Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4328: Don't mess with me because you can't mess with me

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An unspeakable palm shot out of the City of Patching Heaven, passing through the cracks in the space, and traversing the endless world, almost in the blink of an eye, it appeared in the sky above the 33rd Heavenly Palace, instantly turning into an incomparable huge palm. .

This palm is huge and boundless, encompassing the entire Qingtian Palace, exuding immeasurable power of Heaven, from top to bottom, slapped down the Qingtian Palace fiercely.

"you dare!"

The Great Supreme in the Great Sky Palace noticed it for the first time, and rose to the sky, wanting to stop it.

But, palmprint is faster!


Before everyone came back to their senses, they saw the extremely majestic Sky Palace instantly turned into fly ash, and all the super large arrays arranged outside had also been silently annihilated into ashes.

In a palm, crush the Sky Palace!

Outside Qingtian Palace, many of the strongest people who were originally stationed, together with them, turned into dust and disappeared.

Among them, there was only a majestic figure rising into the sky, black hair dancing wildly, and an angry face.

"Don't mess with me, because you can't mess with me."

At the moment when the Qingtian Palace was smashed, a voice with absolute contempt resounded, like a thunder exploding, causing a sensation in the 33 Heavenly Palace.

The heavens made a sensation.

Thirty-three Heavenly Palace countless powerhouses are horrified, is it the ancient great lord who fills the sky?

He was so disrespectful, attacking the 33rd Heavenly Palace, and still attacking Great Sovereign.

Although it didn't hurt Great Supreme, Great Heaven Palace represented Great Supreme, and it collapsed directly, which was to sweep the face of Great Supreme in front of the world.

It is like the Great Lord Qingtian, the lord of the thirty-three heavenly palace, how can he give up.

"Okay, okay, how dare you openly provoke the majesty of the deity and the majesty of the 33rd Heavenly Palace!"

The Great Lord's face was full of anger.

No one has ever dared to despise him in this way, other ancient great elders did not dare to do so, and the supreme heavenly elders would not do it if they were qualified.

Now, there is a person in Patchian City who dared to despise him like this, and didn't put him in his eyes.

How to bear it.

On his body, an infinite power that seemed to be the explosion of the universe, burst into bloom, sweeping the 33 heavens from top to bottom.

The Thirty-three Heavens were in a big earthquake, and the infinite time and space collapsed, and the countless Heavenly Palace powerhouses collapsed and could not bear this great power.

The whole world was shocked, and he looked up in horror at the worldly figure in the 33rd Heavenly Palace.

At this moment, they all knew that this must be the ancient Great Venerable who patched up the sky and smashed Qingtian Palace.

They also knew that the ancient Great Lord could not be so easy to tie his hands, but they didn't expect to be so violent, he would fight directly, provoking the Great Lord and the 33 Heavenly Palace in front of the world.

Even if he is the Great Venerable of the Ancients, he is too courageous.

"No matter what your status is, but today, you disappear together with the remnants of the Sky Clan."

Thirty-three Heavenly Palace, on the ruins of the Great Heaven Palace, Great Lord Great Sovereign uttered indifferently, infinite rules of order emerged, and eternal sky patterns appeared, and the power of immeasurable avenues gathered.

In the end, a halberd appeared in the hands of Great Lord.

Eternal Stone Halberd!

Of course, this is not a real eternal stone halberd, but the Great Supreme Being condensed by the power of the Great Lord, and it also envelops a series of terrible eternal sky patterns, containing absolute terrifying power, no less than Ten Thousand Star Supreme The eternal stone halberd recovered is even stronger.

In the final analysis, Wanxing Taishang couldn't recover the Eternal Stone Halberd perfectly, otherwise Ye Chen wouldn't be able to suppress this ancient Celestial Soldier so easily. Go listen to books

However, the eternal stone halberd, condensed by the power of the Great King, is more terrifying, containing his endless anger, and also killing Ye Chen.

As soon as this eternal stone halberd was released, the atmosphere of the entire 33 Heavenly Palace also changed.

In the heavenly palace, countless powerhouses feel that time and space are frozen and unable to move.

Several supreme overlords also felt the terrifying oppression of Mount Tai.


The Great Lord Qingtian held the eternal stone halberd and threw it hard.


The eternal stone halberd instantly turned into a huge pillar, huge and boundless, more than hundreds of millions of miles, even Xinghe appeared small in front of it.

The huge eternal stone halberd rumbling from the sky to the heights, blasted towards Patch Sky City, and stab Ye Chen.

This eternal stone halberd possesses unprecedented power and power. It is the power of heaven and power of the ancient great emperor. It crosses the sky from the starry sky with incredible speed.

In an instant, I don’t know how many trillions of miles have been affected, and the huge star fields have been involved. Infinite stars are attracted and traveled through the endless sky with the stone halberd.

The sky of the Ten Tribulations Heaven Realm lost its color, and the ten Heavenly Venerable Suns that had originally shining high above the entire Heaven Realm had also lost their color. Under the light of that eternal stone halberd, they were completely dimmed.

Many infinite creatures in the heavens can only be seen, a huge and boundless stone halberd descends from outside the domain, and the endless stars are as small as dust, chasing across the sky, tearing the endless void.

That scene was so trembling.

It seemed that the stone halberd could completely pierce the entire place of origin.

"The Great Lord of Ancient Shots!"

"Then, is it the ancient master's cultivation base? It is really unfathomable!"

It attracted worldwide attention.

Countless shocking gazes looked at the incomparable Optimus pillar-like stone halberd. The power that radiated out made countless strong people in the 33rd Heavenly Territory tremble.

One after another Supreme Overlord was also awakened. Looking at the stone halberd bombardment, he would be frightened, asking himself, it was far worse.

"After the Battle of the Twilights, endless years have passed, and the Great Lord of the Ancients has made another shot. It is visible to the world, really invincible!"

There was an ancient supreme realm overlord lightly sighing, and a blow of that level would make the supreme overlord to be unstoppable.

The ancient grandmaster is above the Supreme Realm.

Pangu Tianyu, Chaotian Temple.

The look of the goddess and Qianxun changed drastically: "It's not good, it is Great Lord, he is angry and shot!"

Ziji Tianyu, Tianzun Mountain, and the ancient Great Sovereign of the Ziji Tianzu have deep eyes, piercing through everything, and slowly said: "The Great Great Sovereign has taken the shot himself after Now, what should you do? To deal with it, the newly born Great Lord."

At the same time, the eyes of the other ancient great lords also opened, one after another looking at the direction of Mending Heaven City.

This is the key to whether the Great Lord of the Ancients can be born.

"No good, Great Sovereign made a move!"

City Lord Patching the sky changed a lot, and he felt the great horror of that eternal stone halberd, which was even more terrifying than the original eternal stone halberd held by the Ten Thousand Star Taishang when he landed on Patching City.

He opened the canopy of Mending Sky City in the first place, and endless eternal sky patterns appeared, trying to resist the eternal stone halberd.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The moment the eternal stone halberd fell, in an instant, the endless eternal sky pattern was obliterated.

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