Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4308: Wanxing (4000 characters, 2 in 1)

PS: Incidentally, make up last night

All the gods make a move, and every move and style can provoke the joint action of all the gods in the great world.


Containing the absolute rule of the supreme realm to be the strongest, the horror is infinite, and it is enough to completely kill the half-step overlord of the super real level, even if the overlord of the upper realm is careless, it is possible to die under this crazy attack.

There were countless terrifying dark cracks in the sky above the sky patching city, all of which were torn apart by the gods, and the blessing of the eternal sky pattern could not stop it, on the contrary, it was wiped out a lot.

If it weren't for the Tianzun ancient city of the Tianzun, with endless eternal sky patterns inscribed, and even with the imprint of the supreme Tianzun of the Tianzun, it would be immortal and immortal, and it would be broken directly.

Even so, the distraction of the city lord needs to be patched up, and patches of eternal sky patterns have emerged, forming an immortal eternal ancient formation, which can withstand the collision of the two supreme overlords, causing immense destructive power, leading to the collapse of the sky and the earth. , Destroy Patch Sky City.

At the same time, City Lord Patching the sky felt a great increase in pressure, because of such a distraction, among the three ancient heavenly gates on the sky, tall figures gradually became clear.

That is the three supreme overlords of the Ten Thousand Profound Sky Clan who are gradually descending into the City of Patching Heaven.

The City Lord of Patching the Sky needs the power of the City of Patching the Sky to prevent the arrival of the three great heavenly tribes.

However, it is only for a while, because the opponent is from the ancient and supreme Ten Thousand Profound Celestial Clan, and has the seat of the Supreme Celestial. The ancient soldiers of the Heavenly Clan are here.

"City Master of Patching Heaven, if you remove the block, we can forgive you to patch the Sky Clan and give the Patching Sky Clan a chance."

Among the three heavenly gates, in one of the heavenly gates, a tall, burly figure arrived, carrying the power of immeasurable greatness, and wanted to cross the heavenly gates and descend to Patch Heaven City.

Behind him, there are countless stars rotating, and each star can have a majestic that can reach more than a million miles at any time. They are all real stars, and stars constructed by the power of the ether contain far more than Countless times the power of ordinary stars.

Such a star can be called the Supreme Star, which is condensed by the Supreme Power and the Supreme Rule God, and is sufficient to kill the supreme of the Heaven-receiving and Replenishing State.

At this moment, there are thousands of stars appearing, moving around this heavenly clan, exuding the majesty of endless stars.

This heavenly clan spoke too loudly, with endless divine sounds, resounding above the sky patching city.

And he is also coming across the gate of heaven, tens of thousands of great stars bombarded, constantly smashing a number of regular divine patterns, and also obliterating the eternal sky patterns of the city.

Divine power as prison!

His tall figure is countless times larger than the star, and it is endless.

Countless people in Mending Heaven City looked up at the huge figure of the Heavenly Clan Supreme, feeling extremely shocked.

It seemed that Mending Heaven City seemed so small in front of it.

It seemed that he would break through all barriers at any time and truly descend into the city of Patching Heaven.

Among the Heaven-Mending Clan, there are two Taizhen-level half-step overlords who follow the Lord of the Heaven-Mending Clan. At this moment, the one who is directly facing the Ten Thousand Profound Heaven Clan reveals a deep and solemn color: The son of Xuan Tianzun is also the only one who has reached the supreme realm. It is also the ancient overlord who has lived for infinite years, and the overlord of the world stronger than the gods. He is intimacy, and then bring Going up the Eternal Stone Halberd, I am afraid that I will not be able to resist the Sky City for long."

Wanxing Supreme, the Supreme Supreme of the Ten Thousand Profound Celestial Clan, is also the heir of Tianzun.

Regardless of status, status, or strength, they are all the strongest among the Ten Thousand Profound Sky Clan.

Even compared with the ancient overlord of the Ten Thousand Gods, it was a bit short.

His presence is not a good thing.

City Lord Patching looked at the incoming person. Although he was so powerful as a prison, he was a bit short, but he sneered: "Wanxing, needless to say, you were the main murderer who led the Ten Thousand Profound Celestial Clan to deal with my Patched Sky Clan. , I won’t believe you. Moreover, your Ten Thousand Profound Celestial Clan made a move together with several other eternal Celestial Clan to destroy my Mending Celestial Clan. This hatred is not shared and cannot be resolved."

"Don't talk nonsense, let's fight!"

As the words fell, the Supreme Rule on the Lord of Patching Sky surged out, immeasurable divine power penetrated into the City of Patching Sky, and fully recovered the ancient city of Tianzun.

