time. , It will truly break through the phantom of the universe.

Naturally, Ye Chen is not afraid. In the final analysis, apart from the cosmic shadow, his cosmic chaos body is still very powerful, and these dark lights do not necessarily harm him.

But he stopped there at the moment, Ye Chen felt this ray of darkness, and even guided it consciously, guiding hundreds of rays of darkness in front of him, and under the suppression of the powerful cosmic shadow, he stopped in front of him. .

Ye Chen's eyes were as deep as the sea of ​​chaos, observing these dark lights, staring in a short moment, and gaining a lot, it can be said that he has insight into various mysteries, and then actively integrated these dark lights into his body.

After a while, there was a hint of surprise on his face, and he said to himself: "Sure enough, these dark lights are very similar to the power of the original burial owner, like the diametrically opposite chaotic darkness of Chaos Avenue, which can make my chaos The great road is moving towards Dzogchen, making alternative complements."

When he was a quasi-giant of the extreme realm, he had conquered the origin burial owner with the fighting saint ancestors, felt the attack of the origin burial master, and also received one of the heads of the origin burial master, which contained a thunder like the origin The dark thunder bead of the bead is very similar to the nature of these dark lights.

It also contains the origin of chaos, but it is completely opposite to the origin of chaos he cultivated and the origin of chaos in the sea of ​​chaos.

For example, the chaotic origin of the sea of ​​chaos is light, and the chaotic origin of the land of eternal night, the origin burial master, is dark, the opposite is the same.

In the past, Ye Chen had never been able to figure out the difference between the two, and did not understand why the power of the original burial master had the other side of the chaos origin.

By now, he has finally figured it out thoroughly, and he also understands why no one has been able to achieve Chaos Dao through the ages, and why the Taishenghuang’s perception of Chaos Dao has reached the stage of perfection of 9999/10000 The last one-tenthousandth still cannot take the final step.

It's not because the Emperor Taisheng didn't use Chaos Dao to prove Dao becoming emperor. This is a reason, but the real impact is not as great as the world imagined.

But the Chaos Avenue of the Chaos Sea is flawed.

Yes, the flaws are only half of the real Chaos Avenue.

The last one ten thousandth is the other half of Chaos Avenue.

The other half did not, and never existed, leading to the fact that no one has ever been able to prove Dao becoming emperor in chaos!

Even if Ye Chen can completely evolve the Chaos Small Universe into a complete ancient Chaos Universe, it will not be possible for the Great Chaos Avenue to complete the Great Consummation, and there will always be only a stage of completion of 9999/99.

The Burial Lord of Origin and the Land of Eternal Night are all from the Land of Origin, possessing the other half of Chaos Avenue.

The reason why the Eternal Force can make Ye Chen Chaos Avenue more perfect is because the true Eternal Force contains the Chaos Avenue of Dzogchen, so it can gradually complement Ye Chen's defective so-called Chaos Avenue of Consummation.

In the same way, although the dark power of the origin of the Burial Lord and the power of the eternal night is not as good as the power of eternity, but also because it comes from the place of origin, it also contains the path of great perfection. Although it is not a pure chaotic road, there are all They all came from the Avenue of Chaos, so it can make up for his Avenue of Chaos to a certain extent.

Therefore, it has a certain effect on Ye Chen's chaotic avenue to be more complete.

Ye Chen suddenly realized it, his eyes seemed to penetrate the entire dark upper realm, through the land of eternal night, overlooking the entire Chaos Sea, muttering to himself: "The defective Chaos Sea, missing the other half of the Chaos Avenue , Why was it created? Why was it destroyed and created again? What is the place of origin?"

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