Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4324: Immortality (2 go 1 big

On the side of the original world, the Supreme Heavenly Venerate was born.

This is unexpected by everyone.

Because the original realm belongs to a place of exile, and it is even determined by the nine supreme heavenly beings.

Nowadays, there is the Supreme Heavenly Lord standing on the side of the original world, shocking the world.

However, it soon became known afterwards that it was not the Supreme Heavenly Venerable who was born in the original realm, but that there was a Supreme Heavenly Lord who was exiled to the Realm of Desire in the past. It is rumored that it was one of the people who fell in the Battle of the Twilight, because he was immortal The immortal characteristics can be resurrected.

According to rumours, there is the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign who is worried about the revenge of this Supreme Heavenly Sovereign.

Unexpectedly, the exiled Supreme Heavenly Sovereign finally returned to the place of origin, and after an epoch, returned to the heaven.

And, not long ago, one person confronted the two supreme gods and prevented the supreme gods of the Origin from blocking the rise of the original world gods.

Now, the supreme heaven respects and returns to the heaven, standing on the side of the original realm, the sun of the heaven is floating on the supreme sky of origin, the tenth day.

After the return of the Supreme Heavenly Venerable, he issued the Supreme Heavenly Order, ordering the major forces stationed in Pangu Heaven to retreat immediately.

Under the Supreme Heaven’s order, the countless forces that were originally stationed in the Pangu Tianyu have retreated. Although they were unwilling, they dared not speak.

Even the major eternal heavenly tribes that have intervened in the Pangu Tianyu have withdrawn one after another, not daring to say a word.

Facing a supreme heavenly sovereign, no one can be calm, even the eternal heavenly clan.

At the same time, for the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign standing in the Primordial Realm, many people secretly guessed which one of the 26 Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns who perished in the past?

Moreover, being exiled by the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign to the Realm of Deficiency, the world's people can only speculate secretly and dare not explore the grievances between the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign.

For them, the Supreme Heavenly Venerable is an absolute taboo and cannot be explored. Once discovered, there will be a heavenly punishment that no one can bear.

Because a Supreme Heavenly Venerable who has returned to the heavenly position is standing on the side of the original world, now, the core heaven of the Pangu Heavenly Territory has become the base of the major forces on the side of the original world.

Occupying a vast universe, even if the power of the original realm is not strong enough to gather together to reluctantly compete with the eternal heavenly clan, it will inevitably become stronger quickly as time goes by.

They have such potential.

Pangu Tianyu Center, Tianzun Mountain.

It is also called Pangu Tianzun Mountain and Pangu Mountain.

It is not the alien ancient universe, nor the side of the prehistoric immortal world, but the Pangu universe.

Not only because they are the successors of Pangu, but also because of other reasons.

Tianzun Ancient City-Pangu City!

In the center is the Ziji Lingxiao Hall, and there are also the most powerful forces in the Pangu universe, such as the Chaotian Temple, the Human Palace, the Fighting Temple, the Ancient Emperor City, and the Time and Space Emperor City.


At this moment, a space-time tunnel appeared above Chaos Tianfu, and two figures rushed out.

Just as the strongest of Chaos Tianfu rose into the sky like a big enemy, preparing to deal with it, the next moment he saw Qianxun and Qianwentian walking out of it.

"I have seen two highnesses."

Chaos Tianfu all powerful immediately saluted respectfully.

Qianxun and Qianwentian nodded slightly, and walked straight towards the Chaotian Temple.

At this time, they came back.

After all, Patching Heaven City is located on the edge of the 33rd Heavenly Territory, and it is separated from the Pangu Heavenly Territory at the core by many Heavenly Territories. Even with the time and space tunnel, it took some time to return smoothly.

In this process, both of them are not clear about what is happening outside.

As for the Tianzun Seed Wantai Huangzun of the Ten Thousand Profound Celestial Clan, he had long been suppressed and thrown aside.

In the city of Pangu, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, no matter the Heavenly Clan came too far, it would not be able to save Wantai Emperor.

At this moment, Qianxun's expression was excited, and when he came to the Chaos Temple, the golden light was surging, which shocked many strongest people and looked over.

"Chihiro, you should also be calm, now you are a father."

Inside the Chaos Temple, a cold voice came out, with a little helplessness.

"Quiet like a mother." Qianxun didn't dare to be arrogant at the sight of the majestic woman, on the contrary, she seemed a little bit convincing from her heart.

This is contrary to outsiders' perception of the God of War, even if they dare to fight against an overlord of the Supreme Realm, they are so respectful to a Supreme Void.

In front of him, the stunning woman sitting on the **** seat of the Chaos Temple is the goddess Zhao Jingruo.

After arriving in the land of origin for an era, Zhao Jingruo has also become a giant of Taixu.

This is already very good.

After all, it was just an epoch, and the speed of cultivation was amazing.