At the same time, the Sky Patching Pagoda should rise to the sky. Although it is incomplete, it is an ancient soldier of Tianzun, still possessing unimaginable power, and slammed into the three heavenly gates.

Naturally, the main purpose of the City Lord of Patching Heaven is to break the three heavenly gates, and not allow the three heavenly clans to descend into the City of Patching Heaven.

Otherwise, once they arrive, it will almost make up for the disaster of the heavens.

"Hmph, stubborn fellow, if that's the case, the Sky Patching Clan has no need to continue to exist, and it's all destroyed today!"

Wan Xing Tai Shang snorted coldly, carrying the thousands of Tai Shang stars across the boundary forcefully, hitting the eternal sky pattern in front of the heavenly gate, and was wiped out vigorously.

There is no doubt that he is really powerful, with infinite power and coercion over the heavens, even if he can't break all obstacles in the first place, although his speed is slow, he is also advancing strongly.

The other two Heavenly Clan Taishang are also crossing the boundary.

Even faintly, the eternal stone halberd, the Tianzun ancient soldier of the Ten Thousand Profound Sky Clan, was recovering, and it hit the eternal sky pattern strongly, and instantly wiped out how many times, and penetrated a cave.

With the help of the Sky-Mending City and the Mutilated Sky-Mending Tower, the City Lord could resist, and the pressure was extremely high.

He transmitted the voice to Ye Chen and said, "Friends, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist the Ten Thousand Profound Sky Clan for long and will leave. Can you defeat the Ten Thousand Gods?"

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. The Heaven-Mending Clan is not the opponent of the Ten Thousand Profound Heavenly Clan. Now the Ten Thousand Profound Heavenly Clan has almost all descended, and all the Heavenly Tribes come out together, and the Heavenly Mending Clan can only retreat.

However, the Ten Thousand Gods could not stay in Patch Sky City, otherwise they would not be able to leave at all, they would be locked, and would be chased and killed endlessly by the Ten Thousand Profound Sky Clan.

"It's okay, you only need to resist the Ten Thousand Profound Sky Clan for a while, and the Ten Thousand Gods will disappear forever."

Ye Chen responded, and immediately ignoring the stunned eyes of the City Lord Patching Heaven, he was bold and fearless and let him attack.

Moreover, all the attacks of the gods all turned into immeasurable rules when they approached him, directly submerged in his body, dissolving a large number of eternal heavenly shackles in his body for him.

His strength is slowly recovering.

This scene seems to make people feel incredible.

However, it is happening magically, incredible.

At the back, Ten Thousand Gods Taishang also gradually realized that all the attacks he made had been swallowed by the opponent one by one.

Yes, it was swallowed.

This scared him.

Even if they are both the overlord of the Supreme Realm, this should not be the case. The terror attack that swallows the overlord of the Supreme Realm contains the most terrible rules of destruction, and even involves the supreme power of the eternal realm. In the current world, no one should be able to do this step except for the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign.

Who the **** is the opponent who can swallow the terrifying Dao of the Supreme Overlord level and attack, is it the Supreme Heaven?

But soon, the gods vetoed it.

The eternal deity is supreme, and one hand can easily suppress him, why should it be so.

But, where is the other party sacred.

He has been the supreme overlord of all gods from the twilight period of the heavens. He has lived for more than three Chaos Epochs and has witnessed the changes in the land of origin. What an ancient existence, he is also the supreme heaven. , I know what is happening in the world, but I have never heard of it. There are still people in the world who can swallow up the attack and be safe.

"who are you?"

Wanshen looked at Ye Chen suspiciously.

However, even if he was the ancient overlord, he couldn't penetrate the falsehood and see Ye Chen's true face.

His body was like a strange fog, covering his whole body, and the sky was blessed, unable to discern the truth.

"Could it be that he didn't swallow it with his own body, but with the help of ancient soldiers?"

Suddenly, the Ten Thousand Gods thought that the opponent might not rely on his own body, but with the help of Tianzun Ancient Soldier.

Tianzun ancient soldiers, after all, are the strongest weapons in ancient and modern times that have been sacrificed because of the Supreme Heavenly Lord. No one has reached the highest point of Dao soldiers.

Contains the absolute mighty power of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, once fully recovered, it is to wait for the supreme Heavenly Sovereign to make a world-destroying blow, no less than the real Supreme Heavenly Sovereign's shot, possessing the immeasurable Heavenly Mighty that destroys the universe.

However, on the other hand, it is quite surprising.

If Ye Chen really owns the ancient soldiers of Tianzun, why not directly sacrifice the ancient soldiers of Tianzun and kill him.

