Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4193: Container (2 in 1, 4000 words)

The barren land is boundless, and I don't know how vast it is.

Originally, this place was formed after the collapse of a chaotic ancient universe. In addition, all the participants were truly peerless powerhouses, headed by the ancestors of the origin holy race, the emperor, the first generation, and the immortal ancestors. There are also many half-step overlords. Among the many giants, the supreme participating in it is even more unknown. It can be said that more than 80% of the entire Chaos Sea that year has gathered the supreme or the super powerhouse.

So many super powers gathered together, and after a terrible and tragic battle, it finally formed the later barren land.

It is conceivable that the extinct land is actually much more vast and infinite than a true ancient chaotic universe, and it is even so vast that it can have a hundred boundaries, more than any ancient chaotic universe in the sea of ​​chaos. Much bigger.

The collapsed ancient universe of chaos is still faintly visible, and there are even more endless world remains, so that the remains of some supreme powers who participated in the war in the past can be faintly visible, all of them are incredibly huge, and many of them are like chaos. Like a primitive world, lying in this land of destruction, there is no vitality, only a statement of how terrible the war was.

Of course, basically even if there are remains, because the age is too old, they have long lost their divinity.

Endless years have passed, and the true supreme treasure in the barren land has basically been divided up by the giants of the days.

And with one era after another, throughout the ages, I don't know how many strongest people came here to search, even some hidden treasures were found one by one.

It can be said that in this era, there are basically no remnants of the supreme treasure in the barren land.

Of course, this is only limited to some areas that are not dangerous, and some extremely dangerous areas, there is a great possibility that the true supreme treasure will be left behind.

Those regions are extremely dangerous, basically they were duels formed by the supreme existence of the giants at that time, and there are many half-step overlords, and even the battlefields for world-class overlords.

Those places are the real Jedi, even if the giants come, if you are not careful, they will fall into it, which can be described as dangerous and abnormal.

Even so, because this may hide the supreme treasure, because there are still traces of the supreme powerhouse back then, and even half a step overlord fell here, there are also the traces of the world overlord, to countless cultivators In terms of it, it is a priceless treasure, and one can comprehend the highest road.

Throughout the ages, there are still countless strong men who risked their lives and came here to hunt for treasures, hoping to obtain great opportunities.

And like this, in the future generations, there have been many supreme powers who have preached in the barren land.

Many famous supreme giants in the Chaos Sea rose up because of the barren land.

Even in this blood-stained era, there are still many top powerhouses looking for opportunities in the barren land, hoping to become strong in the shortest time, there are no lack of supreme, quasi-giant, and even supreme giants.

The Broken Sky Ancient Territory is one of the most dangerous places in the wilderness, and it is a relatively dangerous place, because in the ancient era, in the great battle that shocked the ancients and shone the present, there were once supreme giants who fell here, and more than one Bit.

The Great Emperor Gutian was an eternal giant who had been in the deserted land for millions of years. He was always looking for opportunities in the deserted land and finally found this place.

Because there were several original giants who died here, he was lucky enough to discover the eternal origin of the original giants, and there are broken soldiers left by the three giants here, although basically the gods in the soldiers Annihilation, the divinity has also dissipated a lot, but it is also a rare supreme fairy material, which can greatly increase his soldiers to the next level.

In the blood-stained future that is about to come, the Great Emperor Gutian has done nothing to become stronger!

At this moment, he is refining the eternal origins of the first generation giants and tempering the soldiers in the broken sky ancient domain.

With the passage of time, the Great Emperor Gutian is gradually becoming stronger. The eternal origins of that group of first-generation giants are almost intact, which made him feel a lot of the great insights of the first-generation level, and faintly move towards the level of the first-generation giants. With.


During the training, the Great Emperor Gu Tian suddenly opened his eyes and scanned the place where there was half a realm of the ancient shattered sky, as if to find something.

However, after a scan, as always, there was no result.

"This feeling has become more and more frequent recently, but it has no results. Is it because the broken sky ancient domain still has a trace of remnant thoughts of the first generation giants that makes this seat feel prying?" Gutian the Great murmured to himself language.

