Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4192: Deduce whereabouts

Ye Chen frowned, the original will of Eternal Night has now grown to this point, silently killing the half-step overlord of the ancestor of the wild.

It is hard to imagine what level it has reached today.

Donghuang and Tian'a Immortal Lord also looked solemn, obviously extremely jealous of the original will of the Eternal Night.

Even the holy race of origin and the ancient universe of alien races are also quite jealous.

Although the original will of the Eternal Night Land has attacked and killed the Profound God Ancestor, and successfully hunted when the Profound God Ancestor became a half-step overlord, so that the Origin Saint Clan lost a major enemy, the original will of the Eternal Night Land has become A more terrifying enemy, because no one knows whether the original will of the Eternal Night will attack the Origin Saint Race.

Thousand Chance Tianzu grabbed part of the imprint of the primordial universe with his palm. The celestial compass appeared on the top of the sky. It was rotating rapidly, and scenes of scenes emerged. It involved the primordial universe, the ancestors, and even the eternal The scene of the original will of the night land.

I can clearly see that the figure of the Profound God Ancestor appears in the picture, but it does not have the sacredness of the past, but the pupils are dark, and the whole body exudes a strong dark light, which is obviously transformed by the fusion of the original will of the Eternal Night. Yes, they are fighting against the great ancestors, and easily collapse the entire ancient chaotic universe with gestures.

In the end, everything disappeared and the heavenly compass stopped spinning.

Qianji Tianzu's eyes were extremely deep, and he said, "I went there."

Donghuangdao: "Where?"

Qianji Tianzu sneered and said, "Why do I want to tell you that."

Hearing this, the faces of the Eastern Emperor and the Immortal Lord Tian'a were slightly dark, but in fact it was true. The Origin Saints dared to fight against the Primordial Immortal Realm, so they didn't care about all this.

Immediately, Qianji Tianzu looked at Ye Chen and said, "The Emperor Chaos, do you want to know its whereabouts?"

How could Ye Chen not know what kind of idea he was making, and said indifferently: "What do you want?"

"It's very simple, hand over the Tiandao grinding plate, and this seat will tell you." Qianji Tianzu sneered, "Of course, you can also not hand it over, but this Eternal Night Land's original will hates you the most, now it is hunted. He is a single half-step overlord, but next time it may be your turn or Pangu Universe."

These words are already threatening.

However, the original will of the land of the eternal night can hunt down the ancestors of the eternal night, indicating that its strength has reached an extremely astonishing level. If you do not take the opportunity to take action, I am afraid that it will completely refine the origin of the land of the eternal night of the ancestors. The will will be stronger, and even close to the overlord level infinitely, then it will pose a threat to the four major overlord-level forces.

Qianji Tianzu said: "Chaos Tiandi, you'd better think about it clearly."

"Don't hand it over." The warlord against the sky got used to it and said: "It's a big deal. There is a heavenly emperor in the Pangu Universe, and the original will of the eternal night is not threatened."

At this time, Aoyuan sneered: "This is hard to tell. The blood-stained future is coming soon. Once other overlord-level forces start a war on the Pangu universe, Eternal Night's Origin Will will take the opportunity to attack the Pangu universe, saying that it will not take the opportunity to die. Drop a few half-step overlords."

The war against the Pangu universe is naturally the alien ancient universe.

These words seemed to be a reminder, but in fact, the Ancient Alien Universe didn't want to watch Ye Chen continue to grow stronger.

If the Heavenly Path Grinding Plate is exchanged for the Origin Saint Race, at least the Heavenly Path Ancient Ancestor will be able to restore strength to a large extent.

And even if it calculates the whereabouts of the original will of the Eternal Night Land, it can hunt down the two half-step overlords of the Profound God Ancestor and the Primordial Ancestor, no one will think that the current Chaos Emperor can deal with it.

Di Shengdao: "Emperor Chaos, how are you thinking about it?"

Ye Chen glanced at him: "Nothing."

Qianji Tianzu sneered: "In this case, Pangu Universe should ask for more blessings."

"Whoever said it, you can deduct it." Ye Chen sneered, and the heavenly path millstone rose up into the sky and slowly rotated. At the same time, a gossip yin and yang pattern appeared. A closer look showed that it was like a fateful chart. Deduces the infinite information of the heavens.

Do you really think that he has been in vain for hundreds of thousands of years?

Ye Chen obtained the overlord-level remains of the origin burial master, and it can be said that he has made great progress for hundreds of thousands of years.

Especially when it comes to deduction, I was inspired by Qianji Tianzu at the beginning, and I will study this way for hundreds of thousands of years.

Therefore, as the highest achiever of Chaos Avenue, he has reached an extremely astonishing level in deduction.

Nowadays, the chaotic chart appears, the five elements and gossip, the heavens and the ways, and everything can be deduced.

Qianji Tianzu's expression changed slightly, but he said gloomily: "Emperor Chaos, although you are very powerful, but you still can't do it if you want to demonstrate the original will of the Eternal Night. Under the world, I alone can do it. ."

"Stop talking nonsense, just look at it."

The chaotic chart above Ye Chen's head was turning sharply, reflecting countless pictures, just like when Qianji Tianzu deduced it just now.

Seeing this scene, Thousand Chance Tianzu's expression sank, can this Chaos Tiandi really perform it?

Soon, Ye Chen got a deduction result, saying: "It turns out that it is in a barren land. No wonder it hasn't been found."

The deserted land is the seven most terrifying secret realm in the Chaos Sea, and is as famous as the eternal heaven.

Of course, it is the eternal unknown place, the predecessor of the eternal heaven.

The extinct land is one of the places where the emperor and the first generation led the Chaos Sea to fight against the origin of the holy clan. The most terrifying powerhouse of the year was there to fight, and the ancient Chaos universe was destroyed. The invincible way of the three great overlords annihilated the ancient chaotic universe, thus forming a barren land.

Because the deserted land contains the supreme principles of the three great overlords, even the half-step overlord, or even the overlord, will be affected and it is difficult to effectively promote it.

The expression of the Thousand Chance Tianzu changed drastically, and the Chaos Tiandi really pushed the show. I couldn't believe it.

The two alien half-step overlords such as Ouyuan saw the look of the Qianji Tianzu and they knew that the Chaos Tiandi actually pushed the show, and their expressions sank.

"Let's go!"

Ye Chen said, together with the four half-step overlords, the Heaven-defying Warlord, the Eastern Emperor, and the Heavenly Immortal Lord, rushed straight to the deserted land.

"Let's go too!"

The four half-step overlords such as the Thousand Chance Heavenly Ancestor, Earth Saint, and Aoyuan also rushed to the deserted land.

A barren land, far away from the core of the Chaos Sea where the ancient Chaos universe is located, is extremely remote.

Rao was the overlord of the eight major half-steps, and it took several days to finally reach the Desolate Land.

An endless and magnificent battlefield relics appeared in front of me. Even after endless years, you can still feel the horror of the battle that year. Not only the collapse of the ancient chaotic universe, but also how many worlds have been destroyed. Know how many superpowers have fallen.

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