Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4348: Shura

Don't forget, the four great celestial sages can contain almost eight ancient sages.

The six Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns are coming, they must be crushed.

But at that point, it was almost a repeat of the Battle of the Sky and Dusk, and all the Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns and Ancient Great Sovereigns came.

The power of the sky was raging, there was the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, and more than one person appeared one after another.

Soon, three Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns appeared.

In the place of origin, there are ten Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns. The Immortal Heavenly Sovereign cannot be regarded as the real Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, but the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign's combat power is empty, and it has never possessed the Supreme Heavenly Position and Eternal Dao Fruit.

Today, Wanxuan, Taiyuan, Gu Ming, Ziji, the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign of Pangu Tianzun Mountain, and the three later appeared, a total of eight Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns appeared.

It can almost be said that the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign of the entire Origin Land is almost gathered.

In addition, the Immortal Heavenly Sovereign, the most powerful one who is not the Heavenly Sovereign but is comparable to the Heavenly Sovereign, gathered together, shaking the ancient and modern times.

After the twilight period of the heavens, during the days when She but conquered the Great God Pangu, there had never been so many Supreme Heavens.

What's more, the great lords of the ancient heavens also gathered.

Later, the Supreme Heavenly Venerable sighed slightly: "Unexpectedly, after the conquest of Pangu, after nearly three Chaos Epochs, we can meet again like this. It is really rare."

"Yes, we haven't been together for a long time." Ziji Tianzun whispered.

Gu Ming Tianzun said: "This time the Tianzuns are gathered together, and only the two of them are left. Forget it, we are here today, so let's decide how to solve these greats."

Wanxuan, Taiyuan, and Gu Ming, the three supreme heavenly venerables, are very intent on killing the ancient heavenly elders, and they think it is a huge threat and should be resolved as soon as possible.

Immortal Tianzun glanced directly at Gu Ming Tianzun, and said: "If you want to solve it, you must first solve you, the dead person. You are dead all day, as if you are dead. Oh, no, your father and mother are dead long ago. I'm sorry, I said. It is wrong, it should be said that it is like a dead child."

Although known as the Heavenly Venerable, the tone of the Immortal Heavenly Venerable has always been very bad, making Gu Ming Tianzun frown, and said: "Immortal, although you have the power to rival our Heavenly Venerable, but if you only have this quality, you will only be like me. Wait for the name of Tianzun, and quickly change it back."

"Change your mother's change." Undead Tianzun choked.

Seeing that there was a new conflict between the two, the other Supreme Heavenly Sovereign hurriedly stopped, and some helplessly glanced at the Immortal Heavenly Sovereign, the quality of this guy was really not generally low.

However, the strength is beyond doubt.

"If this is the case, then let's hold a conference of the heavens." Some Supreme Heavenly Sovereign suggested that although the ancient Great Sovereign knows that it is very strong, it can also pose a threat to them, the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, but they are unwilling to shoot and kill. The existence of the ancient great deity.

Some ancient great lords are actually the deceased of the Supreme Heavenly Lord, or close friends, or relatives or friends, or disciples, and they have a good relationship.

To be able to become the great deity of the ancients, whoever is not a stunning generation, has the posture of a heavenly deity, and can prove to be the supreme heavenly deity. Only because of various reasons, finally failed and became a great deity.

In this world, the ten supreme heavenly venerables are not absolutely bound to each other, they are all the highest heavenly venerables, and they are all invincible existences in the world, and no one is weaker than anyone.

For some major events, they have their own ideas.

For example, the Supreme Heavenly Venerables such as Wanxuan, Taiyuan, and Gu Ming hold strong hostility to the great elders of ancient times to kill them or completely prevent them from being born. For example, the Heavenly Venerables of Ziji are not so hostile.

In many cases, if there is a disagreement between the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, once the Heavenly Assembly is used to reconcile and resolve.

The General Assembly of the Heavens is a meeting set up when the Supreme Heavenly Lord disagrees.

Naturally, the ancient great deity can be called the lacking heaven deity, and is also qualified to participate in the heavens.

Wan Xuan Tianzun said: "There is no need to hold the heavens conference. This is no longer necessary. Everyone, now the birth of the Great Lord will affect the origin of our rule. The Great Lord can only have two choices, or to hide again. , Or beheaded."

He belongs to that kind of main combat group and has a tough attitude.

Taiyuan Tianzun and Gu Ming Tianzun are also like him, and they are very hostile to the ancient Great Lord.

The undead Tianzun's eyes were cold, and the heavens behind him were also very angry, hesitating to fight.

Ziji Tianzun and the other supreme Tianzun are quite a headache, because in this case, there is actually no need to hold a meeting of the heavens, because the whole place of origin, plus the immortal heavens, which is not the heavens better than the heavens, is the eleventh. Wei Tianzun has the highest decision-making power, while other ancient greats have little power.

Moreover, there were not many Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns for the ancient Great Sovereign in those days, otherwise it would not be possible to restrict the birth of the ancient Great Sovereign by making heavenly contracts.

In the end, the three Supreme Heavenly Venerables including Wanxuan, Taiyuan, and Gu Ming, as well as two Supreme Heavenly Venerables, clearly stood on their side.

The Ziji Tianzun, the Immortal Tianzun, and the Supreme Heaven of Pangu Tianzun Mountain stand on the side of the ancient Great Lord.

The last Supreme Heavenly Sovereign has an unclear attitude.

It can be said that UU reading is actually the same on both sides.

On the side of the ancient great elders, she needs to contain the four heavenly elders of the 33rd Heavenly Palace, and there are still 19 ancient great elders, but with such a lineup, it can only be a battle against the two supreme heavenly elders. .

The last Supreme Heavenly Sovereign has become the last straw for both parties. As long as this Supreme Heavenly Sovereign stands on either side, he can instantly pour Libra over.

"Sura, what do you mean?"

Wanxuan Tianzun looked at the last supreme heavenly being, Shura Tianzun, one of the ten most high heavenly beings in the world.

Heavenly Sovereign Asura was bathed in **** blood, and there was a boundless sea of ​​blood emerging behind him, and there were countless corpses up and down, including Taizhen, Taishang, and even ancient greats.

Looking at the gods from ancient times to the present, the **** of Asura is definitely one of the most murderous supreme gods. The powerhouse killed by him is unknown, and the vastness of the world is often sunk, endless. The creatures were charred.

But he has never been afraid of adding karma to kill everything.

Asura Tianzun glanced at both sides indifferently, and finally fell on the Great Lord of Ancient Heavens, and said indifferently: "If this is the case, then kill these great ones."

In his eyes, the Great Venerable Ancient is indeed a threat.

If this is the case, we must kill these ancient elders as soon as possible to avoid endless troubles.

Asura Tianzun's team directly broke the balance between the two sides, and the ancient Great Lord was at an absolute disadvantage.

The expressions of the great lords of the ancients changed drastically, and the Immortal Heavenly Sovereign also glanced gloomily at the Asura Heavenly Sovereign, the Purple Extreme Heavenly Sovereign and the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign of Pangu Tianzun Mountain's expressions were unknown, but invisibly, the heavenly power was many times stronger.

Now, there is only one battle.


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