Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4231: serious

Seeing this, Shi Huang and other supreme expressions of the Pangu universe sink slightly, knowing that these people are not good crops, they are not waiting for the Chaos Emperor to heal, but to wait for the day when the Chaos Emperor is completely destroyed, and then they are divided. The Emperor of Chaos

However, for their actions, Shi Huang and other Supremes have nothing to do, they can't open their mouths to expel them.

With the passage of time, Daobeng's vision has never been seen, on the contrary, it has become more and more vigorous.

The terrible Daobeng vision, centered on the Pangu universe, spreads over an unknown number of territories, at least diverging into hundreds of territories, and even the vast territory in the Chaos Sea. There are signs of Dao Beng.

The world is terrifying!

How powerful is the Chaos Emperor, Dao Beng can cause such a terrifying Dao Beng range.

It should be noted that every realm is the scope of a chaotic ancient universe, hundreds of realms, and a hundred chaotic ancient universes.

Suddenly diverging hundreds of Dao Beng in the ancient chaos universe, it can only be said that the power of the Chaos Heaven Emperor is far beyond the world's understanding of him.

At that time, even if compared to the Supreme, it was not that the ants were looking up at the dragon.

However, the supreme is a slightly stronger ant.

However, even so, it did not affect the chaotic sea heavenly powerhouse's prying eyes of the chaotic emperor.

The more powerful the invincible is, the more people are jealous and crazy.

Once it's gone, the remaining emperor is absolutely enough to make the first generation giants, and even the half-step overlord go crazy.

No one can keep peace of mind.

Even the invincible power of the former Chaos Emperor could not be suppressed.

In this era, more than half of the strongest have gone to the place of origin, the most powerful overlords of the upper realm have all left, and the only channel is completely closed, causing a fault in the strongest level. .

Therefore, the supreme can now become a true superpower.

In this era when the strongest left, they saw the hope of rising. Although they could not enter the place of origin that was more vast and endless and full of eternal hope of evangelism, they could also rise in the world of chaos, which is lacking. , To become the supreme lord of the Chaos Sea, in the Chaos Heaven Emperor, there may also be hope of achieving eternity.

Because the Chaos Emperor is the invincible of the Chaos Avenue, the Chaos Avenue is the only eternal avenue in the Chaos Sea that can hope to achieve eternity.

More and more Supremes arrived one after another. They came to Pangu Pass, and they all sacrificed to the Supreme Ancient Hall, waiting silently outside Pangu Pass.

Naturally, many giants have come, and even the first generation giants have not gone to the place of origin.

It can be said that outside Pangu Pass, more than half of the existing supreme and giant-level Xeon existences in the Chaos Sea have gathered. They watched and waited for the day when the Chaos Emperor truly collapsed. It was the time when the tigers would eat the dragon!

When Pangu Pass closed, Shi Huang and other Supremes saw the gathering of numerous Supremes and Giants in the Chaos Sea, and their hearts sank more and more.

It seems that most of the supreme or giants in the Chaos Sea hope that the Chaos Heavenly Emperor will fall, and only then will they have their strongest treasures appear.

But they are also sneering.

Today's Pangu universe, even if the most powerful supreme overlord Tiandi, as well as the half-step overlords and first generation giants such as Fighting Saint Ancestor, Taisheng Emperor, and Time and Space Great, have left one after another, the peak level strength is not as good as before.

But do you really think the Pangu universe is weak?

Even though the Heavenly Emperor and other Supreme Forbidden existences leave, there are overlapping Supreme Forbidden Dao patterns under the layout of the Pangu universe, protecting the Pangu universe, and even Pangu Pass has many heavy Dao patterns here, even the half-step overlord himself When they came, they didn't necessarily break open, let alone these giants and supreme, unable to break open at all.

Therefore, every supreme of the Pangu universe is not afraid. Even if the Chaos Heavenly Emperor really has an accident and the Dao collapses and perishes, it will not be the turn of the crowds in the Chaos Sea to eat the dragon.

Moreover, in the Pangu universe, the world regards Chaos Tiandi as the only supreme god, aloof, invincible existence throughout the ages, and it is impossible for a scene of death.

They firmly believe that as long as the Chaos Emperor is healed from his injuries, he will be punished by the many strongest people in the Chaos Sea who dared to look at him!

In a blink of an eye, another three thousand years have passed.

The world's people in the Pangu universe are deeply worried. Now, the Chaos Heavenly Emperor's Dao Beng vision has not been relieved, on the contrary, it has become more intense. The power of Dao Beng has spread over more than a hundred realms. The vastness, the power of Dao Beng contained, and even the Dao Beng in many realms.

This kind of terrifying sight is more and more frightening to the terrifying of the Chaos Emperor.

Not only did it collapse itself, it even seriously affected the outside world, causing the outside world to collapse.

They all know that, on the one hand, the Chaos Emperor himself is too powerful, at the strongest level of the half-step overlord, infinitely close to the Supreme Realm, and on the other hand, because he majored in Chaos Dao, which is the origin of all paths. Therefore, the Dao collapse is so terrifying Many supreme and even supreme giants stationed outside Pangu Pass, seeing this scene, can't help but change their colors.

Therefore, the sight of Dao Beng even began to affect their own origin emperor Dao.

Cultivating to the supreme level already does not rely on the way of the outside world.

But the Chaos Emperor's Dao Beng was really terrifying, silently, affecting their own origin emperor Dao, unexpectedly there was a slight tendency to Dao Beng.

Of course, they controlled it for the first time, and the other side also sneered in their hearts.

Dao collapsed to such a terrifying point, it seems that it is an inevitable fact that the Chaos Heaven Emperor Dao collapsed and died.

Otherwise, the collapse of the singularity will be serious enough to affect their supreme existence at the supreme level and above.

The supreme sages of the Pangu universe also gathered outside the Chaos Tianfu. By now, they had not dared to approach the Chaos Tianfu at all.

Even in the past three thousand years, the Chaos Tianfu has been completely emptied, and all the people in the Chaos Tianfu have left one after another.

Because Daobeng had already affected them the first time they appeared, in order to avoid being affected, they were transferred one after another.

Chaos Tianfu was also blocked by the multiple Supremes of the Pangu Universe, and they had placed numerous Supreme Emperor Patterns to prevent Dao Beng from further affecting the outside world.

It's a pity that even so, it is impossible to completely blockade, and even in these years, I don't know how many Supreme Emperor's Patterns were torn and shattered by Dao Beng. Only a few Supremes have been guarding here for these years, persevering in their perseverance. The emperor pattern is continuously blessed on it, and this makes De Daobeng's influence on the outside world not so great.


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