Such as Qianxun and Ye Junlin are special examples.

Next to him, Qian Wentian was also there, and respectfully said: "Wen Tian has seen Jingruo Grandma."

"Wen Tian, ​​you are progressing well, and after activating the Tianzun bloodline in your body, your cultivation speed will be faster. I am afraid that it will not be long before you can surpass the grandmother of me." Zhao Jingruo said to Qian Wentian, the eldest grandson. There was a touch of doting.

Although not her biological grandson, it is similar.

But all Ye Chen's descendants are her descendants.

Qian Wentian is also the eldest grandson of the third generation of the Ye family.

Since he was a child, he has also shown extraordinary talent for cultivation, otherwise, he would not become a Sky-Through-Through-Rank in such a short period of time. Even with the help of the Celestial Bloodline, his combat power is no less than the Taixu-Rank, which is quite amazing.

Qian Wentian was very respectful to Zhao Jingruo and said with a smile: "Grandma, you laughed. No matter how fast Wentian practices, you will still be your grandson for the rest of your life."

"The mouth is very sweet, your father is a fighting freak, can't say such things, let's talk, is it because you have learned from Grandpa Will and Grandpa Corpse Insect Emperor?"

Zhao Jingruo was as majestic as a queen, and at this moment she also showed a touch of helplessness.

But there are also some sorrows.

Because, not long ago, her husband, Chaos Heavenly Emperor, was blocked by the three highest Heavenly Lords in the Land of Origin when he was promoted to the Eternal Realm.

Although there was also the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign who helped Ye Chen, it was not possible after all. There were too many Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns who shot. With the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign on the original realm side, it was impossible to stop the three Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns at once, and in the end he could only watch The death of the husband.

Even she has witnessed the immortality of her husband time and time again, and has come back to life from death many times, and this time also gave birth to despair.

Because, even Gao Tianzun shot.

Invincible in ancient and modern times, unsurpassed.

Or the two Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns had crossed the original realm, and directly bombarded Ye Chenlei Ting in the Tribulation. He heard that all the true spirits were wiped out, and he could not die again.

But after all, she is the wife of Chaos Tiandi, and the first wife deservedly among many wives. This is because of her character, she is strong enough and convinced by several other wives.

At this time, she didn't dare to show it even if she had endless sadness. She needed to be strong and calm enough to stabilize the situation.

At the same time, Zhao Jingruo also needs to practice constantly, and one day he will march into the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, before he can raise the butcher knife and avenge the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign who had dealt with her husband in the past.

"Jing like a mother, my child has got great good news." Qianxun was very excited, so excited that he couldn't control the strong fluctuations of the Taizhen level on his body, causing the entire giant hall to roar.

"What good news?" Zhao Jingruo was a little puzzled. Over the years, the death of Ye Chen has made Chaos Tianfu very sad, and Qianxun rarely smiled, but now such a wild laugh made her heart jump, as if guessing What happened.

Qianxun's eyes were clear, and said: "Mother, the child thinks that his father has not died yet!"

Zhao Jingruo condensed her eyebrows slightly, although she was also sad, but in fact, Ye Chen really died, this matter cannot be changed.

In fact, everyone thought that Ye Chen had not died.

But, so what, because everything about Ye Chen, such as the soul lamp with a trace of true spirit, was completely dimmed, which was enough to explain everything.

It shows that Ye Chen really died.

Qianxun knew that Zhao Jingruo didn't believe it, but he said: "Mother, the two children just escaped from the Ten Thousand Gods of the Ten Thousand Profound Sky Clan in Mending City, because there was a person who helped and that person stopped living. The gods are too high, and the void is broken, opening the space-time tunnel to help the child and Qianwentian leave together."

"At the moment he left, the child felt the blood of Tianzun in his body boil."

"Do you think that, in the world, who can make the blood of Tianzun in a child boil, besides father, who else?"


As if an eternal taboo had emerged, the entire Chaotian Temple was rumbling, and the Chaos Temple was even more shocking. There were terrible thunders in the sky, resounding through the sky.

Zhao Jingruo stood up abruptly, and there was an infinite divine light emerging on her body, and the Chaotian Temple appeared, and she said excitedly: "Chihiro, what were you talking about?"

Can't help her being so excited.

The death of her husband Ye Chen made her grieve more than her heart. Only killing the three highest heavenly veterans who shot that year is her hope of surviving. Once she fulfills this wish, she can’t wait to sit down and look for Ye. morning.

Now, I heard that my husband seemed to be alive and helped Qianxun and Qianwentian.

Especially, let the blood of Tianzun in Qianxun's body boil, that's the point.

Only the closest person can make the blood of Tianzun in the body boil.

Could it be, is that really Ye Chen?

Chihiro repeated what he said just now.