The strange thing is that over the years, he has discovered that a special change has taken place in the barren land. Many times, he has felt that in the dark, it seems that someone is always watching him in secret.

However, no matter how he probed, there was no trace.

With the cultivation base of his eternal giants, able to dominate the ordinary chaotic ancient universe, even the first generation giants would never have imagined to avoid his investigation completely.

Therefore, it is difficult to subconsciously think that it is just an illusion after he refined the origin of the original giants.

As he continued to refine the origins of the first generation giants, a piece of darkness was quietly emerging, invading the entire fragmented ancient domain.

However, when this obvious darkness struck, the emperor Gutian, the giant of the ages, did not notice the slightest, still closing his eyes, as if nothing existed.

Finally, when the Great Emperor Gu Tian found out, the darkness had completely submerged him. Even if he was a giant-level cultivation base, he was horrified to discover that a whole body that overlooks the ancient and modern world, at this moment, actually had no effect. Was completely imprisoned in the body.

He watched the darkness drowning himself, even invading the body, invading the soul, eroding the most original true spirit.

Finally, he saw an old figure, walked slowly out of the darkness, looked at him mercilessly, and said indifferently: "It's just the cultivation base of the eternal giant, a little weaker, not qualified to be a container, let's be a slave..."

The darkness receded, and the ancient realm of Broken Sky was still there. The eternal origins of the first giants were still there, and the fragments of the three first giants were also there, but the generations of the eternal giants disappeared.

It seems that there has never been an eternal giant like the Great Emperor Gu Tian.

Similar things are happening in every corner of the barren land, and the existence of the supreme or above is quietly swallowed by the mysterious darkness, and then disappears.

The whole barren land, as if there is a mysterious and unknown weirdness.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

A series of terrifying figures descended in the deserted land.

They are naturally Ye Chen and others.

According to the deduced location, the Eternal Night Land's Origin Will hunted and killed the ancestors and came to the deserted land.

Desolate land, because it was a place where many superpowers fought against each other, and there were even a few world-class overlords who fought against it. The most terrifying doctrine remains, and all secrets are obliterated, making it impossible to deduct it.

Whether it is Ye Chen or the Thousand Chance Tianzu, because the deduction has reached the most extreme level, on the other hand, it is also with the help of the little imprint left by the original will of the Eternal Night Land, which successfully deduced the performance.

But here, it is difficult to find out the true destination of the original will of Eternal Night.

Because here was the terrifying doctrine left by the warlord of the world, once it was accidentally triggered, it might be equivalent to a blow from the warlord of the world.

Even for the half-step overlord, it can be described as extremely troublesome.

"Where is the original will of Eternal Night?"

Against the sky and the master, his eyes gushing with flaming brilliance, scanning the barren land.

Back then, following the Emperor of Heaven, he also fought here, and even beheaded the supreme tycoon of the Origin Saint Clan, and set a brilliant record.

For the barren land, the warlord against the sky is quite familiar in many places.

The Eastern Emperor and Heavenly Immortal Lord also showed a sense of familiarity. As one of the oldest existences in the prehistoric immortal world, although the ancestor did not participate in the other battles except the final one, they participated in that one. The battle was extremely terrifying.

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "Eternal Night is hidden here. It is already difficult to predict his approximate whereabouts. It is difficult to determine the exact location."

The three half-step overlords did not care, and naturally knew the particularity of the barren land.

Soon after, the four half-step overlords of the Origin Saint Race and the Alien Ancient Universe also came, scanning the vast and barren land, and obviously remembering some things back then.

The warlord against the sky sneered again and again: "It is ridiculous that the two forces that fought against life and death are standing together now."

It refers to the ancient universe of the origin holy race and alien race.

Back then, the Alien Ancient Universe, under the leadership of Shidai, had fought life and death with the origin holy race.

It's just that neither Aoyuan nor the Ancestor of Thousand Chances cares, hatred is not forever, but benefits are forever.

Earth Holy Road: "Emperor Chaos Heaven, where is the original will of Eternal Night?"

