Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4201: First victory

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Ye Wudao has practiced under the seat of Human Emperor and Six Dao Great Emperor for a hundred years, and finally began to practice in the world.

His appearance naturally caused all parties in the Pangu universe to shake.

The descendants of the Emperor Chaos, and one of the most gifted descendants of the Emperor Chaos, stood at a very high point when he was born, and was the supreme innate.

Although his innate supreme Tao fruit was cut off by his father Chaotian Emperor, he still possesses the supreme emperor's body, how terrifying it is at all.

His appearance might be like his father in the later stage of cultivation, overwhelming the strongest arrogance of the heavens, overwhelming everything, and becoming the strongest invincible arrogant.

Ye Wudao was too eye-catching. He followed the two first-generation giants for hundreds of years of cultivation, focusing on the various types of Dao Foundations. From the beginning, he was polishing the first-generation giant-level Dao Foundation, even if he had innate supreme deeds. Daoji, still after a hundred years, can be successful only under the infinite resources.

But he was born in a hundred years of cultivation, and he was still at the level of a heavenly king. He broke the record of cultivation and was shocked by a series of people's eyes.

Ye Wudao’s first appearance was in the ancient land of Canglan. This is a super domain that can be ranked among the top 100 in the entire universe. It is quite vast and has given birth to countless princes. , There is even the supreme standing here, starting a sect, leaving behind the eternal and immortal power of the supreme heritage.

The people of the world officially saw this son of the Chaos Emperor, who had met once in Chaos Tianfu when he was born, and had to admire that he was indeed a beautiful man who was born with Yuxuanang, has a magnificent head and a handsome and prosperous god.

However, Ye Wudao nowadays has not had any humility long ago. On the contrary, as the name suggests, he has no way in his eyes and is quite domineering. He looks at the heavens and dares not to put any peers in his eyes.

He walked the world like a peerless **** of war, and began to preach.

Canglan Ancient Territory has supreme-level forces and naturally has supreme heirs.

The Ming Emperor Clan is the supreme inheritance power of the Canglan Ancient Territory, that is, the Emperor Clan, is the strongest power that dominates this super large region. Over the years, it has gained a good inheritance and has become increasingly powerful.

Now, because of the emperor’s trial, the son of Emperor Ming was born, named Mingchen, an extremely powerful emperor character, extremely powerful, and he was born in the Holy Tibetan realm. Although he cannot compare with Ye Wudao, these In the past few years, he has also been trained by his emperor, Mingdi, who spared no effort to devote infinite resources to him, and even let him follow him, practice in the palace at all times, and impart emperor-level insights.

Therefore, in this life, he passed through the reincarnation smoothly, and was quite strong, and now he is also a king of heaven, dominating this super domain.

Now, knowing the appearance of Ye Wudao, Emperor Ming came personally, came to the ancient city where Ye Wudao appeared, and personally issued a war post, wanting to challenge.

Although it is heard that Ye Wudao is the legendary Congenital Supreme, he is born with a Dig, masters the Supreme Dao Fruit, and is as supreme as the emperor, but I also heard that his Congenital Supreme Dao Guo was cut off by the Chaos Emperor, and now he is the same as himself, that is, the King of Heaven. That's it.

As a heavenly king, Emperor Ming, as an emperor, is afraid of anyone, so he wants to challenge Ye Wudao, defeat him, step on him, and become the first young person in the Pangu universe.

There is no doubt that Emperor Ming sent a war post to challenge the son of Emperor Chaos, which caused a shock in the entire Canglan area and attracted much attention.

Everyone knows that Ye Wudao will soon usher in a strong enemy, but he didn't expect that he would be challenged by the emperor's level characters at the beginning, which made people look forward to it.

Especially the countless cultivators in the ancient Canglan realm, they all know that Emperor Ming's power is strong, and he has never been invincible.

His strength is deeply inscribed in the hearts of many cultivators in the Canglan Ancient Domain.

And Ye Wudao, although he is the son of the Chaos Emperor, is still too far away, and has been hidden in the world for a hundred years. Even if the rumor is innate supreme, they may not believe it. On the contrary, they do not think that Ye Wudao can really defeat the Ming Emperor. .

When someone challenged him, Ye Wudao naturally faced it, and three days later, he fought in the God Burying Mountain Range.

The Burial Mountain Range is a famous mountain range where a foreign army invaded the Pangu universe millions of years ago.

Three days later, under the eyes of everyone, Ye Wudao fought against Emperor Ming.

This battle is indeed fierce.

This is the strongest battle at the Heavenly King level, and also the strongest battle among the young generation of Canglan Dayu. All other Tianjiao are added together, and it is difficult to penetrate the great battle between the two.

But again, it ended quickly.

Emperor Ming is very strong, he is the supreme heavenly arrogant Dzogchen of the sixth heaven of heavenly kings, and is blessed and revived by the great emperor’s bloodline. He is extremely powerful enough to overwhelm the heavenly kings of the same rank, and even go beyond the rank to confront other high-level heavenly kings. I hope to surpass myself in the future, not only to prove that Dao becomes the emperor, but also to become a higher level that I have not yet reached in my entire life-the eternal giant state.

However, it is a pity that Emperor Ming met Ye Wudao.

Ye Wudao is too powerful. Although he was only the four heavenly kings when he joined the world, he was even two levels lower than Emperor Ming, but his invincibility was quickly revealed. He went retrograde to kill the immortals and confronted six at a low level. Chongtian's Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao Tianwang emperor son did not lose the slightest bit, even after ten rounds, he reversed the situation and completely gained the upper hand.

He inherited Ye Chen's chaotic bloodline, he was born with the ten thousand ways, able to resonate with the heavens and the ten thousand ways, and arouse the mighty forces of the ten thousand ways. Now he shots, it is even more terrifying, collapsed into pieces of mountains, and terrifying.

Twenty rounds later, Ye Wudao strongly defeated Emperor Ming, severely wounded him, and knocked him down to the ground, covered in blood.

The world is terrifying!

Ye Wudao, worthy of being the son of Emperor Chaos, was so terrifying.

Emperor Ming looked sad and left lonely.

Emperor Ming, who had been observing in secret, let out a long sigh.

Although he devoted infinite resources even hesitated to baptize the heirs with the origin of the emperor's way, reciting the emperor's sutra daily, so that all aspects of the emperor Ming surpassed the emperors and daughters of the past dynasties, but unfortunately, Compared to Ye Wudao, it was still a lot worse.

After all, he is the son of the Chaos Emperor, after all, the innate supreme, and after all, the personal disciples of the two supreme giants, they are still too far apart in all aspects.

Emperor Ming could see that Ye Wudao’s Innate Supreme Dao Fruit was indeed cut off, and the power of Innate Supreme Emperor Body was also sealed, otherwise the power of Innate Supreme Emperor Body would be enough to easily kill Emperor Ming’s sons in one slap. More than once.

The reason why Ye Wudao is so powerful and invincible today is purely by himself.

It is conceivable that in these centuries, under the guidance of the two first-generation giants, to what level Ye Wudao has grown to be able to use the four heavens of the heavenly kings to retrograde the six heavens of the heavenly kings, and be strong in just 20 rounds. The Emperor Ming who defeated the Sixth Heavenly King was absolutely extraordinary.

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