Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4269: Panguxian

The real eternal stone halberd appeared in Wanxuan Tianzun's hand, showing a peerless edge, tearing everything in the world, with the most terrifying eternal power, and powerfully bombarding that layer of light film like egg white.


Therefore, protecting the layer of light film that had the original realm, the overlord of the supreme realm couldn't do anything no matter how to attack, and now after the arrival of the real body of Ten Thousand Profound Heavenly Venerable, it was only three blows.


The incomparable eternal majesty of the sky swept across the realm of missing in an instant.

Nearly, a block of boundaries shattered!

All beings are trembling!

Ye Chen's face changed when he was crossing the catastrophe.

He didn't expect that in order to deal with himself, an eternal deity would actually come here without hesitation.

This is unprecedented.

In the place of origin, the eternal heavenly sovereign who annihilated the two drops of eternal true blood of Ten Thousand Profound Heavenly Venerables was about to make a move.

However, in the two directions of the Origin, a supreme body appeared in each of the heavens and the earth. Ten rounds of eternal sky will tremble.

They prevented the Eternal Heavenly Venerable from further assisting.

The eternal heavenly sovereign holding the sword, the light on his body was boiling, and at the moment he looked at the direction of the Universe Great, and said: "Friends, please help!"

The Great Universe sighed, but he stepped forward resolutely and resolutely, his figure turned into a quaint axe that broke the world, shattering the void, and instantly appeared in the hands of the eternal heavenly sovereign, saying: "The same is the same as those who have a lack of origin A member, after this seat, is also the second person who has the original universe, and is also the successor of the Pangu Great God, and should help each other."

"Pangu Axe!"

When I saw the emergence of the world-class battle axe that the former Pangu **** relied on to crush the land of origin, the expressions of the two eternal gods also changed.

It is all because I remembered how brave the Pangu Great God was during those years, holding a Pangu axe, smashing out of the barren land, and achieving eternal deity with unparalleled fighting power, overwhelming many eternal deities.

Only the Yuanshi Tianzun, who had long been known as the invincible king among the Tianzun for infinite years, could stand up against each other.

Now that the Pangu axe is reappearing, the two eternal heavenly veterans have to be jealous, knowing that this Pangu axe has drunk the blood of many eternal celestials, and it is almost the same as the first fierce soldier of the heavens.

The Eternal Heavenly Sovereign held the Pangu axe, and without a word, he slashed forward.

A simple blow!


The sky is falling apart, and the place of origin seems to be split in two.

The expressions of the two eternal gods changed, and they blocked them.

Each displayed eternal level means, and snorted: "Even if you have a Pangu axe, it is not a real Pangu after all, I am not afraid!"

Here, the underground of origin.

Tianzun Wanxuan sensed the occurrences in the land of origin, and said indifferently: "The more you care about this kid who is lacking in the original realm, the more proving that he is the heir of Pangu. You must not keep it. The deity will kill. It!"

He took a step forward and directly entered the realm of the original, the vast and eternal majesty swept through everything, far and wide, causing many ancient chaotic universes to tremble.

The stone halberd turned into a giant pillar of the sky, I don't know how huge it is, and it traverses the sky above how many boundaries, carrying the peerless attacking power to destroy the ancient Chaos universe and smashing to the lower Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was covered in blood, the roaring light was surging, and he felt the peerless halberd that broke through the sky and let out a loud roar.

A punch came out.

Contains the strongest punch of this life, and it strikes hard with the stone halberd.


I don't know how many territories have collapsed, and the entire Desirable Territory has experienced unprecedented huge shocks.

The blood light is also collapsing.

The stone halberd retreated, but Ye Chen was covered in blood, stained many realms red, and his body was in tatters, his skin was ripped apart, and he did not know how many parts were exploded, and the immortal Chaos Bone was also shattered a lot.

Ye Chen suffered more terrible injuries than the Eternal Calamity, and almost fell to pieces.

But resisted.


"The Emperor Chaos!"

In the Pangu universe, the Chaos Tianfu Zhuqiang looked like the Chaos Tiandi, very distressed.

He was too difficult to prove the truth with difficulty, yet suffered such a terrible disaster.

Ye Chen was sitting in the Chaos Sea, covered in blood, and Jie Guang was constantly annihilating his flesh and blood and even his soul.

He panted, trying hard to draw the infinite chaotic energy into his body to repair his injured body.

But it was very difficult. That blow was a peerless blow from an eternal heavenly sovereign who was in a state of true Dzogchen, far beyond the overlord of the supreme realm. The bombardment hit Ye Chen, who had not yet fully become the eternal realm, and almost made him Dead.

Bang bang bang--

Ye Chen worked hard to make Pan Gu's heart beat faster, and more eternal blood emerged, allowing his injuries to recover.

But treating the symptoms rather than the root cause can only barely maintain one or two.

Wanxuan Tianzun was condescending, seeing that Ye Chen hadn't been killed, he was somewhat surprised, and said: "Some are beyond my own expectations. I didn't expect you to be able to resist it. It's good. If it wasn't because you were There are people from the Lack of Origin Realm, and the deity is reluctant to kill you."


The stone halberd struck again.


Ye Chen could no longer resist and it exploded directly. His body was broken and his blood stained most of the chaotic light.

All beings in the Chaos Sea are sad.

Wanxuan Tianzun is so cruel, he actually wants to completely stifle the only eternal Tianzun in the original realm on the road to promotion.

"Die completely, within the realm of the original, there should be no new eternal heavenly being born."

Wan Xuantian wanted to continue to take action, completely annihilate all Ye Chen's soul and true spirit, and completely solve the problem.

Suddenly, he looked into the distance.


A long river of years has emerged.

Vaguely, at the starting point of the vast river of years, an extraordinarily burly tall figure appeared, naked to the upper body, wearing an animal skin battle skirt, and holding a simple battle axe, and came across the years.

Seeing this figure, who is not Pangu?

For the first time, Wanxuan Tianzun looked at the Pangu Great God who had stepped on the river of years and showed an unprecedented dignity.

Even if the man in front of him has completely passed away infinite years, he was still the one who created the dusk of the heavens, and the only man who could compete with Yuanshi Tianzun for the throne of Tianzun.

Great God Pangu looked at him, sighed lightly, and said, "Wanxuan, you shouldn't come."

Although Tianzun Wanxuan was a little jealous, it was only that, because the man in front of him had passed away more than one Chaos Era and could not be alive. He couldn't help but sneered and said: "Pangu, you have passed away long ago, and the deity came in person. Kill the younger generation you cultivated, how can you stop the deity!"

When the words fell, the eternal sky suddenly exploded violently, and the entire seat had a lack of origin.

Under the sky, everything is ants!


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