Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4222: Origin baptism, change, soar!

The Eternal Night Land's original will is extremely dignified at this moment, with the devil's continuous throwing blows, splitting the trapped sky chains that are constantly approaching.

These chains all contain the power of banning the upper realm, and there are certain restrictions on it, how can it be careless.

But it had forgotten that Ye Chen was also at the same time when Ku Tian Suo blocked this boundary.

He runs the "Tiandi Sutra" in his body, resonates with the trapped sky, possesses the power of the Emperor, and stepped on the chaos cauldron to enter the forbidden territory of the trapped sky, constantly attacking the original will of the Eternal Night, and it will be against the trapped sky. Suo's attack was greatly interrupted, so that Kutian Suo approached its place more quickly, and the power of the ban was even more terrifying.

The powers of the Pangu universe were relieved to see, and also looked at Ye Chen with fierce gaze. In today's world, apart from the five supreme overlords, only the Chaos Emperor can suppress the original will of Eternal Night in this way. .

According to this situation, it is only a matter of time before the suppression of the original will of Eternal Night.

Eternal Night Land's original will obviously also knows that if it continues, it will be suppressed by the Chaos Emperor.

However, at this moment, there is no other way, because it is difficult to break free, this **** trapped Tiansuo, with the power of the emperor, is very restrictive.


At this time, terrible fluctuations came from the deepest part of the Ancient Origin Road.

The Chaos Sea Heavens have reached the final stage of the 33rd Heavenly Pass, and the battle has entered the final fierce heat.

Ye Chen took a look, pierced through the endless sky, and saw that under the leadership of the five great supreme realm overlords, the projections of the nine eternal heavens were also extremely dim and about to be destroyed.

I am afraid that they will completely enter the land of origin.

Behind the Tianmen came a wave of special energy, which made him full of the aura of Chaos Great Perfection that the Avenue of Chaos in his body was shaking.

Originated from the end of the ancient road of origin, it is also the place of origin in the legend.

At the same time, he dared to be peculiar by the mark of the moon in the heart of his brows, and he seemed extremely hot at the moment, as if he had been called inexplicably.

This mark of the moon followed his past and present life. Even after he became the half-step overlord, he still could not study the real mystery, it was unfathomable, and it began to show a special resonance at this moment.

Could it be from the place of origin?

Ye Chen didn't know.

At this moment, a terrible loud sound that shook the entire Chaos Sea suddenly resounded.

All beings are watching the past!

The Thirty-Three Heavenly Pass was completely penetrated, and the nine eternal heavenly projections were completely disintegrated and shattered!

The place of origin has been really beaten!

There is a shining passage.

It is vaguely visible that an endless world is emerging, with perfect road rules.

There are countless light and rain, which is the eternal power of the place of origin, which turned into endless rain and rain, flooding the land of the 33 Tianguan behind the Tianmen, and drifting out of the ancient road of origin along the ancient Tianmen. , Overflowing with brilliance.

It also drifted out of the ancient road of origin, rushed to the Chaos Sea, and experienced endless changes.

Many of the strongest people who failed to reach the ancient road of origin seized Tunna for the first time, and they were all obviously stronger. They were extremely excited and watched the endless eternal power with eagerness.

Just in the Chaos Sea can absorb a lot of eternal power, and can make the supreme obviously stronger, if it is to enter the ancient road of origin?

After entering Tianmen?

I'm afraid it will let them directly rise above a big realm, right?

Immediately, many of the strongest people who had never entered the ancient road of origin also went to the ancient road of origin, and along the way, they continued to swallow slices of eternal power light and rain, and in an instant, the energy of the whole body was rapid. Lift up.

There is even a supreme who has proclaimed the Dao for several epochs.

There are also quasi-giants who had no hope of being a giant in the field. At this moment, enough eternal power light rain has been absorbed, and it has been directly improved in an instant, and suddenly become an eternal giant.

In the Chaos Sea, countless powerhouses have benefited a lot, are full of heat, and rush to the place of origin without looking back.

They will also enter the land of origin to preach the Dao and attack the eternity in the legend.

Ye Chen looked back and looked at the deepest part of the ancient road of origin. He saw the projection of the nine eternal gods exploded and turned into an endless rain of eternal power. He muttered to himself: "Finally, they have penetrated the last place in the land of origin. Is it off?"

However, soon, his eyes condensed and he saw the extreme scene.

The ancient road of origin was completely penetrated, but in that radiant and boundless passage, the rules of heaven and earth with the most terrifying place of origin were intertwined, repelling the entry of the creatures in the Primordial Realm of Chaos Sea.

It is the rejection of the alien!

The terrifying origin of the terrifying place has rules of heaven and earth far better than any place Ye Chen has seen in the past.

Suddenly, he saw that when several giants rushed towards, they were directly overwhelmed by the rules of the Origin of the World, and then exploded out of thin air, then annihilated and vanished!

Even the half-step overlord is under tremendous Obviously, even if you have penetrated the 33rd Heavenly Pass and destroyed the Nine Celestial Projection, you still don’t want to enter the Land of Origin. simple.

Ye Chen could only see that the five supreme realm hegemons had endless brilliance, and the ultimate supreme realm power was surging. They actually resisted the rules of heaven and earth of Origin, their pace was a little slow, but they moved forward firmly and forcefully. .

Among them, the first generation appeared on the giant ship of the alien ancient universe, with infinite brilliance, covering the entire giant ship, which is actually the rule of heaven and earth for the birthplace to resist the origin.

There is no doubt that the powerful display of the original era is exhaustive.

On the other side, Zhenyuan Taishang also led the Zhenjie Celestial Clan, driving the entire secret world, and advancing toward the place of origin.

There is also an endless glow on his body, sheltering the heavenly powers of the town.

Xianzu glanced at the existence of many immortal deities and the most powerful immortal kings in the prehistoric immortal world. There were also several immortal half-step overlords, who slightly nodded their heads, and showed endless celestial light. They contained the power of the super-superior realm, all-encompassing, and also sheltering the great powers of the fairy world Enter the land of origin.

The Emperor of Heaven also entered with the powers of the Pangu universe.

There are endless rules flying out of them, one side is entering the place of origin, but the rules of the avenue in the other side are also baptized and changed by the rules of the place of origin, but instead of the complete rules of heaven and earth.

To some extent, this can be considered a soaring.

Qianxun, Ye Junlin, Immortal Great Tianzun and many of the most powerful people in the Pangu universe are entering the place of origin one after another. The recipients of the special baptism of the rules of the place of origin, the whole body is undergoing unprecedented transformation and closer. In that state, it is easier to cultivate to become an eternal heavenly sovereign.

Of course, it's just easier.


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