Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4262: Ready

The end of the epoch.

The most prosperous era in the history has entered the late stage.

This era is unprecedented.

Some people testify that some people call Wang Zuozun in the Supreme Realm.

The Sea of ​​Chaos has fallen into a huge explosion in this era. I don't know how many supreme beings have been born, and there are also many giants or fairy kings who have risen. There is no lack of the successful rise of the immortals and the first generation giants.

Chaos Tianfu is also particularly powerful.

Because, some people became the first generation giants or immortal superiors, which further strengthened the power of Chaos Tianfu.

Even without the Chaos Emperor, the strength of the Chaos Tianfu has reached a level that overwhelms the Chaos Sea.

In the current world, the Chaos Tianfu would be able to suppress the world without the Emperor Qingtian coming out, and it was stronger than the overall power of many ancient Chaos universes in the past.

It's just that this era is so prosperous, but the Chaos Heavenly Emperor still does not appear, which makes people wonder.

In the past, the Emperor Chaos never disappeared for such a long time.

Nor did he see the rise of the new Geshitianjiao.

Where did the Chaos Emperor go?

At the same time, the origin of the alien ancient universe, the Great Emperor Qingtian suddenly woke up.

The origin of the universe is shaking, and the entire alien ancient universe can detect that supreme horrible wave.

The Great Emperor Qingtian looked at the Chaos Sea and muttered to himself, "Have you succeeded?"

In the extreme depths of the Chaos Sea, a figure hung in it.

Beside him, there appeared a group of figures, each of which was incredibly powerful, and looked like a high level.

In the center is Ye Chen, with loose black hair, flowing with endless chaotic brilliance.

He looked at the eight figures around him, seeming to say to himself, "Cultivating "Ten Turns Against the Sky", excluding the first generation Qianyue period and the second generation Ye Chen period, he cultivated a total of seven lives. The ninth life is already the ultimate, compared with the tenth life in the imagination, it is one life behind."

In theory, practicing "Ten Turns Against the Sky" to the extreme, can cultivate ten lives.

Because the first life is Qianyue, and the second life is Ye Chen, the deity of the Chaos Heavenly Emperor, so theoretically it is possible to cultivate the eighth life. Only in this way can the "Ten Turns Against the Sky" be practiced to the extreme, and then thoroughly Successfully transformed.

But the strange thing is that Ye Chen only cultivated for the seventh life afterwards.

When the seventh life cultivated to the supreme level, he could no longer successfully reincarnate and cultivated to the tenth life.

It seems that this is the ultimate.

Is "Ten Turns Against the Sky" incomplete?

But Ye Chen vetoed it. He knew that the "Ten Turns Against the Sky" was intact.

That being the case, what is the problem?

Regarding this, Ye Chen had a terrible guess in his heart, and his eyes suddenly became countless times more intense, causing terrible collapses in the surrounding areas. "Is it really the case? No, cultivation is like me, It's the extreme world, even if someone wants to play chess on me, it is impossible to manipulate me anymore."

"I am who I am!"

"Everything is ready, it should be the last time!"


Ye Chen put away the other eighth body, tore through the absolute space of the Chaos Sea, and suddenly descended into the Pangu universe from the endless depths, showing an unprecedented means of conquering the world.

He returned to Chaos Tianfu.

When seeing his appearance, Chaos Tianfu was in the mountains and shouted, "The Emperor of Chaos has no borders!"


Several disciples were very excited. An epoch has passed, and the master has finally returned.

"You are all very well, you have cultivated to such a level, be prepared, you will soon enter the land of origin!" Ye Chen said, the world was shaken.

Is this day finally coming?

Chaos Tianfu is extremely excited, and this day is finally coming!


At the same time, the terrifying power swept across the Pangu universe, and a stalwart figure descended from the sky, and it was Emperor Qingtian.

He came and entered the Chaos Tianfu.

"Senior Emperor Qingtian!"

In Chaos Tianfu, Shi Baitian, Wang Xiong, Jian Wuhen, Yan Wushuang, Huanggu Demon God and others worshiped.

Di Wentian also followed.

Emperor Qingtian and Ye Chen left together, discussing plans.

Emperor Qingtian looked at him and said, "I'm ready, I can do it anytime."

Ye Chen was able to sense the aura of the Great Emperor Qingtian, and in the past epoch, he also went further and was exceptionally powerful.

It's just that it's always a little too far away.

In a sense, it can be called Quasi Taishang, which is much stronger than the average half-step overlord.

After all, Emperor Qingtian is not only a half-step overlord level himself, but also has a thorough grasp of the ancient alien universe, the strongest chaotic ancient universe in the prehistoric world. With blessings on his body, he is unparalleled, and even in the alien ancient universe, he can peak Fight the supreme overlord.

It's a pity that it is not that simple to become a superb.

Otherwise, from ancient times to the present, excluding the Heavenly Emperor, Shidai, Immortal Ancestor, and Zhenyuan Taishang, they are all overlords of the Supreme Realm from the place of origin, except for Ye Chen, only the Universe Great Emperor has achieved the Supreme Realm.

Moreover, the Universe himself was the Pangu axe of the Pangu Great God, and the battle soldier of the King of Heaven.

It can be seen how difficult it is to become a real supreme overlord.

Even Ye Chen can't be regarded as the real overlord of the Supreme Realm, just reaching this level in combat power.

It should be understood that his true realm is only the eternal emperor level.

If you want to achieve the Supreme Realm, no one can help the Great Emperor Qingtian, only by himself.

However, Emperor Qingtian was able to get to this point, and it was a little bit beyond Ye Chen's expectation.

Ye Chen said, "Wait for a while, when I fight, I will send you a message."

"it is good!"

Emperor Qingtian left.

Ye Chen returned to the Chaos Tianfu. Although his reincarnation was completed, he did not set off immediately and needed some preparation.

Soon after, he called Shi Baitian and others, and asked, "Have you not found them yet?"

Shi Baitian shook his head. "I haven't found Ye Chen's eyebrows are slightly condensed. After a full epoch, haven't they appeared yet?

Is it true that there is no longer the Realm of Desire, and has gone silently to the land of origin?

A hundred years later, when everything is ready.

Ye Chen sat on the Emperor's Seat in the Chaos Temple.

At this moment, an incomparable chaotic beam of light rushed up from his Sky Spirit cover, rushing directly into the vast nine heavens, breaking through the barriers of the universe, and reaching the highest point of the Chaos Sea.

The supreme avenue of chaos is surging and surging, spreading across the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

In the Chaos Sea, no matter where you are, you can sense this supreme incomparable Qi machine.

The boundlessness and boundlessness make the giants shudder and feel that they are as small as dust, far from being comparable.

The world is terrifying!

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