Ye Chen didn't say, although this place is a barren land, don't forget that he is the supreme master of chaos, even if it is a barren land, he cannot do without the way of chaos.

His chaotic emperor thought spread, containing the characteristics of chaos, even if there are many terrible Jedi in the barren land, there are no shortage of terrible overlords in the world, and their terrifying aura remains, but he still can't completely isolate his detection.

Of course, it's quite difficult to perceive this way, but he is the only one who can do this step apart from the five invincible hegemons of the world.

However, under this perception, he found a lot of weird dark power remaining.

Moreover, with the spread of Chaos Emperor Mind, it was even discovered that many strong men who were practicing in the barren land were being swallowed silently by darkness.

"Did you find it?"

In the emptiness, an indifferent and ruthless voice resounded in Ye Chen's thoughts of Emperor Chaos.

Ye Chen's expression showed a dignified look, and the development of the matter was somewhat beyond his expectation.

"The Emperor Chaos, this seat is talking to you." The Earth Saint's expression was slightly cold.


The warlord against the sky yelled coldly, with a terrifying emperor glow in his eyes, and he pointed at the sky and said coldly: "What are you, you have to respond to what you say?"

The Holy Land snorted coldly and stopped speaking.

He knew that the Heaven-defying warlord and the fighting ancestor were the same person, extremely overbearing, just talk as he wanted, or just show the side of the battle if he didn't want to talk, he was simply a fighting madman who kept fighting.

Arguing with it is completely stupid.

Here, the Thousand Chance Tianzu is also deducing the whereabouts of the original will of the Eternal Night Land, but in the deserted land, he is greatly restricted, even the Tianji River has emerged, but it is impossible to truly Earthly deduces the true whereabouts of the original will of Eternal Night.

After all, the limits of this barren land are huge.

Of course, there is also the cause of the original will of Eternal Night itself, which is the absolute existence of half-step overlords, far stronger than the average half-step overlords.

Here, Ye Chen looked rather solemn, and raised his head and said, "I found it, right there!"


He shot directly, regardless of whether this was a barren land, and the power of the terrifying Dao of the world overlord remained easily triggered. With a punch, a phantom of the universe appeared, and it blasted directly over the barren land.


Along with the earth-shaking loud noise, the small half of the barren land was shaken, and the sky was penetrated, penetrating the chaotic sea outside.

However, there is nothing?

Ye Chen said coldly: "Do you still want to hide at this time? You can't hide from me, Yongye Origin, come out!"

While talking, he shook the Chaos Sacred Fist, punch after punch, bombarding the sky of this barren land, the violent half-step overlord's power was mighty, tearing everything apart, making other half-step overlords feel him Peerless and powerful, surpassing other half-step overlords.

Suddenly, a touch of darkness appeared in the sky of the barren land, and this darkness spread quickly at an unimaginable speed, and even completely turned the entire barren land into infinite darkness.

From the origin of darkness, a stalwart figure of Yuan Yu Yuechi appeared, with long gray hair scattered, his face was elegant and old, but his figure was majestic, like Yuansiyue.

However, it is just such a heroic figure who looks like a holy ancestor, but his eyes are completely red, and his body exudes endless dark energy, as if it is a dark ancestor.

When seeing this figure, all the eight half-step overlords present showed a solemn This person is the ancestor of the great famine.

However, in the form of the ancient ancestors, it would never be so dark, obviously after being completely eroded by the original will of Eternal Night.

Or to be more precise, he is the original will of Eternal Night.

The ancestors of the prehistoric ancestors were condescending, looking down at the eight-half-step overlord, especially his eyes fell on Ye Chen, his red eyes showed a strong heat and desire, and he wanted to completely take the latter as his own. Said: "Emperor Chaos, you really are the most suitable person for this container!"


Eight half-step overlord's expression sank.

Obviously, both the Profound God Ancestor and the Primordial Ancestor, the two half-step overlords, have become the container of the original will of the Eternal Night Land.

PS: Four thousand words, by the way, make up for the chapter that was missing yesterday, one chapter is still missing!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Net mobile version reading URL:

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