Therefore, the city lord of Patching the Sky can suppress him, the ancient overlord, if he revives the Patching Tower. If Ye Chen really has an ancient soldier of the sky, then suppressing him is not a problem, and there is even a certain possibility of killing him.

Here, Ye Chen felt that the power in his body was slowly recovering, and he looked at the Ten Thousand Gods, flashing a touch of Mingwu.

Perhaps, killing a supreme realm overlord could make the eternal heavens of the two supreme heavenly venerables in his body dissolve faster.

He will have a chance to return to heaven!

"I don't know if I can kill a supreme overlord?"

Ye Chen said to himself, even though he had a wrong judgment about his strength at the beginning, thinking that he was only at the Tongtian level, but now he found that he was still above the upper level.

I'm afraid, this is what is called, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

He was once the supreme eternal deity. Even if he was almost lost, his body was wounded. The eternal heaven that was penetrated into the body by the two supreme deities turned into a chain of heaven and imprisoned the eternal origin, unable to exert the eternal power of the eternal deity. .

However, the eternal deity is the supreme deity after all, and even so, it is still invincible in the world.

"In that case, please go and die!"

Ye Chen spoke, his body suddenly blooming with endless brilliance.

That is the power in the body is recovering, it is the parts of the eternal shackles in the body that are cut off with the help of the gods, is continuously releasing the majestic power of the world, and part of the eternal source of power is recovering, acting on the supreme sky. On the torso, he slammed straight into the ten thousand gods.

Although the Supreme Master of the Gods sensed that his attacks were swallowed by Ye Chen, he did not think that the other party was the Supreme Heavenly Venerate, and such ignoring of himself and bumping into him also provoked him to anger, roared and waved war. The sword swung across.

He is an ancient overlord, even if the opponent has an ancient soldier, he is not afraid and confident that he can fight.


Suddenly, the Taishang Zhanjian was knocked down.

The next moment, like being struck by lightning.

All the gods only felt Ye Chenru like a Tianzun Mountain hitting, but also like an eternal celestial impact, crushed by unparalleled power.


Because he couldn't bear it, in the blink of an eye, the upper half of the body of the gods exploded, blood staining the sky above the city.

The immeasurable blood of the Supreme Dao was splattering, and the blood stained the entire city, containing extremely terrible power, which directly obliterated the many rules and gods inscribed in Debutian City.

Inside the city, Zhu Qiang was stunned, watching this scene in horror.

Especially those of the Ten Thousand Profound Sky Clan, they were even more stunned and still couldn't believe it.

The dignified and supreme all gods, not to mention the Ten Thousand Profound Celestial Clan, looked at the entire place of origin, and it was only a great existence second only to the supreme Celestial Being, and was hit half-way by a mysterious strong man.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I could not believe it.

Where is that mysterious strong man?

Could it be that he is not only the overlord of the Supreme Realm, but also the armor of the fully resurrected Tianzun Ancient just now.

The Wanshen Taishang was the most shocked. So far, it is still a little unbelievable, but after all, it is a generation of ancient Taishang. He soon reunited his mind and took a deep breath. The wounded body was rapidly reorganizing and began to recover.


Suddenly, Ten Thousand Gods was horrified and authentic, because he discovered the most frightening thing.

His wounded body was unable to recover quickly.

It seems that there is a terrible force that is preventing the recovery of his wounds.

This scene made him feel a kind of horror. He is the overlord of the Supreme Realm and the powerhouse of the Eternal Celestial Clan. He is also the blood of the Heavenly Sovereign. The bloodline of the Heavenly Sovereign is quite rich, and he has recovered to the extreme, no less than the Heavenly Sovereign. The kind of heir, even if it has a terrible curse, but with his ancient primordial cultivation base is enough to stop it, even relying on the infinite power in the heavenly bloodline, it is enough to resolve almost all curses in the world.

However, he didn't know that this power originated from Ye Chen's power of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign. When he crashed into the Ten Thousand Gods, the power of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign exclusive to him was contaminated on the latter and attached to the injury. Physically.

As a result, even though the gods were too powerful and possessed the terrifying blood of the Heavenly Venerate, they could not be completely expelled in the first place. Influenced by the power of Ye Chen Tianzun, they could not recover quickly.

With Ye Chen's big hand, Wan Shentai was hit by half of his body's blood qi, and the next moment it fell on his hand, turning into a crystal clear blood cell, containing majestic and majestic. The blood qi and the rules of the Supreme Realm also have the power of the Heavenly Venerable Bloodline.

This level of blood is manifested by more than one-third of the blood and dao bones of the gods, and it even envelops a part of the gods, which is the source of the gods, and was hit by Ye Chen. , A part of it collapsed.

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