Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4344: The heavens move!

The ancient great statue of Kunxu land voluntarily appeared, which made many people puzzled.

Although the Ancient Great Venerable had the lack of Heavenly Venerable and could challenge the Supreme Heavenly Venerable, the gap was still huge, and the Ten Thousand Profound Heavenly Venerables had three Supreme Heavenly Venerables on one side.

Once the war begins, the ancient Great Lord of Kunxu will undoubtedly die.

However, soon, they were stunned.

Because, almost at the same time, in the buried sky deep, there is also the ancient Great Lord walking out.

The Optimus beam was moving fast, and in the blink of an eye, he had already entered the Pangu universe.

In the Purple Extreme Sky Territory, the ancient Great Venerable of the Eternal Celestial Clan also walked out, with laughter spreading throughout the Heaven Territory: "Such a lively thing, where is the deity missing!"


The third Optimus beam descended on Pangu Tianyu.

"Kunxu, Funeral Sky, Purple Saint, you just moved a little faster."

"We are not slow, we will be here soon!"

"Back then, those Supreme Heavenly Lords made heavenly covenants to restrict us from entering the world. At that time, there were only traitors, but now, the time has come. It is a great opportunity not to be missed."

"Today, it is also when our Great Lord enters the world."

"What about the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, I haven't fought in the past, and even some people of my generation have personally killed it!"

"Hahaha, after more than two Chaos Epochs, today, we once again challenge the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, let everyone know that our Great Sovereign can be called the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign!"


From the other eternal heavenly tribes and life restricted areas with the ancient grandeur, one ancient grandmaster walked out one after another, brought the Optimus Light Pillar, and quickly descended in the Pangu heaven.

At the end, large and magnificent Optimus beams stood between the heavens and the earth, and there were as many as twenty-seven, directly resisting the three immeasurable heavenly majesty, unable to get close to the Pangu heaven.

The world is terrifying!

The great lords of the ancient heavens come together, and they are in the Pangu universe.

"this is--"

The world was shocked.

This kind of behavior is clearly that these ancient great elders are all standing on the side of the supreme heavenly elder in Pangu Tianyu.

Although one ancient great deity is far inferior to the supreme heavenly deity, a total of twenty-seven ancient great deities can definitely fight against three supreme deities.

Don't forget, there is also the Supreme Heaven on Pangu Tianzun Mountain.

The world is unbelievable, and no one would have thought that the Great Lord of the Ancients of Heaven, almost all chose to stand on the side of the Supreme Heavenly Lord of Pangu Tianyu.

Among them, there may also be the ancient great deity from the eternal heavenly clan.

These ancient great lords gave up a handful of people, almost all of them were born.

Ye Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect that these ancient great lords would be on their side.

The Emperor Tianjun of the Ten Tribulations saw the birth of the ancient Great Venerable of the Ten Tribulations Heaven Clan, and he was agitated, saying: "Senior, the Great Ancient Great Venerable of the Heavens was born not only because of you, nor just because of Pangu Tianyu. The Supreme Heavenly Sovereign who returned to the heavens was also dissatisfied because of the heavenly appointment made by the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign in the past.

"Now, you have defeated the Great Supreme Master alone, and you have even overturned the old heavenly agreement and broke the old rules."

"The Supreme Heavenly Sovereign of Pangu Tianyu also spoke in person. To establish more order, it is clear that it is also to help the Great Sovereign of the Heavens to be born."

"So, in order to be able to enter the world, the Great Lord of the Ancients of Heaven, this chose to be born one after another, to go to the Pangu realm, and to oppose the Supreme Heaven."

Ye Chen knew it.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

At this time, outside the sky, the thirty-three heavenly palace.

Because of the protection of the Tianzun Great Formation, it did not suffer much damage.

At this moment, there are four terrifying figures descending from the sky. Their auras are more terrifying than the other ancient greats, because the master, the seal of heaven, controls the infinite power of faith, and opposes the 27 ancient greats, and one of them is humane. : "You guys, don't make mistakes, please return to other places."

Another Tiangong Grand Master also spoke: "The Heavenly Covenant stipulates that the Grand Master is not allowed to enter the world, otherwise he will be punishable by the Tianzhu. Please go back. We will not be blamed."

With these words, it is clear that the Great Lord of the Heavens and Ancients should be hidden again.

However, how would the Great Lord of the Ancients of the Heavens be willing, this is an opportunity that was finally available.

The time, the right place, and the harmony of people are all indispensable. After more than two Chaos Era, this is just the right time. If you miss it, you don't know how long it will take to reappear.

What's more, the great elder of the heavens has long been bored in seclusion.

As far as their great existence is concerned, the endless years of hidden world, the world does not know, would rather fight, rather die, how can you hide again.

At the moment, there is an ancient great deity who coldly said, "If we choose to be born, it will be impossible to hide again."

In the thirty-three heavenly palaces, the Great Lord has been suppressed by Ye Chen, and now there are only four palace masters, one of whom is named Qianpo Great Lord, and also the palace owner of one of the five heavenly palaces. , The whole body was shining with blue light, and said: "Everyone, don't make mistakes. The heavenly agreement is made by all the heavenly deities. Once we violate it, not only the four of us, but also the heavenly deities, will not be able to bear it. Up."

These words directly threatened the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign.

"Senpo, you are just a traitor, what right do you have to speak to us like this."

"Back then, if Feier and other traitors had betrayed, how could our great deity be controlled by the heavenly covenant and would not be allowed to enter the world forever."

"Now that our Great Lord has entered the world, it means that we are not afraid of the Supreme Heavenly Lord."

"Hahaha, in the evening battle of the heavens, there were heavenly deities and our great deity participating. Moreover, it is the highest heavenly deity, our great deity, it is not that we have never been killed."

The Great Lord of Ancient Heavens looked at Qianpo Great Lord, could it be that he was full of contempt.

They were not afraid of the threat from the Supreme Heaven.

Back then, in the most terrifying battle of the evenings of the heavens, even if they were able to participate at all costs, they were not afraid of perishing.

Now, the great sages of the ancient heavens are united, and although the other party has the three highest heavens, they are confident that they can cope.

What's more, it's not that there is no other Supreme Heaven sitting behind.

Kunxu’s ancient grandmaster was also the Kunxu grandmaster who had the power of the world at that time. He sat cross-legged in the cut-off Kunlun Mountains, with extremely terrifying aura and indifferent authenticity: "Thousands of destruction, chaos, ether, Gu, Er and the other four want to take action. Although Er et al. hold the seal of heaven and can mobilize the power of endless belief, what is it, but it is better than us, we can still call the supreme Tianzun!"

Another ancient great deity stood in the burial abyss, his figure is indeterminate, with various supreme rules hanging down, and also surrounded by eternal sky patterns, and he could not see his true body.

He brought the entire life restricted area, because it was also an absolute forbidden area derived from his exhaustive Chaos Period, and it was also an extension of the domain. Even if the Supreme Heavenly Majesty approached, it would be swallowed by Buried Heaven Abyss.

Grand Lord Buried Tianyuan ignored the four great palace masters and said: "Whether you want to make a move, we also want to know how strong you are as the palace master of the 33rd Heavenly Palace, and whether you are qualified to hold us Tenchu."


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