Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4204: Accept disciples

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"Zhou Fan can't be the reincarnation of the immortal deity. The supreme giant has long deduced his origins. It is suspected that he may be the reincarnation of a certain supreme existence, but the results show that he is indeed just a mortal body, but it is suspected In the reincarnation cycle, it has gone through an incredible life." With the supreme speaking, Zhou Fan went through the reincarnation and transformed directly from the general life into the rare Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, which naturally shocked many people.

Because even some supreme tianjiao from ancient times to the present, after passing through reincarnation, it is rare that they can suddenly reverse the three realms, complement the heavenly path to perfection, and become the supreme tianjiao of Dzogchen.

This matter is really strange, and it has attracted the suspicion of the supreme giants.

However, after some deduction, it was found that it was not at all.

But at that time, the Emperor of Humanity returned and completely mastered the road of reincarnation, so that the mystery of reincarnation, and even the supreme giants, could not effectively deduct it.

Zhou Fan, like the reincarnated reincarnation of Immortal Venerable Geshi, is extremely powerful, masters the supreme immortal arts, and also has other strong emperor arts, taboo magical powers, surrounds the body, blooms bright Daoguang, endless runes, and fights against Ye Wudao. Going deeper into the starry sky, many star fields collapsed.

The fierceness of this battle, and the destructive power it eventually demonstrated, even made some quasi-princes feel threatened.

It is hard to imagine that this is the power displayed by the two Five Tribulations God Kings, which actually makes the quasi-kings feel some threats.

The two contend, one move and one style are both great magical powers, containing infinite power, breaking the star field, annihilating the stars, and even creating a large world, showing the means of a peerless god.

It is a pity that Ye Wudao is more powerful, and under the tutelage of the two first-generation giants, the Emperor Human and the Six Dao Great Emperors, they are incredibly powerful.

In the end, the starry sky collapsed and annihilated, becoming a land of debris and star ruins everywhere.

Ye Wudao is independent, squeezing the starry sky, with infinite rays of light dancing on his body, dense runes, chaotic glow, no injuries, showing an absolutely invincible posture.

Zhou Fan was defeated, covered in blood.

But she was still full of energy, her eyes gleaming.

Ye Wudao admired Zhou Fan very much and said, "You are very strong, and you were able to fight with me for a hundred rounds before losing. For so many years, you are still the first peer of the same level."

Over the years, Ye Wudao has dominated the ancient starry sky. He is known as the invincible young overlord, who has crushed the heavens and invincible hands. Any Tianjiao fight, whether it is the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao or the heirs of the eternal giants, whoever is the same rank. Fighting, no one can walk out fifty rounds in his hands.

Even if it was the son of the strongest tycoon of the year, he was extremely talented, and he was the most outstanding among the multiple heirs of the tycoon. He inherited the most powerful bloodline power, even better than the son of Emperor Ming. A lot stronger, but when facing Ye Wudao, he was still defeated in the forty-ninth round of the fierce battle.

Zhou Fan has been able to fight for hundreds of rounds. It is conceivable that he is definitely one of the most powerful geniuses in the world, and it is almost no surprise that he will become the emperor in the future.

Even more, Zhou Fan's future achievements are not limited to the simple level of the supreme level, and may not be impossible to become the supreme giant.

"I lost!"

Zhou Fan was very calm, knowing that he was defeated, not the least sad or depressed, on the contrary, he was full of fighting spirit.

Over the years, he is different from other Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao in that he has gone through too many failures before finally reaching this point. He can arrogantly rise above the stars and fight fiercely with Ye Wudao, one of the strongest overlords of the younger generation. step.

Although defeated, glorious!

Therefore, he did not lose the slightest bit. On the contrary, he was full of fighting spirit, hoping to go further in the future, trying to draw with Ye Wudao, or even defeat him.

The starry sky's strongest Tianjiao battle ended. Zhou Fan was disappointed. However, he shocked the heavenly supreme, and even the supreme giants moved for it.

And just as Ye Wudao said, he was the only one who was able to compete with him for hundreds of rounds in this world, and he was also far behind the other Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao.

Such the strongest arrogance is no longer the supreme seed, but the giant seed, which naturally attracts the struggle for supreme existence from all parties.

Seeing a supreme being who always dominates the roost at every turn comes here, exuding the supreme power, surprised everyone in this starry sky, but there are many supreme giants.

At this moment, all came for Zhou Fan, making countless people's eyes hot.

However, Zhou Fan glanced at the supreme beings present, and sighed, seemingly disappointed.

Although all the people here are supreme, and there are even supreme giants, but not all are suitable for him, on the contrary, they are not suitable for him at all.

In the end, Ye Chen also came and came to Zhou Fan. He looked at the latter who was not afraid of facing the supreme of heaven. On the contrary, there was a kind of perseverance and unyielding. He showed a smile and said: "Zhou Fan, you are willing to be This disciple?"

Seeing Zhou Fan, he also rarely gave birth to the heart of accepting disciples.

It should be understood that with Ye Chen's current status, even the most outstanding Supreme Tianjiao, he was not necessarily willing to accept as a disciple, and even broke his heart to accept disciples long ago.

However, Zhou Fan's appearance made his heart of accepting disciples reappear.

Wuhe, because this Zhou Fan is very special. Although he is a mortal body, he can enter the cycle of reincarnation and become the supreme heavenly arrogant of Dzogchen, and step by step until now, he can compete with his cotyledon Wudao peers for a hundred rounds. simple.

In particular, Ye Chen felt the special fluctuations of reincarnation in Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan's reincarnation was not simple.

Moreover, there is an extremely important reason!

Chaos Tiandi personally exported it, and other supreme and giants were also taken aback. It seemed that he did not expect that even the uncrowned emperor of the current Pangu universe was also shocked.

Zhou Fan was also very excited when he saw Emperor Chaos coming in, but still said, "Senior Emperor Chaos, what the younger generations are practicing is the way of immortality."

These remarks also meant some refusal, because even though the Emperor Chaos had mastered the Dao of Chaos, he was mainly a divine Dao and not necessarily a master of the Immortal Dao.

And the route he took was mainly immortal.

Ye Chen smiled slightly, flipped his palm, and there was a cloud of fairy light, containing infinite fairy Dao rules, densely packed, making Zhou Fan feel that the power of the fairy Dao system in his body was boiling, as if fully activated, the whole body was infinitely immortal, just like Really turned into a supreme immortal.

At this time, Ye Wudao smiled proudly: "Zhou Fan, my father is not only known as the Chaos Emperor, not only the gods are invincible, but the mastery of the immortal way is definitely one of the most advanced and supreme beings in the realm of the prehistoric immortals. One, how many immortals cannot be compared."

Hearing this, Zhou Fan immediately knelt down on the ground and bowed his teacher's salute: "The disciple Zhou Fan saw Master."

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