Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4276: Heavenly Body

"Want to kill me?"

In the endless land of nothingness, Ye Chenquan stood here, the chaotic light surging on his body, and the scar on his fist instantly recovered.

He looked at the Eternal Heavenly Lord who had collided with his peak, and sensed that the other party's body was so rich that it could even kill the giants' terrible killing thoughts, but the corners of his mouth raised a sneer arc, slowly saying: "Do you think , Just relying on your eternal heavenly thought, can it really hurt me or not?"

Just when everyone was stunned.

Suddenly, Taiyuan Tianzun's figure trembled suddenly, and there was a terrible tremor.

Taiyuan Tianzun is the eternal Tianzun who fought against Ye Chen Peak.

Immediately, a series of terrible cracks quickly appeared on the surface of his body, and then spread all over the body.


Taiyuan Tianzun exploded in a blast, turning into a mighty force of destruction, sweeping away wanton and mighty in the endless emptiness.

In the land of endless nothingness, the Chaos Sea powers who followed Ye Chen were all startled, even a little surprised. Obviously, they didn't quite understand why the Taiyuan Tianzun who was able to hurt Ye Chen before was broken into pieces.

At the scene, only Qingtian the Great could understand a little bit, saying: "Although the opponent is strong, but in the final analysis, it is just an eternal heavenly thought, at most it only contains the eternal true blood blessing increase in order to exert eternal power, but he barely He hurt Ye Chen, but he also suffered a corresponding backlash. After all, Ye Chen is not the eternal god, but the true eternal god!"

Wanting to kill a true eternal deity with a thought of eternal deity is undoubtedly an idiot dream.

The place of origin, Taiyuan Tianyu, belongs to Taiyuan Tianzun's Tianyu, vast and boundless, even far beyond the realm.

Taiyuan Mountain is the place where Taiyuan Tianzun is hidden from the world, and even the descendant of Tianzun—the place where Taiyuan Tianzu is located.

Because it is the location of the Taiyuan Celestial Clan, and even the world's Tianzun, no one dares to invade the Taiyuan Mountain or even the Taiyuan Celestial Domain.

At this moment, because of the eternal heavenly thought and the three drops of eternal true blood attached to it were annihilated, Taiyuan Tianzun was shocked, and in an instant, the true body awakened.

The endless eternal majesty is surging and surging, and the entire Taiyuan universe has been enveloped in a moment, from the overlord of the upper realm to the ordinary creatures, all shocked.

The ancient Tianzun who had been silent for endless years was actually awake at this moment.

The Taiyuan Celestial Clan was even more shocked. I don’t know how many epochs, or even a few chaotic epochs, have passed. I have never seen Tianzun wake up. What happened at this moment?

It is the son of Taiyuan Tianzun who has long become the overlord of the Supreme Realm, and it is not clear.

Ignoring the external shocks, Tianzun's real body opened his eyes, and there were two terrifying eyes that instantly penetrated the sky, penetrated the boundary wall of the origin, and looked towards the endless emptiness.

"Very well, dare to destroy the deity's heavenly mind and true blood. This original world deity is indeed somewhat capable, but you haven't completely overcome the tribulations, let alone the true eternal deity. How dare to provoke the deity."

The dim figure of Taiyuan Tianzun is the carrier of the eternal heaven. It can affect the whole avenue of the origin. At this moment, the absolute space of the origin is torn apart, and he stepped directly from Taiyuan Mountain to the land of endless nothingness.

In front of him, he faced Ye Chen directly.

Even if they are separated by an infinite distance, for the two, they are just a short distance away and can be easily crossed in a single thought.

Taiyuan Tianzun was as indifferently as the voice of the heavens echoed in the endless emptiness: "You should hide in the realm of lacking origin. In this way, even if you become Tianzun, we will not know you because of the shielding power left by Pangu. Fortunately, he survived in the hands of Wan Xuan and became the Heavenly Venerate, even if it is only the lack of Heavenly Venerate, but it is also the Heavenly Venerate."

"But, now I dare to leave the realm of deficiencies without authorization. Not only do we have to achieve the heavens under our noses, but also to fill the deficiencies. Do you think we allow you to succeed?"

"What's more, you have successfully angered the deity, because you have killed a body of heaven and eternal true blood of the deity."

"Born in the Realm of Desire, but can be promoted to eternity, your eternal origin and eternal imprint can resolve the injury of the deity, so you die!"


Taiyuan Tianzun's move is far more powerful than the previous eternal Tianzun's thoughts, as if the whole block is shot together with the original world.

Ye Chen didn't dare to be careless. Even if it was blessed with eternal true blood, it was still not as strong as the deity, and it was so strong that it could hurt himself, not to mention that the deity's real body was dispatched. In other words, it is definitely not the same.

He took a deep breath, even if he was in the land of endless emptiness, he was still able to draw endless power from the land of origin and bless it on him.

In an instant, Ye Chen reached the peak state, and then condensed on his fist, bursting into an unprecedented eternal glow, which was the strongest blow in his life.

Beyond all previous attacks.

This punch blasted towards Taiyuan Tianzun.


Even more terrifying waves of destruction exploded in the land of endless emptiness, sweeping the sky endlessly.

The blood spattered, as if Ye Chen had been injured.

Once the real Eternal Heavenly Sovereign came out, it was too strong, and it wasn't something Ye Chen, who hadn't completely transformed, wouldn't want to completely match it.

However, he stopped the rapid retreat and stood in the place of endless emptiness. The chaotic light was surging, and he seemed to vaguely merge with the place of endless emptiness.

When Taiyuan Tianzun saw this, his eyes condensed slightly, his expression condensed.

It's not easy to be able to merge with the endless emptiness. It is really worthy of the Tianzun who possesses the eternal avenue of chaos like Yuanshi Tianzun.

However, it is so simple to use the endless land of nothingness.

Taiyuan Tianzun's figure moved, as if a supreme giant supporting the heavens, wherever he passed, the endless emptiness rumbling, almost breaking apart.

That is the most terrifying force.

The battle of the eternal realm naturally shocked the place of origin.

There are many supreme powerhouses in the land of origin, and they can sense that the endless emptiness outside the land of origin is blooming with great terror waves of destruction, the horror is boundless, and it seems that everything in the world can be annihilated.

As long as it reaches the level of a giant, its vision can penetrate the boundaries of the place of origin and see the outside world.

I can only see that there is endless eternal light surging, shining on the endless emptiness, and is accompanied by the power of the collision that destroys the world and destroys the earth.

This makes their hearts tremble.

That is the real supreme eternal force colliding!

Many giants wanted to see exactly who the two fighting parties were, but when they took a closer look, they suddenly snorted, and their eyes blasted blood.


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