Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4314: Daison

In fact, Ye Chen's fight with Wanxing Taishang was only in the blink of an eye.

After some fights, the Supreme Master Wan Xing was extremely jealous of Ye Chen, especially the eternal stone halberd was directly suppressed by the opponent's hand, such a terrifying existence almost surpassed the Supreme Realm.

"Xiaozu, are you alright!"

The two heavenly races looked at Wanxing Taishang nervously. This is the young ancestor second only to the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, and there must be no accident, otherwise the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign will be furious.

"It's okay." Wan Xing Taishang naturally didn't suffer much damage. What was naturally humiliating was that that person took away the ancient Tianzun soldier of the Ten Thousand Profound Celestial Clan, and now he is still suppressing it.

Although it was impossible to suppress it forever, it was at any rate the ancient soldiers of the town clan of the Ten Thousand Profound Sky Clan. They were suppressed in this way and passed out, absolutely ridiculed by the people of the world.

Moreover, it does not include that the ancient overlord of the Ten Thousand Gods was abolished, and the source of the Supreme Being was captured.

"Little ancestor, be careful, he may be the legendary great master!"

One of the heavenly clan is too high to say this, and his tone is full of solemnity.

Hearing this, Wanxing was too surprised.

Great Lord?

At first glance, many people are quite puzzled.

Because of this word, I have never heard it.

Is there still this state?

However, the City Lord of Patching the Sky, the Emperor of Ten Tribulations, and many ancient giants in the city all looked at Ye Chen in shock.

Ten Tribulations Emperor Tianjun sighed: "No wonder it's so invincible. When the supreme Heavenly Sovereign in the world can't come out, it's true that only the Great Sovereign can do this."

The ancient Taixu-class giant who tells the secrets of Tianzun knows a lot, and at this moment, he took a breath of coldness and explained: "The so-called Great Lord is actually like the emperor to the Supreme, between the Supreme and the eternal. A name for ."

"From ancient times to the present, there have been thirty-three eternal gods, no, thirty-four, including the original sky gods who were killed when they were promoted not long ago. However, throughout the ages, there have been many heavenly princes, although only three were born in the end. Fourteen, however, there are also some heavenly arrogances, because they have the posture of Heavenly Venerable, they tried to attack the Supreme Heavenly Venerable at the beginning, but unfortunately because they took the wrong path, or the impact failed, they almost all perished."

"However, there are still some people who did not perish and survived the Tribulation. Although they did not become the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, because of the Tribulation, they almost succeeded at one point, making half of their body step into the eternal realm, and finally possessed part of it. The unpredictable cultivation of the Supreme Heavenly Venerate."

"Because it lies between the Supreme Supreme and the Heavenly Sovereign, it possesses the characteristics of both. It surpasses the Supreme Supreme but has never reached the true eternal heaven. Some people call it the Absent Heavenly Sovereign."

"Later, it gradually evolved, and the world called it the Great Master."

"Literally, ‘big’ is less than ‘heaven’. As the name suggests, if the **** of heaven is lacking, it is the big god!"

"The Great Venerable, in fact, is still the overlord of the Supreme Realm, but because he has once stepped into the supreme eternal realm, even if the final impact fails, he has mastered a part of the power of the eternal heaven. Therefore, fundamentally speaking, it is more than the overlord of the upper realm. Strong, but not as good as the Supreme Heavenly Venerate."

"This mysterious Xeon who came out abruptly is likely to be a Great Venerable. Otherwise, how can he abolish the Ten Thousand Gods, suppress the Ten Thousand Stars, and suppress the ancient soldiers of the Tianzun."

After hearing the explanation of the ancient giant of Taixu, many people suddenly realized.

It turns out that this is the so-called Great Master.

No wonder it is so strong, it is the overlord of Wanxing Taishang, such as Xeon Taishang, and is not an opponent.

No wonder the Eternal Stone Halberd, the ancient Heavenly Sovereign Soldier, was also suppressed.

After all, Dazun is a great existence with half of his body stepping into the eternal realm. It is boundless and powerful. It almost became the highest heaven back then. In the ancient years, it was even called the lack of heaven.

This kind of great existence is not a big problem to suppress a Tianzun ancient soldier that has not fully recovered.

Only in the hands of the supreme Tianzun can the ancient soldiers recover completely.

Otherwise, the overlord of the upper realm will not work. The so-called full recovery will not even be able to achieve half of it.

"Great Venerable, throughout the ages, in terms of number, it is not much more than the Supreme Heavenly Venerable. Especially during the Battle of the Twilight, many great Venerables still wanted to break through the shackles and truly ascended to the highest heaven and participated. In the battle of heaven, he wanted to seize the eternal fruit of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, causing most of it to fall."

"Yes, afterwards, those great lords of the world were almost wiped out because of the twilight battle of the heavens. Few survived, and they were hidden from the world like the Supreme Heavenly Lord. I didn’t expect that one would appear today. Great Master."

"It's no wonder that if you can kill the Ten Thousand Gods, and suppress the Ten Thousand Stars, the ancient soldiers of the Heavenly Sovereign can't hurt them. Once the Great Sovereign comes out, the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign can't come out.

"There have been more than two Chaos Jis who have never heard of the appearance of the Great Venerable, perhaps because not long ago, the Supreme Heavenly Venerables were born one after another, which caused the Great Venerable to also begin to join the world!"

There is a lot of discussion in Butian City

Countless hot eyes fell on Ye Chen.

The Great Venerable, although it can only be regarded as the lack of Heavenly Venerable, but after a part of it, it is still above everything, second only to the Supreme Heavenly Venerable.

If it weren't for the large number of great elders to be too small, or even the two Chaos Epochs had never been born, otherwise the world would never be unaware of the existence of this type of superpower.

"Great Lord?"

Ye Chen's expression was a little weird, he was just the eternal heavenly sovereign who had been severely injured, but in this case, it was indeed not much different from the so-called great one.

After all, he also had the absolute strength above the supreme realm overlord, but compared to the Supreme Heavenly Venerate, there was still a certain gap.

He has not fully recovered yet.

Ye Chen would not refuse if they thought they were the great elders, otherwise they would be recognized and lead other supreme heavenly elders to chase and kill them. For him, the pressure is very high.

"It turned out to be a great eminent!" Wan Xing Taishang also recovered and felt relieved.

Indeed, only the Great Master possesses such power.

Unexpectedly, at a critical moment, a great deity was actually killed to help the criminals in the original world and help patch up the city.

Facing a great deity, the Supreme Master of Ten Thousand Stars did not dare to neglect, and he clasped his fist and said, "It turned out that it was great deity, but Ten Thousand Stars was negligent. I implore the great deity to return the ancient soldiers of the Heavenly Venerable, as well as the supreme origin of my heavenly gods. , My Wanxing can represent the Ten Thousand Profound Celestial Clan and will not pursue all the guilt of the Great Lord."

In this world, the Supreme Heavenly Lord will not be born casually.

Last time, the birth of Ten Thousand Profound Heavenly Sovereign was also due to the promotion of someone in the Kuyuan realm to a high heavenly position. Now, even if the Great Sovereign is born, the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign will not be born easily.

Naturally, Ye Chen couldn't return the Eternal Stone Halberd. When Wanxuan Tianzun made the move, he was so worried, unable to let go, and said indifferently: "What if I don't want to return it?"

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