Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4210: Guardian 1 Vein

A vast and endless world appeared in front of the eyes of the heavens, far beyond the vastness of the ancient chaotic universe, and no less than the barren land of the year.

There is no doubt that this is the ancient road of origin in the legend.

Only by grasping the correct coordinates, and only when the Overlord level exists, can it penetrate the ultimate space and truly enter this place.

And if you want to go to the place of origin, you must enter from this true ancient road of origin.

Shidai grabbed the severely damaged emperor of Xing Shen, and suppressed the fire of sacrifice on his body, just like grabbing a bug, and directly entered the world of the ancient road of origin.

The giant ship of the ancient alien universe also dragged the remaining cosmic origins of three half-collapsed chaotic ancient universes into the world of the ancient road of origin.

Naturally, the other heavens were unwilling to be left behind, and they entered the vast world in the ancient road of origin together.

Ye Chen looked at the divine emperor who had been captured by Shidai, with a gloomy expression.

The **** emperor is a powerful ally of Pangu universe, and it is really miserable to fall to this point now.

However, he glanced at the other half-step overlords of the Pangu universe, his expression sinking slightly, and he did not choose to rescue the **** emperor in the first place.

Because it is not the time yet, the real ancient road of origin has been opened with the correct coordinates, and the emotions of the heavens and the strongest have been mobilized by the land of origin. If you choose to rescue the **** emperor at this time, it is likely to provoke others. The antipathy of Tian Xieqiang suddenly made Pangu universe the opposite of the sky Xieqiang.

Among them, there may even be a prehistoric world.

After all, the place of origin contains the ultimate mystery of eternity, and it is also the pursuit of countless immortals in the prehistoric world.

Even the immortal ancestor is also a sinner exiled from the place of origin, and I am afraid that he is desperately eager to return to the place of origin.

Therefore, now is not the time to make a move.

"Waiting for an opportunity to act!" Taisheng Huangdao.

"Is this the real ancient road of origin? Compared to the ancient road of origin that we have developed and deduced in the past, it is countless times more magnificent." Some giants were shocked. This place of magnificent world surpassed the ancient chaotic universe.

This bizarre world is grotesque and astonishingly vast, at least as big as hundreds of realms.

It should be noted that if a boundary is as huge as a chaotic ancient universe.

The origin of the ancient road is so big, far beyond imagination.

Moreover, the supreme powers of the heavens can feel that there are countless powerful auras emerging in this real ancient road of origin. There are many supreme, and there are not a few giants. There are even many half-step overlords, which are extremely powerful. An endless world is no less than the four dominant powers.

Prior to this, the heavens Xeon had never heard of it.

However, they were able to understand a lot, and found that many vast areas of this world are in a state of disintegration between fragmentation and chaos, even in the center of the world.

Obviously, this world has encountered terrible destruction, there have been unimaginable taboos that have existed in battles, and traces of overlord level have remained, and they have never left after endless years.

"Who dares to trespass the ancient road of origin!"

When the great powers of the Chaos Sea entered, the Xeons of the Ancient Road of Origin discovered it for the first time. In an instant, there were an astonishing number of Xeons coming from all sides. Only the existence of the giants would be more than forty, half The number of step overlords has reached seven, and the number is extremely alarming.

They confronted the Chaos Sea powers far away, exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

Undoubtedly, the overall power of Origin Ancient Road is not generally strong, and it is not inferior to any hegemonic power.

However, compared to the powers who entered from the Chaos Sea, it was inferior, and the difference was huge.

Only the five great overlords are enough to push everything horizontally.

The ancient ancestors of Tiandao said: "This is the line of guards who guard the ancient road of origin. In the past, it was under the control of the burial owner of the origin, who sat on the ancient road of origin. And the saint of origin is guarded by the sea of ​​chaos!

Only then did Zhu Qiang suddenly realize, and in the gradual dialogue, he learned the corresponding secrets.

Sure enough, the origin holy race came from the place of origin, with noble status, guarding the Chaos Sea.

Moreover, they learned that the Chaos Sea was actually a place of exile, called the Realm of Deprivation, with infinite secrets.

The Burial Lord of Origin is the guardian of the Ancient Road of Origin sent by Origin to guard the passage between Chaos Sea and Origin. This is to prevent creatures in Chaos Sea from stealing into Origin.

The many strong men on the ancient road of origin are the strong men of the line of guards on the ancient road of origin.

"No, it's the guardian of the line, and the three most sinners who were banished back then."

The strong man guarding the ancient road of origin discovered the three persons of Heavenly Emperor, Shidai, and Xianzu, and his expression changed drastically.

Back then, the collapse of the Ancient Origin Road was more than half, and the burial owners of Origin were suppressed because of these people.

Unexpectedly, after endless years, the Ancient Origin Road has recovered more than half, these people actually found the location of the Ancient Origin Road and rushed in.

The Chaos Sea powers were shocked, and for the first time they learned of these secrets. The three great overlords of Heaven, Shidai, and Xianzu were actually sinners exiled by the land of origin! ?


Heavenly Emperor and Xianzu did not refute, they seemed to have tacitly agreed.

Shidai said indifferently: "What sinner? Just rely on those people who are not qualified to convict me as a sinner. Today, I will return to the place of origin and seek justice back then."

When the words fell, his body exuded a terrifying aura that shook the entire Origin Ancient Road, overwhelming the sky, flooding the endless land, making the boundless world of Origin Ancient Road seem to collapse at any time.

The immeasurable Qi machine made the Chaos Sea all powerful.

Shidai stood on the giant ship, personally drove the giant ship, and ran straight into the strong guards of the ancient road of origin.

The terrifying aura caused the boundless land of the ancient road of origin to collapse, countless creatures were burnt, and even a supreme who should have stood in the nine heavens could not bear it, like a meteorite, one by one unattainable. Falling down from the sky.

At this moment, Shidai has shown that it truly belongs to the hegemony of the Even if it is the supreme, quasi-giant, or even the eternal giant, it is far from it.

The seven half-step overlord of the guardian line changed color: "No, he is still half-step eternal, the burial master has died, we may not be able to resist him, sacrifice the town road sacrificial vessel!"

After the words fell, a terrifying brilliance appeared in the deepest part of the ancient origin road, shining on the vast ancient road of origin, actually resisting the power of the original generation.

"Unexpectedly, for so many years, the town road sacrificial vessel has also recovered."

The ancestor of the Origin Saint Clan slowly and authentically, looking at a sacrificial vessel under the terrifying glow, revealing a complex look.

The Great Universe said: "It turns out that this is the legendary town road sacrificial vessel. Legend has it that the three great overlords of Heaven, Shidai, and Xianzu fought against the origin burial master. Although the origin burial master was finally suppressed, the ancient origin was restored with its endless vitality However, the origin burial owner also kept his hand, and with the help of the town road sacrificial vessel, the true ancient road of origin was exiled, so that it has been unable to find the ancient road of origin for countless epochs."

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