Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4248: The final seal

On the other hand, Ye Chen also made a strong move, showing the cultivation base comparable to that of the Supreme Realm Overlord.

He suppressed it with absolute combat power, suppressed and collapsed a half-step overlord's self-destructive power of endless destruction, and finally turned into a pill-like existence.

However, this pill is extremely heavy, and the density is incredible. It can easily penetrate the eternal Taoist soldiers with a simple impact.

Because it contains a half-step overlord’s spirit of self-destruction, it exploded at close range, enough to make a half-step overlord seriously injured and dying, or even directly killed.

Although he succeeded in completely dissolving the self-destructive power of the Wrath World God, Ye Chen also felt a sense of threat at this moment.

It seems that there is something terrible, ready to appear.

"The Emperor Chaos, you will pay the price for everything today. This seat, not the last person, your disaster, now officially begins!"

At the moment when the **** of wrath completely disappeared, an indifferent voice suddenly emerged.

Ye Chen's expression was solemn, he didn't think the Wrath World God was aimless, and he had his reasons for speaking like this.

What do you mean by these words?

With the demise of the Wrath World God, not only the vast and endless road visions appeared in the Pangu universe, but also the alien ancient universe.

Alien ancient universe, sentient beings are in great compassion.

Finally, a half-step overlord appeared, but now it is also lost.

The Emperor Chaos is indeed the most terrifying enemy of the entire alien ancient universe.

However, no one has seen that, at the origin of the universe, the mysterious black hole in the Ancestral Temple of the First Generation, at this moment, a faint click sounded, as if something was broken.

With the clicking sound, from this mysterious black hole, I heard the surging sound of the river, which gradually grew louder.

In the end, a mighty long river suddenly emerged inside the ancient alien universe, rushing out from the mysterious black hole, it was the river of years.

The entire alien ancient universe was shocked.

The cosmic origin center of the alien ancient universe unexpectedly appeared in the course of time.

And how magnificent this long river is. It traverses the center of the universe and swept hundreds of millions of stars. It contains unparalleled time and space power. It is not the ordinary projection of the long river of years, but the real river of years.

At this moment, looking at the magnificent river of years, the only remaining alien supreme was taken aback and terrified.

How could the long river of years suddenly appear.

Moreover, it contains incomparable power, is it a successor left by Shidai?


The long river of years swept across the constellations of the ancient alien universe, and the waves contained the power of time and space.

A drop of river water caused a star to disappear directly for billions of years, and countless creatures on the star also passed through billions of years, and finally turned into rotten dust like this star.

Even if the strongest person on the stars is an ancient emperor, he can't stand the passage of time, and it will turn into dust.

There are also stars, time and space reverse, all living beings reverse, from old to young, from young to young, from young to life particles, and finally disappeared completely.

Nowadays, I don’t know how many rivers swept across the long river of years and swept down countless star fields. In those star fields, countless stars and infinite creatures are bearing the impact of that time long river.

Facing such terrifying years and power, the supreme beings as strong as the ancient alien universe were helpless and could not resist it at all. They could only watch the infinite creatures of the ancient alien universe be charred.

At this moment, on the long river of years, one after another huge and boundless dark figures came out.

All are the unimaginable existence that can squeeze the sky full of stars, bring infinite blood, shatter the countless stars in the center of the ancient alien universe, and the huge stars are annihilated.

In the ancient alien universe, sentient beings tremble, and there are not many sacred survivors, only a dozen. At this moment, I watched in horror at the terrifying shadows that emerged from the origin of the universe. Taboos exist, at least they are giants.

Nowadays, one statue after another appears, majestic and unparalleled, shaking the universe of thousands of galaxies.

Among them, there are several more terrifying existences, faintly enough to compare with the half-step overlord-level existence such as Aoyuan and Mo Daozi back then.

These supreme taboos exist, each body is covered with wounds, and drops of blood are dripping from time to time. The blood is in all colors, but there is no doubt that they are all terrifying. In this time, countless stars are completely disintegrated.

The entire alien ancient universe has fallen into an unprecedented crisis.

The supreme people of the alien ancient universe don't know why in the origin of the universe, there are so many giant-level existences stepping out one after another.

Could it be that he was the prisoner who was suppressed at the origin of the universe by Shidai and other ancient ancestors?

They can't know, they just know that at this moment, they are trembling, facing the existence of such supreme taboos, they are stronger than the supreme at this moment, they are very weak!

"The Wrath World God Venerable who should have been guarded finally passed seal is no longer and can finally leave."

"After so many years, I finally left there!"

"The **** first generation, the **** Emperor, if it weren't for the two of them, how could I be trapped there for endless years!"

"Fortunately, before Shidai left, he unlocked half of the seal, so he had a chance to leave!"

"The Emperor of Heaven has already left, and no one will be able to seal me and wait. However, the Emperor of Heaven has sealed me for endless years. Now, the Emperor of Heaven has entered the land of origin, and there is no one in the Pangu universe that can withstand it anymore. I wait for it!"

"The Shidai once said that Pangu universe hides the biggest secret of eternal proving. If the emperor leaves today, who can stop me from waiting!"

A statue of supreme forbidden existence pierced through the boundary wall of the ancient alien universe, and directly saw the Pangu universe on the other side, and endless killing intent was emerging.


These supreme taboo existences directly tore open the boundary wall of the ancient alien universe and entered the Chaos Sea.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​chaos seemed to explode, and the terrifying and boundless avenue fluctuations were emerging, causing hundreds of millions of waves and dispelling the phenomenon of De Daobeng.

At the same time, they also sensed the Dao Beng scene originating from within the Pangu universe, revealing a touch of surprise.

"There is such a powerful generation in the Pangu universe, but it is a pity that there is only one person!"

The existence of the supreme taboo naturally also noticed all this and looked at the Pangu universe, but it also revealed a touch of coldness.

The entire Chaos Sea was surging, and the appearance of these supreme taboos directly shocked the number of strongest people.


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