Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4264: Eternal disaster

Not only this first-generation giant, but other people also frowned, sensing the rippling atmosphere of this great destruction, spreading the entire Chaos Sea.

It's just that there is no God's Tribulation!

There is no catastrophe in the world, or even in the Chaos Sea.

Because the Primordial Sea of ​​Chaos only had the Realm of Desire, unable to give birth to the eternal deity, nor could it prevent the rise of such eternal deity.

The so-called tribulation has long been unable to harm the eternal heavenly sovereign.

However, the robbery still exists.

It's just that it doesn't exist between the heaven and the earth, but a special tribulation is formed in the body of the passer.

A terrifying calamity was forming and appeared in Ye Chen's body.

No one knows what terrible calamity has occurred.

"Does the catastrophe come from the body? This is the eternal catastrophe in the legend?"

The world's attention has attracted the attention of the Chaos Emperor's body, and there is a terrible calamity that can almost destroy the entire Desire Realm, which is brewing and surging.

Once it erupts in an all-round way, I don't know how terrifying it is, I am afraid it will be enough to sweep the entire Chaos Sea, annihilate countless realms, and smash many ancient Chaos universes, it is impossible to stop it.

But all this happened in the body of the Chaos Emperor.

He, the strongest person in the Chaos Sea, is suffering from this endless calamity.


Suddenly, when I saw it, Chaos Tiandi's stalwart body trembled abruptly, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

The world was shocked.

The world's invincible Emperor Chaos was actually injured, and the catastrophe actually appeared in his body, erupting from the inside out.

Ye Chen knew that there was the limitation of the original realm to the eternal realm.

There is no perfect eternal path in the original world, and it is impossible to give birth to a true eternal heavenly sovereign. Once the barrier is overcome, there will be invisible and eternal disasters appearing in the body, starting from the root to prevent the breakthrough of the barrier!

But just that, can't prevent him from achieving eternal fruit status.

"It's too weak to stop me from preaching eternity!"

Ye Chen was indifferent and indifferent, the chaotic light in his body instantly flared endlessly, and every round of his body seemed to have an endless chaotic sun erupting violently, forcibly suppressing all the power of disaster in his body.

This eternal calamity might be able to threaten the overlord of the upper realm.

But he can no longer threaten him now.

By now, Ye Chen had already stepped into the realm of Eternal Realm with one foot.

His strength can be said to be unprecedented in the world.

The Great Chaos Dao in the body is proving Dao, and the chaos divine power is transforming towards eternal divine power all the time.

Ye Chen is constantly getting stronger all the time.

Promoting from the Supreme Realm to the Eternal Realm is a qualitative change and a leap in the level of life.

Just like the emperor proving the Dao Emperor, he will rise in an all-round way.

However, Ye Chen was promoted to eternity, and his life level jumped even more astonishing.

The Qi machine is skyrocketing frantically, and every gesture is faintly affecting the entire Chaos Sea, involving the boundless and missing realm.

His injury recovered instantly.

The aura on his body is rising steadily, and he wants to surpass the current Supreme Realm and enter the real eternal realm.

It's just that, after all, some underestimate the eternal calamity.

Because this kind of terrible catastrophe that prevents the great realm from rising forever, the difficulty lies in the calamity from the inside out, bit by bit, it is enough to wipe out the giants.

If you bear it for a long time, even the overlord of the upper realm will undoubtedly die.

Although Ye Chen is very strong, and his life level is achieving a great leap, but after all, he can't be regarded as a true eternal state, but is realizing this stage of evolution.

The eternal catastrophe's outbreak can still cause him harm.

A wisp of blood is emerging from his body all the time. It is quasi-eternal blood, containing endless charm, even if the giants are jealous, they want to get a trace of enlightenment.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

With the passage of time, an extremely terrifying eternal calamity was erupting frantically in Ye Chen's body.

At this moment, it was stronger than Ye Chen who could not completely suppress it.

Infinite cracks appeared in the body, like porcelain.

Even almost, some parts of the flesh and blood exploded, and the blood was blasted to the sky.

This scared the world.

At the level of the Chaos Emperor, even if it’s an attack from the Supreme Realm, I’m afraid it’s hard to leave a trace, but now it explodes suddenly. It is conceivable how terrifying the disaster is, far beyond imagination. terrible.

Jie Guang began to appear in his body, becoming more and more terrifying.

Although they were all suppressed in the body by Ye Chen, after all, there was a glimmer of eternal calamity rushing out, falling on a realm, and directly shattering half of it, making the Chaos Sea horrified.

However, this calamity also caused Ye Chen's body to be not only covered in flesh, but also as pitch-black as coke, and his vitality was greatly reduced.

All the powers of Chaos Tianfu were quite worried, only Ye Chen had an accident.

As time went on, Ye Chen's situation became more and more serious.

Not only was the whole body cracked and charred, but also every inch of the body was constantly falling into annihilation and collapse.

Far beyond the original world, the place of origin.

This is the end of everything from the past to the present.

The true eternal gods are all here.

It is not as if there is a realm of lack of origin, which gave birth to the place of origin, but was abandoned, resulting in being reopened by the Great God Pangu in the future, and real eternity could not be born because the avenue was incomplete.

The place of origin is vast and boundless.

Even the supreme and the giant do not know where the end of the origin is.

Now, in the place of origin, there is an eternal heavenly deity standing high above, standing at the highest place, condescending, and dominating the place of boundless origin.

But the place far away from the land of origin has the original world, and it is also under the watch of the eternal heaven.

In those days, the nine eternal heavenly venerables regarded the realm of Qiyuan as a deserted place, joined hands to seal and imposed eternal rules blocked the creatures of the realm from leaving, but left a guardian It is just the ancient road of origin that the guarding clan of the Queyuan Realm can leave.

But that ancient road of origin, long before an era, was mostly destroyed due to the intrusions of the Primordial Realm, and could not be restarted and reused.

At this moment, an eternal **** awakened suddenly.

Because he sensed that the imprint of the eternal origin that he had placed on the outer membrane of the Desire Realm was impacted to a certain extent, he immediately opened his eyes and penetrated the distance I don't know how far, and landed in the Desire Realm.

He sensed that a special and astonishing air machine was emerging, causing the entire Desire Realm to have a special change.

"This breath of energy, could it be—"

The eternal heavenly Lord was suddenly surprised.

Throughout the ages, how many Chaos Epochs have passed, I have never seen such a shocking expression of such a great existence, but now it does.

Because, there is an abrupt birth of the eternal heaven in the realm of the original.

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