Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4333: You can't escape

"Eternal Saint Emperor (

The expression of Great King Great Lord changed in shock, and the figure violently retreated immediately, so stay away from here.

Even if you risk the sun of Xu Tianzun, you will be blown up by the opponent and cause serious injury, you have to retreat.

Otherwise, he knew that once he faced the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign face-to-face, his ancient Great Sovereign would also have to perish.

"Damn it, how could this guy be the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, why I don't know."

Thousands of thoughts appeared in the mind of the Great Lord.

In any case, he would never have imagined that this new born grandmaster who suddenly appeared in Patch Sky City was actually the Supreme Heavenly Lord.

He could feel that the other party was not cheating, because the Great Lord of the Ancients did not have such a strong power of Heaven, even if he held the ancient soldiers of the Heavens, it would be difficult to achieve that step.

Could it be that the former supreme heaven has been respected and returned to heaven?

Because when his master Wanxuan Tianzun and the other two supreme Tianzun attacked Ye Chen, the original Tianzun, he was still in a state of retreat and was outside the place of origin, so he naturally didn't know it.

"Can you run?"

Ye Chen smiled, ten magnificent black shadows rushed out of his body, and in the blink of an eye they turned into ten ancient heavenly gates that were as high as the sky, standing in the ten directions, sealing the ten directions, and completely infinite The territory is cut off.

The Great King Great Lord looked gloomy, and he waved the Great Sky Axe, driving billions of regular **** patterns, and suddenly slashed on the sealed door.


The terrible loud noise exploded.

However, the Seal Gate was immortal and resisted the bombardment of the Sky Axe.

Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged, completely indifferent.

The door of the ten-fold seal also accompanied him to prove to the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, and also to overcome the eternal calamity.

Although it hasn't completely transformed into an ancient soldier of Heavenly Sovereign, it is not bad. It is also at the level of an ancient soldier of Great Sovereign. Moreover, with the blessing of his supreme heavenly sovereign, how could Great Sovereign Great Sovereign break open in one blow.

"You can not!"

Ye Chen said indifferently, looking at Great Sovereign Great Sky, condescending, as if he was looking down at an ant.

At this moment, the gate of ten layers of seals sealed off nine heavens and ten places, and the non-Sovereign Heavenly Sovereign could not break open.

The great chaotic cauldron descended from the sky, carrying hundreds of millions of chaotic lights.

What's more, what changed the color of Qing Tian Great Sovereign was that every chaotic light carried an absolute eternal sky pattern.

Hundreds of millions of eternal sky patterns fall, how terrifying it should be.

The sky is falling apart.

When the tripod fell, the Great Venerable Great Sky immediately used the Great Sky Axe to move in front of him and released many defense methods such as the Origin World.

Just the next moment, the moment when the Great Chaos Cauldron struck across, the phantom of the original universe shattered in an instant, the great ancient formations exploded, and the defenses formed by the countless eternal sky patterns were shattered. .

All the defenses, like paper, were easily destroyed by the Great Chaos Cauldron.


Almost at the same time, the Great Chaos Cauldron hit the Sky Axe.

The Great Sky Axe was directly knocked upside down, and the huge axe body slammed into Great Great Venerable, with the unparalleled impact power of the Chaos Great Cauldron.

This tripod fell on Great Venerable Great Sky, as if the entire Origin Land slammed on him, smashing half of his body, blood and blood, I don't know how many bones were broken.

There was a dull, painful hum from the Great Lord's mouth, and his eyes were a little frightened.

Rao him is the Great Venerable of the Ancients, but facing the real Supreme Heavenly Venerable, there is a huge gap.

The ancient great statue, although it can be called the supreme heavenly statue.

However, it is just a challenge.

The real battle of life and death is far from the opponent of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign.

The sun of Xu Tianzun can only control part of the power of the eternal heavenly Dao. Compared with the power of ten percent heavenly Dao that the Supreme Heavenly Lord can grasp, the gap is too big.

However, Great Sovereign also discovered that Ye Chen, the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, seemed not as powerful as he imagined.

During the twilight period of the heavens, he hadn't really fought against the Supreme Heavenly Venerate. At that time, the Supreme Heavenly Venerate's combat effectiveness was far stronger than Ye Chen in front of him.

He only knew that he, who was already the Great Lord of the Ancients at that time, felt that he was infinitely powerful and able to fight the Supreme Heavenly Lord, but the real battle was just a face-to-face, and he was blown away by the Supreme Heavenly Lord.

Now, even though Ye Chen had also severely injured half of his body, it was still due to the ancient soldiers of Tianzun, and it was just smashed, not completely exploded.

It is conceivable that Ye Chen's so-called Supreme Heavenly Venerate's combat effectiveness is far beyond imagination.

"Is he really the Supreme Heaven?"

The body of the Supreme Supreme Being is recovering quickly, and the vitality is extremely astonishing. Looking at Ye Chen in surprise, he only feels that the other's Supreme Heavenly Lord's identity is a bit vacant.

Say it's not the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, but the opponent's strength is indeed terrifying, and that heavenly power is far superior to himself.

Say it is the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, but I always feel a little vacant, without the invincibility of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign in my memory.

What went wrong in the end?

Great Supreme's eyes flickered, but in this way of thinking, it did not affect the infinite power of the sun of the Void Heavenly Supreme. He blessed him and slammed it toward the door of ten Yelled: "Break it for me!"

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Going down with one axe, it was like hundreds of thousands of axes smashing into the sealed door, bursting out endless sparks, splashing everywhere.

Every Mars can be as huge as a star.

The sealed gate that stood in front of him was also constantly swaying and shaking, as if it was about to be blown away completely.

It's loose!

Qingtian looked happy.

Behind, Ye Chen's expression also condensed slightly. He felt that the Ancient Great Venerable was indeed very strong. Although it was far inferior to the Supreme Celestial Venerable, it should not be underestimated. He was able to split all his ten-fold seal gates and showed signs of loosening. , It's not simple.

"Some skills, but you can't escape today."

While Ye Chen spoke, he came to Great Sovereign Great Sky at the same time.

The Great Chaos Cauldron appeared at his feet again and struck across.

The Great Lord shook the Great Sky Axe, the figure retreated violently, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, but he was also taking this opportunity to bombard the seal gate, leaving a gap in the absolute domain of the seal.

He smiled, as long as he took advantage of this gap, he could escape smoothly.

At that time, it can also be directly transmitted to the master, and the master who is the supreme heavenly master can help resolve this life and death crisis.

"If you want to escape in front of me, you can't do it."

Ye Chen could naturally see the plan of Great King Qingtian, his expression was indifferent, he stepped on the Great Chaos Cauldron, and suddenly came to the latter, swinging the chaos holy fist, or to be more precise, the Tianzun fist, and blasted towards the latter.


The left half of the body of the Great King just after the reorganization was once again exploded, blood splattered, and pieces of bones that were shining with the light of heaven, were constantly floating, very tragic.

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