Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4245: Too top!

When sentient beings saw that the Emperor Chaos was independent, the three half-step overlords disappeared.

Only the vast space where the Emperor Chaos Heaven was independent was beaten to absolute nothingness and shattered, and there still remained extremely terrifying battle marks, which made all the deities feel shocked.

Knowing that once they are caught in it, even they will fall into it, and they will not be spared.

They knew that that place was the place where the Chaos Heavenly Emperor and the three half-step overlords had their peak duel.

Even the ancient chaos universe couldn't repair the place, and it became a devastating place of nothingness.

Cheers the whole world, Shanhu Chaotiandi is invincible!

The Emperor Wan Jian Huang and others who came from the Chaos Sea were terrified at first, then sighed, and finally one after another half kneeled in the void, bowed their heads and proclaimed themselves: "The Emperor Chaos is invincible, I am willing to surrender!"

At this moment, where do they have other thoughts.

The three half-step overlords have no return, no matter how powerful they are, they cannot be as powerful as the half-step overlord, and now they can only surrender.

Naturally, they had to pay the corresponding price if they wanted to carry out the plan of swarming tigers and dragons.

Ye Chen planted the corresponding supreme brand on them and ordered them to guard the Pangu universe forever.

The deities naturally dare not be suspicious.

Finally, after sealing that place of absolute emptiness, Ye Chen could only do this, as strong as he could not be repaired, because there were too many battle marks inside, and there was a massive half-step overlord level murderous intent, even if he wanted It takes endless time to repair, obviously this is not practical.

Ye Chen banished the land of absolute nothingness and rebuilt the space with the Supreme Chaos Dafa.

After this battle, Ye Chen immediately retreats for treatment.

The injury of this battle is no less than the injury after the battle with the Eternal Night Land Origin Will. It is still benefited from the Pangu universe's origin irrigation blessing. Otherwise, in that battle, he would probably die of nine deaths.

Fortunately, they all survived.

At this moment, he collected the flesh and blood of the three half-step overlords, even if he was bombed many times and lost too much flesh and blood, but what was left was still extremely abundant.

Ye Chen extracted the corresponding Dao Essence and Blood, immediately swallowed it into the body, recovered from his injuries, and received no small supplement.

Daobeng was suppressed, and everything was moving in the direction of improvement.

Moreover, the origin of the universe infused by the Pangu universe contains the eternal power of the Pangu God.

Pangu Great God is one of the thirty-three eternal gods of origin in the past, and is also qualified to compete with Yuanshi Tianzun for the great existence of the king of the gods.

His eternal power is naturally extraordinary, and Ye Chen has been restored to a large extent.

Moreover, Ye Chen also has the heart of Pangu, and now he is also taking advantage of the eternal power contained in the heart of Pangu, and even with a few drops of blood of Pangu, all of them are heart and blood, containing the extremely pure eternal origin, which is helpful to Ye Chen. Bigger.

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, the Immortal King Pan Dao held his palms and felt it. Now that the Immortal King Pan Dao becomes the Immortal Venerable, the heart of Pan Gu is naturally returned to Ye Chen.

Now, Ye Chen accommodates Pangu's Heart in his chaotic heart, resonates with Pangu's Heart at all times, and swallows the eternal power gushing out of Pangu's Heart.

This is tantamount to blessing him with an insurance.

Even in the face of the dangerous situation of dealing with the three half-step overlords, as long as you have this Pangu heart, you can still exert enough combat power without the need to rely on the irrigation of the Pangu universe.

So, three hundred thousand years have passed.

On this day, the blood is boundless, surging through the entire Pangu universe, whether it is the upper realm of the heavens and the eight realms of the lower realm, you can clearly feel the endless blood.

In the center, is the supreme Chaotian Emperor, spanning the past and present, watching the past and present, dominating the Chaos Sea.

Now, all Ye Chen's injuries have finally healed completely.

Moreover, in these three hundred thousand years, he has not only healed from his injuries, but also continued the previous 700,000 years, continuing to refine the original will of the Eternal Night.

In the ultimate battle of the ancient road of origin, Ye Chen successfully suppressed the will of the Eternal Night, completely obliterated the true spirit, and turned into a vast world of darkness, no less than a chaotic ancient universe, and a half-step overlord level old man Ancestor.

Naturally, there is also the original endless darkness and the strongest in Eternal Night.

After a total of millions of years, Ye Chen finally completely refined and made up for many of the gaps in Chaos Avenue.

At this moment, his understanding of the other half of Chaos Dao reached more than 90%.

It can be said that 90% of the Chaos Avenue of the true Dzogchen is reached.

Only the last few, is the complete Chaos Dzogchen level.

Once that step was reached, Ye Chen could prove Chaos, and perhaps he could prove the Eternal Heavenly Sovereign Achievement Status instantly.

The original universe has also completely evolved.

Now, he can use the power of the original universe at any time, and he can also use the power of the gods half-step overlord, plus the power of the cosmic chaos body, the half-step overlord of the immortal way, and the four half-step overlord powers to accommodate one, becoming the most ancient and modern A powerful half-step overlord.

Now I have to deal with the original will of the Eternal Night, and I am afraid that it will be perfectly suppressed in no more than 30 rounds.

Perhaps Ye Chen didn't know whether he had reached the upper level.

Because he is very vague about the upper level.

However, his power is strong to the extreme level of this life.

Ye Chen felt that maybe he could fight against the overlord of the Supreme Realm.

But soon Ye Chen vetoed himself.

He can't be regarded as the overlord of the upper realm, but he has the power of the upper realm.

Because he cannot completely integrate the four half-step overlord-level combat powers in his body, he can only forcibly smelt them Once shot, it may be very powerful, but the four half-step overlord-level combat powers are difficult to blend completely. A lot of power was consumed here.

I am afraid that only he can completely smelt the four strong forces into one, without the slightest loss, on the contrary, when quantitative changes produce qualitative changes, can he truly be called the supreme overlord.

But even so, he has a combat power comparable to that of a supreme realm hegemon.

Moreover, the original universe has just completed its completion, its evolution is complete, and all aspects have reached the point where it truly completes the chaotic ancient universe, but it does not mean that it will not continue to improve.

Because in the original universe, creatures have just been born, and the world of billions of planes has just appeared. Compared with the ancient universes such as the Pangu universe, alien ancient universe, and primordial immortal world, which have existed for countless epochs, they are still too young, and all aspects of nature are just fresh. Entering the initial stage, there is a long-term room for improvement.

However, Ye Chen's eyebrows were also a little dark.

Because, he always feels a little bit that his original universe has not completely evolved and become complete.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't. The original universe has what a chaotic ancient universe should have, and even the power of the half-step overlord of the gods will no longer be swallowed.

But why give him this feeling.

More importantly, the original universe, as the fiftieth ancient universe in the Chaos Sea, is forty-nine detached, and as the one that escapes, it represents the meaning of detachment.

Once completely evolved, it should not only wait for the power of a half-step overlord, but should be even more special.

But Ye Chen didn't feel it.

What is going on?

Unfortunately, Ye Chen didn't know, no one told him that maybe the overlord of the upper realm knew about it, but they all went to the place of origin.

Can't deduct it either.


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