Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4271: The truth about Pangu's fall!

"Senior Emperor Qingtian."

Ye Chen opened his eyes when he saw the arrival of Emperor Qingtian.

However, such a simple action is a bit laborious for him today.

The injury on the body seemed to have been relieved, but it was only reluctantly maintained temporarily. It was like a piece of broken porcelain that was pieced together again, but it was not completely glued, and it was easily broken again.

Moreover, the eternal calamity in his body has not completely ended, and he continues to annihilate the vitality in his body.

It can be said that Ye Chen's state is extremely difficult, and he may perish at any time.

This is the situation where there is the first person in the original world.

The Great Qingtian looked as strong as Ye Chen had fallen into such a tragic situation, and he could also feel the terrible calamity power in the latter's body. Even if he is now, he has a sense of fear and fear, and he will die if he touches it.

He looked extremely solemn and said: "Sure enough, everything is as you imagined, the eternal heavenly sovereign of the place of origin does not allow you to succeed."

Ye Chen said with difficulty: "All of this has already had signs, and it has also been recorded by the Heart of Pangu."

The Heart of Pangu is left by the Great God Pangu, contains the true blood of the Great God Pangu, and records the supreme eternal mystery.

In this epoch, after Ye Chen became the supreme realm overlord, especially when practicing "Ten Turns Against the Sky", he triggered some pictures hidden in the eternal blood of Pangu Heart.

These pictures are prehistoric pictures from endless years ago, even before the opening of the original realm, and pictures of Pangu Great God and the Eternal Heavenly Lord of Origin.

There are also pictures of Pangu Great God walking away from the singularity of the original world after the dusk of the heavens.

It involves the secret secrets of the Eternal Heavenly Lord!

Back then, the Great God Pangu walked far away from the starting point of the original realm. It was because he took the initiative to leave, and because the nine eternal gods joined forces to expel him away. There was an extremely terrifying eternal-level battle.

That battle was second only to the Battle of the Sky Twilight.

Although Pangu Great God is strong and can compete for the throne of Tianzun, he is also lonely and lonely. He was targeted by the nine eternal Tianzuns and suffered terrible injuries, which was a serious injury to the eternal origin.

It can be said that the fall of the Great Pangu God was due to the reopening of the original realm, the opening of 49 ancient chaotic universes, and the death of exhaustion.

But there is also the main reason that the nine eternal gods shot at that year.

To some extent, they killed the Great God Pangu.

Therefore, they are quite afraid of the existence of the original realm, and they will not hesitate to cast a curse to make the eternal road of the original realm lack, and the eternal deity cannot be born.

It’s just that they miscalculated after all. They did not expect that although the Great God Pangu was lost, the soul of eternity had three points, each of which was given a part by the emperor, the ancestor, and the first generation. On this basis, they created the three major The ancient scriptures are the eternal road analysis of one-third of the soul of Pangu.

As long as the three ancient scriptures are collected and thoroughly analyzed, you will be able to obtain the mystery of the complete eternal road of the Great God Pangu, and even the creatures of the original world can cultivate to become a true eternal position.

Generally speaking, it is easier said than done to gather together.

However, Ye Chen succeeded.

Moreover, under the conditions of favorable conditions and favorable conditions, Ye Chen has the help of the eternal ancient sutra "Ten Turns Against the Sky", allowing him to successfully complete the accumulation of ten generations, reducing the accumulation of divine power over the endless years. In the case of the tenth generation, he has deepened his grasp of Chaos Avenue time after time, completely sneaked off, and understood Dzogchen completely.

Finally, in just one epoch time, he succeeded and was promoted to the eternal state.

There is no doubt that Ye Chen's appearance was unexpected by the nine eternal gods.

No one thought that there would be an eternal deity born in the realm of Desire!

Moreover, the original realm that used to be indispensable was able to give birth to Pangu Great God, such a strong existence that was qualified to compete for the throne of the Heavenly Venerable. Now Ye Chen, in the original realm where the Eternal Avenue is lacking, has to be promoted to the Eternal Realm.

What's more, the way this junior has proved is still the Chaos Avenue.

They know that the other eternal heavenly sovereign who also controls the eternal avenue of chaos, but the Yuanshi Tianzun who can be compared with the great **** of Pangu, also has the strength to compete for the king of heaven during the thirty-three days .

They worry that the original Heavenly Venerable who was born this time, promoted in such a difficult situation, may directly become the King of Heavenly Venerable!

Moreover, Ye Chen may have obtained the inheritance of the Pangu Great God, and also mastered the Primordial Emperor's Chaos Eternal Avenue. After mastering the power of the two, once successful, it may be stronger than the Pangu Great God of the year!

Furthermore, they shot Pangu who killed the Great God.

Therefore, the eternal heavenly sovereign of the place of origin will never allow Ye Chengong to become the eternal fruit position.

Therefore, when Ye Chen was promoted to the Eternal Realm, Tianzun Wanxuan even came to his real body and forced a shot at him during the Tribulation.

Although Ye Chen knew about all this a long time ago, he still couldn't avoid this disaster.

The Great Qingtian sighed, "Although there is the guarding power left by the Great God Pangu, you still should be robbed!"

The Eternal Heavenly Lord is too strong, and, at any rate, the real presence is unexpected!

"However, this time I brought something like which may relieve your injury."

Emperor Qingtian tore through the void, and a special ancestral temple appeared.

It is the ancestral temple of the first generation.

Ye Chen's wounded body was moved into the Ancestral Temple of the First Generation by Emperor Qingtian.

It is strange to say that Ye Chen's injury was in the process of deterioration, but when he entered the Ancestral Temple of the First Generation, the deterioration was actually contained to a large extent.

Quite strange!

It seems that in the ancestral temple of the first generation, there is a mysterious mighty force to contain the eternal disaster.

Seeing this scene, not to mention Ye Chen, the Great Emperor Qingtian also showed a touch of amazement, saying: "Sure enough, the first generation really has a great origin."

The eternal catastrophe in the body was contained, and Pangu's heart continued to be beating, and Emperor Qingtian used the supreme means to gather infinite chaotic light into Ye Chen's body, and Ye Chen's injury was relieved to a certain extent.

However, it is only maintained at a balance point that does not deteriorate but will not get better.

Unless Ye Chen completely stepped into the eternal realm and achieved the ultimate leap in his life level, he could survive this catastrophe.

Immediately, Emperor Qingtian brought in the black hole left by the first generation, and said in a deep voice: "Now you can only enter the last step. You can only pass the last level by receiving the eternal force of the origin. This is you. The last level that must be passed."

Ye Chen also took a deep breath and said, "Okay, start the final plan."


Although in the dying stage, Ye Chen took a deep breath, and gathered a force that shook the chaotic sea, and used supreme means to summon a magnificent and broken ancient road out of thin air in a place of endless emptiness.

Origin of the ancient road!

PS: Let's continue to owe another more, it's not easy to write!


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