"Could it be that he is really still alive." Zhao Jingruo's eyes shone brightly, and her beautiful cheeks were also filled with absolute light. All of a sudden, she felt that her world was full of colors.

She believed that her husband could not have passed away like this, he must be alive.

Now is the best proof.

"Well, he is in Patching the Sky City, we will take him back."

Zhao Jingruo stood up and made the decision in an instant.

Even for a second, she didn't want to stop, she wanted the first time to see the long-sought husband.

"No, mother, it's not right now." Chihiro saw Zhao Jingruo's expression excited, and hurriedly stopped, said: "Mother, the child also wants to pick up his father and return immediately, but don't forget, in order to deal with his father, those supreme gods I won't just sit idly by. Once I know that my father is still alive, I'm afraid I will continue to take action."

"Furthermore, my father's current situation does not seem to be very good. Otherwise, once he has absolute strength with his strong temperament, he will not hide too much, but will directly return to us."

Zhao Jingruo also calmed down a bit, feeling that what Qianxun had said was very true. If Chaos Tianfu went to Patch Heaven City in a big way, the news that Ye Chen was still alive would be exposed.

For Ye Chen, it was very unfavorable.

Since the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign had chosen to attack him, he would definitely never die.

Moreover, at present, I don't know the exact situation of Ye Chen's side. Going hastily, it is very likely that Ye Chen will cause countless troubles.

After some thoughts, Zhao Jingruo suppressed the thoughts in her heart and decided not to go for the time being.

What's more, it has not been fully confirmed whether Ye Chen is alive, and if Zhao Jing didn't want to disappoint other family members, she put this matter in her mind temporarily.

However, even so, the corners of the mouth were a little bit more smiling.

Because she believes that Ye Chen is 100% likely to be alive!

Even if there is no thorough confirmation, she is willing to believe this way.

At the same time, a piece of information appeared in the Chaos Temple, and Zhao Jingruo opened it and took a look: the ancient great deity appeared in Patchian City, forcing the Ten Thousand Profound Celestial Clan back.

Upon seeing this news, Zhao Jingruo's expression changed.

I came to the place of origin for an epoch time, and Chaos Tianfu was one of the best in the original realm. It had a good relationship with the Supreme Heavenly Lord who returned to the heavens, and naturally learned a lot of ancient secrets.

For example, the Great Lord of the Ancients.

Zhao Jingruo knew that the ancient Great Venerable is the eternal realm that has always been attacked throughout the ages, trying to become the supreme Celestial Venerable, but ultimately failed, and there is no perishing heavenly pride, half-footed into the eternal realm.

Big, a little less than the sky, for the lack of heaven.

The great deity is the lack of heaven.

There was an extremely glorious past in the dusk of the heavens.

But later, because of threats to the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, he was restricted by the heavenly covenant and was not born.

The Thirty-Three Heavenly Palace is the law enforcement place for the nine supreme heavenly lords to check and balance the ancient ones.

If Zhao Jing is so clever and intelligent, wouldn't he know that the ancient Great Venerable who appeared in Patchian City is probably the person who is suspected of Ye Chen.

Now that the Ancient Great Venerable who is suspected of Ye Chen suddenly appeared, the 33 Heavenly Palace would certainly not sit idly by.

Moreover, she learned that one of the five principal palace masters of the thirty-three heavenly palace is the Great Lord of the Ten Thousand Profound Sky Clan, an extremely old ancient great deity and a major disciple of the Ten Thousand Profound Heavenly Lord. , Unparalleled talent, boundless combat power.

If the Great Great Sovereign acted personally, the ancient Great Sovereign who was suspected of Ye Chen would be in danger.

If Zhao Jing can guess, if the ancient great venerable is really Ye Chen, your current situation will definitely not be very good, otherwise it is Ye Chen's strong temperament, if it is really in the peak state of the supreme heavenly venerable, It is impossible not to return.

Therefore, she believed that it was necessary to ask the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign of the Primordial Realm to take action and shelter one or two of the Ancient Great Sovereigns who were suspected of Ye Chen.

"Chihiro, follow me to the Purple Extreme High Peak Palace, and let Aunt Ruoxi go with me."


Zhao Jingruo took Qianxun directly, left Chaos Tianfu together, and hurried directly to the highest peak of Pangu Tianzun Mountain, which was the location of the Supreme Tianzun who returned to the heaven.


At this moment, there were extremely terrifying fluctuations from the outside world.

With the supreme majesty of the sky, like a tide, it is overwhelming and mighty.

The entire Pangu universe was shaking, and infinite creatures were alarmed.

Zhao Jingruo and Chihiro changed their expressions and looked at the outside world.

I saw that in the distant horizon, a tall and majestic figure appeared.

PS: I remember I owed two chapters or three chapters before. If you forget, just treat it as three chapters. The four thousand words in this chapter are two-in-one. One chapter is paid back and two chapters are still owed.


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