Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4376: Ye Wudao VS Tai 1

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The strongest supreme of the Heaven Receiving Realm of the Ancient Ming Celestial Clan, Shifang Celestial Clan, and Life and Death Celestial Clan shot simultaneously.

In the blink of an eye, with the exception of Taiyi, the other five heavenly clans were the strongest to take the heavenly realm supremacy and kill Xiang Ye Wudao.

Because they all knew that, one-on-one, they weren't Ye Wudao's opponent at all, they needed to join hands to be his opponent.

Facing the strongest supreme of the five heavenly clans, Ye Wudao looked without sadness or joy, and six black holes appeared on his body, which were the manifestations of the six realms, surrounding him, and a war sword appeared in his hand, clanging, Cut to five people.


The **** sword light collapsed. It was Ye Wudao's powerful attack that destroyed the strongest supreme of the Asura Celestial Clan, and more than one war sword, it struck the second strongest supreme of the Celestial Clan, the strongest supreme belonging to the Life and Death Celestial Clan. .


Life and Death Celestial Clan's strongest supreme exerts the supernatural powers of life and death and differentiates into two figures, namely Life Supreme and Death Supreme. This is the special feature of Life and Death Celestial Clan that can differentiate the way of life and death.

Especially the strongest supreme of the heavenly clan, he has cultivated the avenue of life and death to an extremely high level, no less than a giant in the sky.

The two supreme bodies didn't try hard to shake, but quickly retreated.

Because he knew how terrifying Ye Wudao's sword was, it was a terrifying sword that surpassed the sky-passing level, and only the Void level could resist it.

However, it was no faster than Ye Wudao's attack. This attack was so fast that it instantly smashed the body of Death Supreme, and the terrifying power of the Void-level attack broke out.

The body of the death supreme roared and exploded immediately. It was no less than a giant being blown up. The terrifying power and vitality caused a sensation in the upper realm, collapsed by a half, and annihilated. I don't know how many stars and planes. world.

Fortunately, this was nothing but a vast universe created by Ye Chen casually, and there were no real creatures inhabited.

Everyone was awe-inspiring, Ye Wudao was really the heir of the Chaos Heavenly Emperor. Although the second life only cultivated to the level of the Heavenly Receiving Realm, his combat power was already strong, and he had already entered the Supreme Void level.

The remaining Life Supreme, the strongest Supreme of the Life and Death Celestial Clan, had a pale face, and the Death Supreme's body was shattered, and his other half of the Supreme's body was also implicated and suffered a certain amount of severe damage.

However, the body of the death supreme is the aggregation of the death avenue, even if it is broken, it will not really fall, and it will quickly regroup in the distance.

But after the reorganization, his face was pale and bloodless, and he was seriously injured.

The body of the supreme of life is full of vitality, and a giant tree of life emerged behind him, standing between the sky and the earth, rushing out of the thick branches and volleying towards Ye Wudao.

At the same time, the other four Celestial Clan's strongest supreme will naturally not stop. Except for being too arrogant and disdainful that there are more people of the same level and bullying less, the other four people are going crazy.

The terrifying attack seemed to be the five Heaven-Through-level giants madly attacking Ye Wudao.

The entire vast universe suddenly shook, countless stars and plane worlds were constantly exploding, and the upper realm was in collapse.

This caused the Xeon of countless forces to **** in the cold. It was no longer a collision with the Supreme Realm, but a terrible duel at the giant level.

Facing the attack of the five most powerful and supreme Celestial Clan, Ye Wudao was also under pressure.

He whispered, the six reincarnation heavenly powers were displayed, and the six black holes behind him represented the six supreme avenues. At this moment, they were rotating, crushing the world, and colliding with the strongest supreme of the five heavenly races!

At the same time, the strong and incomparable Heavenly Venerable bloodline in his body was recovering, and it suddenly looked like a stormy sea, deafening, and the entire vast universe was shaking greatly, making people tremble.

This is the Celestial Bloodline, and it is the purest and most flawless Celestial Bloodline. Only the descendants of the Celestial Lord can be as powerful as this, otherwise even the second and third generation Celestial Bloodline would be far from reaching this step.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Ye Wudao turned six times and pressed the past forcefully. He was inextricably killed with the strongest supreme of the five heavenly races. The blood was rushing into the sky, making the young generation of Tianjiao from all forces see all blood and blood boiling, wishing to enter the vast universe for a battle.


The blood-colored giant sword shattered. It was the strongest supreme belonging to the Asura Celestial Clan. It was crushed by Ye Wudao's fist mark. That punch bombarded the latter, directly exploding his body.

Immediately, Ye Wudao stepped on with one foot, and stepped on the strongest supreme of the Life and Death Celestial Clan under his feet. The power of the Taixu class was surging, and the life and death supreme all stepped on the foot stubbornly.

On the other hand, Ye Wudao took out a war sword from the Six Ways of Reincarnation. It was formed by the power of the six supreme avenues. It is not a true imperial soldier, but it is no less than an eternal soldier. A sword will command Wanjing. The strongest supreme of the Ten Thousand Profound Celestial Clan split in half, blood staining the universe.

Although the strongest supreme of the Shifang Celestial Clan displayed the power of ban, he wanted to ban Ye Wudao.

But it didn't work. Ye Wudao was too strong. While dealing with the four supreme heavenly races, he was able to do his job easily. He opened his mouth and let out a long roar. broke the open ban.

In the field, only Taiyi, the strongest supreme, never shot.

He is invincible at the same level, and has swept all his peers in the world from the beginning of the king. After stepping into the supreme, he has mastered the supreme-level power, confident that he is invincible in the world, and naturally disdains the same level of battle with others.

At this moment, his eyes were gushing with fierce fighting spirit, and he wanted to fight the past.

But he held it back, and he had to wait until Ye Wudao ended the battle before he could truly fight.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

In the end, the sky collapsed, the universe almost exploded, and Ye Wudao defeated the strongest supreme of the five heavenly clans and came out in blood.

The five heavenly clan supreme was defeated tragically, making the faces of the five heavenly clans ugly.

Although I knew the gap between the five people and Ye Wudao before, I didn't expect it to be so big.

In the end, there was only one person left—the one!

Ye Wudao arrived in front of Taiyi, also full of fighting spirit, knowing that the name Taiyi in front of him was far stronger than the strongest supreme of the five heavenly races just now.

Too a pair of eyes crossed, with the most terrifying edge, and said: "I didn't expect you to defeat the five of them, so my blood was boiling!"

Ye Wudao said, "Fight!"

The two supreme masters of the Heavenly Receiving Realm immediately boiled in their fighting spirit, and rose to the sky in an instant, fighting together.

There is no doubt that the battle between the two is far more intense than before.

Because both were obviously just taking the heavenly realm, but the real combat power reached the imaginary level, which was extremely amazing.

The vast cosmic battlefield, the universe is boundless, and the battlefield is infinite, so that the two can let go of the peak battle.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

In the universe, the infinite stars exploded, the countless worlds collapsed, and they couldn't stand the fight between the two most powerful and supreme.

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