Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4145: The first generation ordered to destroy the universe!

  The long river of years, turbulent waves, its length runs through the ancient and modern, without the origin or the end.

   Its magnificence, I don't know how many hundreds of thousands of miles, encompassing the heavens, covering all aspects of the Chaos Sea, and everything, under the envelope of the long river of years, is also presented in the pictures stirred by the waves.

   You can see the chaotic ancient universes, and you can also see the invincibles of the heavens, such as the supreme, such as the giants, and they are also reflected by the waves of the years, but the silhouettes appear dim, and it seems that they can't be fully presented.

   But people are still there.

Do not say that it is the supreme who is known as standing side by side with the heaven, or the quasi-giant and the quasi-immortal king above it, or the eternal magnate, the immortal king, or even the first-generation magnate, the immortal who overlooks the eternity. Existence seems to transcend the years, but in fact it is still within the limitations of the years.

  Because, people are still in Hanoi, and in the middle of the years, no matter how long the life is, it will only live with the world and dying with the chaos.

   But, at this time, a stalwart figure with infinite chaotic energy is not reflected in the years, but stepping from the end of the long river of years. It is a **** future stained with blood.

   Following the chaotic figure, countless taboo thunders descended, like a real dragon crisscrossing the galaxy, flooding the blood-stained future with the most terrifying power of cause and effect.

No one can penetrate what happened in the blood-stained future, only knowing this stalwart figure, coming with a sword, shrouded an incomparable chaotic ancient universe phantom, as if carrying the entire chaotic ancient universe from the blood-stained future. , Broke through all obstacles, descended into this world, descended into the ancestral temple of the origin of the alien ancient universe, and came to the most terrifying black hand in history.

   Others are not in Hanoi over the years, detached from above.

   Although the ancestral temple is small, it encompasses a long river of years and is unknown to the outside world.

   Shidai was very calm, without the slightest accident. All this seemed to be what he expected, and he said lightly: "You are finally here."

   The stalwart chaotic figure looked deeply at Shi Dai, and the Chaos Emperor Jian suddenly pierced Shi Dai directly, the sword pointed at the center of his eyebrows.

   The years and years are boiling crazily. The ancient, modern and the future seem to be undergoing unpredictable tremendous changes, and everything must change.

   This is the most terrifying effect, because the chaotic figure comes from the blood-stained future, not this life, not the people of this era, such a shot, against an invincible overlord, the impact is extremely huge, and it will even subvert the entire time.

   Shidai was always calm, looking at the chaotic figure, his face did not change.

  Finally, the Emperor Sword stopped and hung half an inch before the eyebrows of the first generation. The chaotic light was blazing, evolving into the world, evolving the world, evolving the soul...

The chaotic figure said indifferently: "You seem to think that I am afraid to deal with you. You should know that even if the cause and effect are great, I can bear it alone. In this world, in this past and present, there is nothing I can't do, even if it kills. Damn you!"

   If these words are spread out, they will definitely shock people.

   Between heaven and earth, ancient, modern and future, there is nothing he can't do?

   Or even kill an invincible overlord?

   Throughout the ages, how can there be such a person?

   All these are confined to the ancestral temple of the first generation, no one knows.

   Even the other half-step overlords of the ancient alien universe are still unknown.

   This ancestral temple has a special power.

  Or, the people who came from the blood-stained future blocked all this.

   "I believe it!" Shidai said, "However, it is useless for you to kill me. You still cannot change the established past."

   for a long time,

   The chaotic figure retracted the emperor sword and fell silent.

   Shidai said again: "Your appearance made me understand that there must be unpredictable changes in the future, because you in the future at this time should have disappeared, but reappeared again, unexpectedly here."

   The chaotic figure frowned, and said, "It is true. I have changed too much, which has caused chaos in the years. Otherwise, I should not be in this life at this time."

   Shidai said: "All this is in line with my plan. In that case, I can only correct the chaotic years."

   Chaos figure said: "What do you want to do?"

   Shidai said: "The plan has started!"

After the words fell, Shidai suddenly burst into unparalleled brilliance, ignoring space, ignoring time, covering the entire alien ancient universe in the blink of an eye, and the power of shocking the ancient and the present that made the entire alien ancient universe tremble with it. The emergence of the aliens, the supreme of the heavens, the quasi-giants, the eternal giants, the first-generation giants, and even several half-step overlords, all bow down.

   Even the years and years, as well as the chaotic figure, are separated by life.

   A faint voice like a heavenly Tao spread throughout the ancient alien universe, with an irresistible majesty: "From now on, the official war begins!"


   Shidai spoke, no one dared to resist, even if it was a half-step overlord, he had to obey.

In the ancient alien universe, especially in the center of the universe, the majestic and vast emperor stars were like one forever, but at this moment, from the emperor ancestors of the great emperor stars, all the emperor light that penetrates the Xiaohan, the emperor Pervasively, the ancient alien emperors gradually awakened from their deep the origin of the universe, one after another ancestral temple emerged.

Throughout the ages, this tenth chaotic ancient universe, one of the strongest chaotic ancient universes with a perfect number of ten, is no less than the universe of the primordial immortal world, and the foundation accumulated from eras has been presented one after another, and compared with the original Ye Chen When it came, it was even more terrifying.

  No one knows how much information has been accumulated in the ancient universe of alien races throughout the ages, which is unfathomable and unpredictable.

   But now, it will really show up!

All parties were shocked by the Great Chaos Sea, because they saw the shaking of the ancient alien universe, and countless black holes were born around the huge and boundless ancient universe, which wilfully swallowed the chaotic ancient atmosphere of the Chaos Sea, and developed an extremely terrifying Chaos Sea storm, entrained. With the incomparable power of destruction, it was enough to make the Supreme torn into pieces.

   What is even more shocking is that the original strong aura of the alien ancient universe suddenly became sharp and boundless, like a sword out of its sheath, shaking the sea of ​​chaos.

In the end what happened?


   Suddenly, a huge beam of light appeared on the surface of the ancient alien universe. It pierced the sea of ​​chaos in an instant, crossed the borderless domains, and landed in one of the ancient chaotic universes.

It can be seen from all parties that the ancient chaotic universe was directly penetrated through the boundary of the universe, through a huge hole that penetrates the front and back, tearing through the infinite starry sky of this ancient chaotic universe, and there are hundreds of millions of planes shattered, countless. The creatures are burnt. .

   Immediately, huge and boundless cracks appeared on the surface of this ancient chaotic universe, gradually collapsed.

  In the ancient alien universe, the first generation said indifferently: "Capture the ancient universe of chaos!"

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