Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4164: Ye Junlin VS Taishi Emperor

  The Burial Emperor looked ugly: "Why did you come here at this time!"

   One of the first generation giants of the alien race said: "The Eternal Heaven Realm appeared too suddenly."

  The two great burial grounds of Emperor Buried Ancestor and Ancient Ancestor Burial in the sky coldly snorted. Obviously, he didn't believe in the words of the ancient universe of the alien race.

  With the primordial overlord, how can he not notice the existence of the eternal sky? In the final analysis, I want to use the power of the chaotic burial ground to obliterate the living power of the eternal sky.

   At this time, the only way to fight against the eternal heaven is with the help of the ancient alien universe, so it is not easy to turn his face.

Of course, Pangu Universe is also impossible to watch. A group of giants headed by Ye Junlin, Qianxun, Emperor of War, and Emperor Wuxiang led all the emperors to kill and joined the camp on the side of the Eternal Heaven Realm. The advantages.

The ancient universe of the chaotic burial ground is shaking violently, and many giants fight, even the ancient universe of chaos is unbearable. Many terrible cracks are appearing on the boundary wall, each of which is more than tens of thousands of miles wide, spreading over the boundary wall, causing Super terrible impact.

   A large amount of ancient Chaos Qi is surging surgingly from the Chaos Sea into the Chaos Burial Grounds, and the Qi mechanism of the entire ancient universe is rapidly weakening.

   This makes the expressions of the powerful in Chaos Burial Ground ugly. If we continue to fight in the ancient universe, Chaos Burial Ground will be unbearable and collapse sooner or later.

   However, there is no other way, because there is no way to expel many giants.

   If they were just a few giants, they would be able to expel them, and they would not even be expelled. Instead, they would be trapped in the chaotic burial ground, and they would be killed slowly.

   But so many giants is another matter. It can be said that it is beyond the tolerance of Chaos Burial Ground.


   Ye Junlin is fighting fiercely against an emperor in a chaotic burial ground.

He is extremely powerful. He inherited all the advantages of Ye Chen and Abenu, the true chaos dragon born, such as the first dragon in the sea of ​​chaos-the ancestor dragon, even if it became the existence of the first generation giant, there is still a big Growth.

  His opponent is just an eternal giant-level emperor, so naturally he is far from his opponent.

   During the battle, Ye Junlin achieved a horizontal push.

   After a dozen or so rounds, he blasted the Emperor of Burial Ground alive, and his Chaos Emperor Sword drank the Emperor’s blood, achieving a special evolution and becoming stronger.

   "If you kill you, the Emperor Chaos will take the Emperor's blood and soul with the sword, and he will definitely go further and become the strongest soldier." Ye Junlin looked at the Emperor of the Burial Ground who respected Chuang with a glow.

  He looked like a hunter, looking at the prey of Emperor Tibet.

   Suddenly, a first-generation giant-level emperor descended, and it was the Taishi Emperor who came to deal with Ye Junlin himself.

   The endless emperor's majesty overwhelmed the sky, trembling the heavens and the world, forming a battlefield, even other giant battles can hardly affect this battlefield.

   Similarly, it was also to restrict Ye Junlin and prevent the fighting forces from affecting the entire Chaos Burial Ground Ancient Universe.

   Now that the ancient universe of the Chaos Burial Ground is showing signs of collapse, it must be stabilized anyway, otherwise it will continue to last, and it will collapse completely before the end of the war.

The Emperor Taishi looked at Ye Junlin and said, "You are like your father, with extraordinary talents. You are an infinite arrogant who has been extremely rare in countless epochs. In just one short period of time, you have actually cultivated into the first generation giant. Level, sure enough, neither you nor your father can stay."

"Do you want to kill me that way?" Ye Junlin's eyes were as bright as the chaotic sky, staring at Emperor Taishi and said: "However, old fellow Taishi, I also want to kill you. In the past, it was the chaotic burial place you took the lead. Disaster the old origin of the ancient road, let my Pangu universe's first royal family be trapped there for endless years, and even then many great emperors are buried there, now let you pay the debt."

   He held the Chaos Emperor Sword in his hand, blazed with infinite chaotic light and killed him, slamming Emperor Taishi.

   Naturally, Emperor Taishi was not an ordinary person either. With a long roar, he immediately struck Ye Junlin.

   The old and new generations of giant-level battles are terrifying.

   Taishi Emperor is the first tycoon with endless years of enlightenment. It has survived since the beginning of Chaos Sea. No one knows how old it is, and how unfathomable his cultivation is, it is also unknown.

   The only thing he knows is that Emperor Taishi is very powerful, and he is also regarded as the best among all the emperors in Chaos Burial Ground.

  His invincibility has long been famous for countless epochs.

   When the Era was buried that year, when Emperor Taishi led the emperors to destroy a chaotic ancient universe, he personally killed giants, which was extremely terrifying.

   Now, he wants to kill Ye Junlin and regain his former glory.

"Even if Ye Junlin is strong, you are still too young. You need to be in awe of the older generation, because you will never know how powerful the older generation is." Emperor Taishi said indifferently in his hands. The same sword that appeared was the Taishi Emperor's sword.

  This Taishi Emperor's sword used to cut the supreme and quasi-giant, and also killed the giants. With him, he has drunk too much blood from the powerful. It is a fierce and prestigious soldier.

   How many years have The Emperor Taishi rarely used the Emperor Taishi sword, but every time it was used, someone would fall.


   The Taishi Emperor's Sword illuminates the entire battlefield, and the terrifying murderous intent is permeated. It is the strongest manifestation of the first generation of giants.

   When the eternal giants meet, they must be divided into two.

   On the other side, Ye Junlin also wielded the Chaos Emperor Sword, shining hundreds of millions of chaotic rules, involving time and space, involving time, and ten thousand ways. It is the supreme embodiment of chaos and is equally terrifying.

   The sword and the sword violently collide, annihilating the boundless place.

   The entire battlefield was shaking frantically, falling into the brink of collapse.

   Ye Junlin said coldly: "You are old, this is not your era. It belongs to our younger generation."

   The Chaos Emperor Sword struck across, containing the mighty power to destroy everything. It swept across the years and shattered time and space. It was colliding with the Taishi Emperor's Sword, and an extremely terrifying annihilation force occurred.

  If it were not for the support of the battlefield, it would have destroyed the endless land of the ancient universe in the chaos burial ground.

   The two sides fought hundreds of moves in the blink of an eye.

At their level, it is very rare to want to fight so many tricks together. Basically, the winner is usually divided within ten rounds, because for them, gestures are the real manifestation of the big way, without too much Fancy is embodied.

   Boom boom boom boom boom——.

   In the end, there was a splash of blood, and a blood hole appeared in Ye Junlin's chest, which was pierced through the heart by the Emperor Taishi sword.

   However, the Emperor Taishi was even more uncomfortable, because Ye Junlin directly used a peerless blow to blow his life and turn it into a **** light, sweeping the land of Liuhe and eight wastes.

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