Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4199: The scariest background

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The three newborn children of Ye Wudao, Ye Xuan, Ye Fei, and Ye Chen were all newly born, but they were very early in their wisdom. They were psychic at birth, able to speak, and even the innate supreme, possessing the emperor, and mastering the sky. Supernatural powers are amazing.

Of course, in order to avoid hurting others, Ye Chen put the three of them by his side and suppressed the Supreme Dao Guo in their bodies with great magical powers to avoid accidentally hurting others.

After all, at the feast, not everyone has reached the supreme level, and they are too young, although they are premature, they are still children's minds, and they don't know how to correctly master the supreme power.

At the feast, some of the Xeon Tianjiao who used to compete with the Chaos Emperor in the past have become the powers of the major superpowers one by one. Only three million years have passed. Some people have not yet demonstrated the Dao. It is worthy of being an emperor, and even some people are just over the emperor level.

Now, seeing the three children of the Primordial Chaos Emperor, they reached the Supreme Emperor Realm that they had exhausted for three million years and was still far away, and only felt extremely sad.

Nowadays, they are all stunned, completely silent.

Soon after, a half-step overlord, such as the Supreme Sage Emperor, the Fighting Saint Ancestor, the Guardian of the Heavens, and the Great Emperor of Time and Space, arrived. Looking at Ye Chen's three children, they also showed a look of wonder, saying that they were super talented. There are only a handful of ancient and modern.

Can make several half-step overlords praise this way, you can imagine how badly it is.

The Emperor of Humanity and the Great Emperor of the Six Paths also came, one called the Great Emperor of Reincarnation, and the other Great Emperor of the Six Paths, who is the Six Ways of Reincarnation.

At this moment, Ye Chen felt that the two first-generation giants felt very similar, and the faint aura seemed to merge into one, which was very special.

At this time, the Emperor Taisheng opened his mouth and revealed a surprising secret: "In fact, the Great Samsara and the Six Dao Great Emperors are one."

Everyone was shocked that the two first-generation giants were actually the same person. If it weren't for the half-step overlord of Taishenghuang to tell him, no one knew.

Fighting Saint Ancestor said: "Back then, I was able to live out my second life because of the reincarnation Dafa taught by the Great Emperor of Samsara and reincarnated as the present life."

There are many secrets hidden in it. Of course, with Ye Chenxiu who has reached this stage, he is naturally qualified to know.

The Samsara and the Six Dao Emperors were originally one, but now they are one and two separate, standing here, faintly blending into one, blooming with strands of half-step overlord-level auras, just like the original ancestors of the soul, they are all infinite Close to the real half-step overlord level.

According to reports, the two first-generation giants have been discussing for thousands of years, and they want to one day return to one body, break through the boundary, and become the sixth half-step overlord of the Pangu universe.

This surprised Ye Chen and others. Once they succeeded, together with the Profound God Ancestor and the Wild Demon Lord, Pangu Universe’s half-step overlord level would reach as many as eight, especially if Ye Chen alone can wait for two. A half-step overlord who is respectable or above can be described as the half-step overlord power of Pangu Universe reaching nine or more, directly becoming the most powerful overlord power in the Chaos Sea!

The Great Emperor of Reincarnation looked at Ye Chen's three Innate Supreme Children with a hint of awe, and said: "Innate Supreme, never seen before, it is not comparable to the Innate Chaos Demon God."

Although the Innate Chaos Demon God is the Innate Supreme, it is transformed by the blood of the Pangu Great God and an eternal origin, but in a sense it is not the true Inborn Supreme, until it has the body of the Inborn Supreme.

While possessing the innate supreme body, he also paid the corresponding price. He lost his clear understanding of the Great Dao, and he could not be able to clearly understand the heavens and all the ways like ordinary cultivators, and wanted to prove the Dao to become an emperor with all the ways. , Extremely difficult, almost impossible.

Suddenly, the Great Emperor Samsara, the Emperor of Humanity, spoke, looked at Ye Wudao, and said, "Can I accept this son as a disciple?"

Ye Chen was surprised, and the others were also taken aback.

Because the emperor rarely accepts disciples, and even in the reincarnations throughout the ages, he has not accepted disciples. The only confirmed heir is the prince of God.

Now, it was indeed a little unexpected that he had to accept Ye Wudao as his disciple.

Ye Chen said: "Senior speaks, it is a blessing to be innocent."

The emperor's practice is the Tao of Reincarnation, and it is the highest achiever of this path since ancient times. Even in order to become strong, the emperor has reincarnated time and time again, with a total of ten lives, which is extremely powerful.

Although not a half-step overlord, but at the level of Final Yan Xianzun and Eternal City Lord, he was known as the king of the first generation giants.

The Great Emperor of Six Dao said: "It turns out that this son is named Wudao, but it is not ordinary. I am the Six Dao, he is innocent, there is no way, all in one thought, it is also fate. I also hope that he can become my disciple, Ye Xiaoyou ,how is it?"

Ye Chen was naturally willing, touched Ye Wudao's little head, looked at the innocent eyes of this young boy, and smiled: "The two seniors are willing to accept Wudao as disciples, it is his blessing."

The Great Samsara and the Six Dao Great Emperors were originally one, but one and two divisions, each created the Great Way of Reincarnation and the Great Six Ways.

Now, they want to take Ye Wudao together as their disciple, obviously with a simple purpose, to teach Ye Wudao their own way.

If it is a Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, or even the heir of a giant, the heir of a half-step overlord, neither of them will be eye-catching, but Ye Wudao is the innate supreme, the innate emperor, the inborn supreme emperor, the emperor The grid is condensed here, the starting point is extremely high, and it is quite appropriate to inherit their six roads of reincarnation.

Ye Fei and Ye Xuan looked in their eyes and mumbled a little dissatisfied: "Why are they all given to Xiaodao, there is no share for us."

The emperor and the six great emperors laughed ~ There is a piece of Daoguang immersed in the two little girls. It is the original force of the first generation giants. It tempers their bodies and makes them more tenacious, which makes countless people see I was envious, and only listened to the two sayings: "I don't want to teach you, but the way I wait, which is most suitable for men to practice more."

Ye Xuan is a big little ghost, standing on Ye Chen's shoulders, she is clearly a newly born baby girl, but she is stuck in her waist at the moment, like a little adult, and hums: "I don't care, Xuan Xuan will also practice!"

Concubine Ye also stood up, crouching her waist and said, "Concubine also wants to practice!"

Everyone laughed, but felt that the two little girls were innocent and cute.

Six Dao Great Emperor said: "Okay, okay, okay, from now on, you two will also follow us to practice."

Everyone was envious. His father was the Chaos Emperor, his mother was a giant of the ages, and his elder brothers and sisters were basically at the level of giants. Now those who are apprentices are the kings of the first generation giants. This background is too strong.

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