Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4320: Tianzun's heirs talk about the dusk of the heavens

"But the remaining great sages are not the opponents of the nine supreme heavenly sages. After the nine great sacred sages attacked and killed several great sages forcefully, the other great sages knew that they couldn't compete, so they finally agreed to the heavenly agreement."

"Of course, in order to monitor the heavens, the nine supreme heavenly veterans established thirty-three heavenly palaces in the name of the heavenly veterans, representing the thirty-three supreme heavenly venerables of the past. Among them, one of the highest celestial veterans personally served as the master of the heavenly palace. The great deities of the heavens are not united, and many great deities are also disciples or heirs of their respective supreme deities."

"In the end, a total of five Great Lords became one of the five Great Lords of the 33 Heavenly Palace, monitoring the great Lords."

"Once the Great Venerable violates the Heavenly Covenant and takes action without authorization, the 33rd Heavenly Palace will personally take action to suppress the Great Venerable who violated the Heavenly Covenant."

Hearing this, Ye Chen finally understood why Wan Xing was too dare to face himself in the first place. It turned out to be because of the heavenly appointment and the 33rd Heavenly Palace.

The Great Venerable is too strong, and even has a shocking record of beheading the Supreme Celestial Venerable, and being jealous by the Supreme Celestial Venerable, so the Heavenly Covenant was formulated, and there were also 33 Heavenly Palace restrictions.

It's just that Wan Xing is too supreme to imagine, he is not a great deity at all, and the so-called Tianyue and 33 Tiangong can't limit himself at all.

Moreover, he is the Supreme Heavenly Venerable.

Once fully recovered, there is no fear of the 33rd Heavenly Palace.

Even so, he still wants to avenge the three supreme heavens, such as Wanxuan Tianzun and Taiyuan Tianzun.

City Lord Patching the Heavens solemnly said: "Senior, you are the Great Lord. Although you are not the Great Lord in the Twilight Period of the Heavens, and you don’t know about Tianyue and the 33rd Heavenly Palace, the 33rd Heavenly Palace will not bother you. It is very likely that you will come to the trial, you have to be careful."

"It's okay, just come." Ye Chen smiled and didn't care.

On the contrary, a little fine light gushes out between the eyes.

The source of the supreme realm can restore him a lot. If it is the source of the great emperor, but he has part of the eternal source, once the refining is successful, it may instantly dissolve all the eternal shackles in his body and return to the highest heaven.

Seeing this scene, the Emperor Tianjun of Ten Tribulations and City Lord Patching looked at each other, sighed in their hearts, and there was a little worry in their eyes.

They thought that the great sage Ye Chen relied on the cultivation of the great sage level, and this was fearless.

However, there are a total of five Great Seniors in the 33rd Heavenly Palace. Once they make a move, how can Ye Chen be able to resist.

What's more, the Lord of the Heavenly Palace of the 33rd Heavenly Palace is a Supreme Heavenly Venerable.

If you really want to startle the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, no matter how powerful the Great Sovereign is, you will have to hate.

Ye Chen said, "By the way, I really want to know, why did the Battle of the Heavens Twilight erupt?"

This is also his doubt.

The Twilight Battle of the Heavens involves the 33 Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns, as well as the 100 Great Sovereigns back then.

All the top and strongest in the land of origin were involved.

It is said that it is because of Pangu Great God.

But what exactly did Pangu Great God do back then that led to the eruption of the ultimate heaven war in the dusk of the heavens?

Now, Ye Chen and even Gao Tianzun are qualified to know all this.

Moreover, he also faintly felt that the truth behind the emperor, the first generation, the immortal ancestor, and others were exiled to the realm of guilt, claiming to be sinners forever.

Especially now, after he became the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, he even felt vaguely that they were not simple.

Is it really just a supreme overlord?

City Master Patching the Sky said with a wry smile: "Sorry, Great Lord, if you ask me, I am not sure. Even in the Battle of the Twilight, I just became the Supreme, but the seed of the clan is relatively talented, so I was selected. , Following the path left by the ancestors, avoided the catastrophe of genocide, and was able to preserve the seeds."

The patch of heaven is one of the few eternal heavens whose origins have been destroyed.

As for the Sky Patching City Lord, even though he was already the overlord of the Supreme Realm now, he was very young at the time, and he was just a supreme who could reach the level of Receiving the Sky.

At this level, the place of origin does not even have the qualifications to participate in the Battle of the Heavens and Dusk.

"Great Lord, even though I have fought with Heavenly Father in the Battle of the Heavens Twilight, but the real reason is really not clear." Ten Tribulations Emperor Tianjun shook his head and said: "I just know that in the Twilight of the Heavens Before the First World War, Heavenly Father had left and learned that other Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns had also left and went to a place no one knew. After the Father’s return, I found his expression very solemn, and Heavenly Father told me, ten The Heaven Smiting Clan needs to be prepared for an all-out war, and must also prepare for the transfer of some talented people."

"I was stunned at the time. Although Heavenly Father didn't fully explain it, I could hear that this was a preparation for extermination."

"You know, the Ten Calamity Celestial Clan is the eternal Celestial Clan, extremely powerful, and the Heavenly Father is the supreme Celestial Venerable, the world is boundless, but the Supreme Celestial Clan, who can dare to say to destroy my Ten Calamity Celestial Clan."

"I knew at the time that a major event was about to And, it is very likely that the ultimate heavenly battle between the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign will erupt!"

As the heir of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, Ten Tribulations Emperor Tianjun knew many secrets.

Even at the time of the Battle of the Twilight of the Heavens, he still followed the Ten Tribulations Heavenly Sovereign to fight.

"Although I asked Heavenly Father to know what happened, why even Heavenly Father is not optimistic. Even if the ultimate heavenly battle occurs, and the eternal and immortal cultivation base of the Supreme Heavenly Venerate, including the entire eternal heavenly race into the eternal heaven realm, It’s not a problem.

"After all, even if the Supreme Heavenly Venerate initiates the ultimate heavenly battle, they are also scrupulous about each other. Very few will have unending death."

"But I know that since Heavenly Father speaks like this, it means that the ultimate heavenly battle that is about to erupt will involve more than two or three Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns, but more than one."

"However, Heavenly Father did not answer me, but just prepared me for everything."

"Soon after, the Heavenly Father, using the heaven-reaching means of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, arranged a large number of eternal sky patterns for the Ten Tribulation Heavenly Clan, and left the ancient Heavenly Sovereign soldiers, and was also ready for the ultimate heavenly battle.

"When the real ultimate heaven war started, I knew how cruel it was."

Speaking of this, the Emperor Tianjun of Ten Tribulations still felt lingering in his heart, and there was a gleam of fear in his eyes.

"The ultimate heaven battle is also in the dusk of the sky. All the 33 Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns from ancient and modern times have participated, and all the great sages who can be called Bantian Zun have also come. No one is immune."

"I was already cultivating to the supreme state, and I also fought with Heavenly Father."

"Of course, with my cultivation base, it is impossible to participate in the heavenly battle. That is the ultimate heavenly battle of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, and only the Great Lord can intervene in it."


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