Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4382: Tiandi disciple is too weak

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"This is the disciple of Emperor Chaos? It seems a little ordinary."

The war has not yet officially started, the Ming Jiuyou of the ancient Mingtian clan stared his eyebrows. He looked a little sick and pale, but his aura was terrifying. His eyes scanned the opponent's six Taixu-class giants. Generally, they are not worthy of being a disciple of the Supreme Heavenly Venerable.

Especially the sixth person Cang Yan, they feel that this person is the weakest, and they also feel that they are older. They have lived for more than one era. Taixu giants who do not belong to this era have not succeeded in breaking through to Taizhen. Not bad and limited.

This made Tai Xu of the six heavenly races feel surprised and unbelievable. Five of them were disciples of the Chaos Heavenly Emperor and personal disciples of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign.

"It is reported that the six of them were all disciples collected by the Emperor Chaos in the original world, and in their youth, the Emperor Chaos at that time was far from reaching the heights they are now, and a few of them were even at the Heavenly Heaven-level, Supreme Void, and even that Yan Wushuang seems to be a disciple collected by Emperor Chaos from the weak hour period before the Supreme."

As the Eternal Celestial Clan, their intelligence is undoubtedly huge, and they know a lot of secrets about the original world.

The thing about the Emperor Chaos is even more important.

The people around the Chaos Heavenly Clan, all the eternal Celestial Clan will focus on them, and there were also many people in the original world who entered in the last era. Only a price is required. The Eternal Celestial Clan easily gained a lot of important information about the Chaos Tiandi. intelligence.

"So that's the case." Yan Huangyang said, "Since he is a disciple admitted by the Emperor Chaos in his youth, and they are all from the original realm, their aptitude is naturally considered average, so there is no need to pay too much attention to it, and directly suppress it."

When the voice fell, Yan Huangyang directly shot strongly.

The Asura Celestial Clan, the place where the slaughter Megatron originated.

As the first Taixu-level person of the Asura Celestial Clan, Yan Huangyang is also the thirteenth peerless Taixu on the current Taixu list, and his strength is even more terrifying.

With a roar of anger, he shook the cosmic battlefield, and a blood-colored war sword appeared in his hand. It was a peerless warrior dedicated to him. A sword smashed out, and the endless rules of emptiness gathered in the sky, and the whole upper realm was born. Almost spread in half.

The sword light was boundless, and directly swept the six Taixu on the side of Chaos Tianfu.

"I come!"

Jian Wuhen spoke. He had already existed at the Immortal King level in the Primordial Realm period, and now he is even a Taixu Immortal Venerable, his cultivation level is also unfathomable, and his main practice is also the sword.

At this moment, there was a soft drink, and an immortal sword appeared in his hand, croaking loudly, and he swung the sword into a long river of swordsmanship shining nine heavens and ten places, and directly collided with Yan Huangyang's peerless sword.

The terrifying blood and light sword light shattered the fairy sword light like a star river.

After Jian Wuhen slashed ten swords in a row, he finally resisted Yan Huangyang's Shura sword light.

With this fight alone, Jian Wuhen knew that the gap between himself and Yan Huangyang was huge.

Although he has become Taixu, and as a disciple of the Chaos Heavenly Emperor, he won't be too true in the future, even if he is in the upper realm.

In the past, in the original world, I didn't even dare to think about it.

But now, too much hope.

However, Jian Wuhen didn't want to be confined to the present, but wanted to continue to become stronger, even if one day, hope to catch up with the master's footsteps and share something for him.

Yan Huangyang took a look, and sure enough, although he was a disciple of Emperor Chaos, his strength was average.

Seeing this, the peerless Taixu of the other five heavenly races is also dazzling.

Since Chaos Tiandi's disciples are so weak, then this time, Chaos Tianfu must be completely disgraced.


The six great Taixu celestial clans headed by Yan Huangyang, Gaiyi, and Ming Jiuyou, slew the six great Taixu giants in Chaos Tianfu.

At this time, Yan Wushuang's expression remained unchanged, and said: "Senior Cang Yan, fellow juniors, this time is a training specially given to us by the master. Although it is difficult to defeat the opponent, it cannot be defeated immediately. Give a profound and unforgettable lesson."


The other five people responded in unison.

At this moment, Yan Wushuang sat cross-legged in the void, abruptly, and rushed out of him an incomparable huge form, it was him.

The whole body is formed by the power of endless faith.

Baoxiang is solemn, sitting side by side, as if the Emperor of Heaven suppressed the Eight Wastes.

The incomparable power of faith seems to explode, resisting the six heavenly tribes Taixu who is rushing over, and amidst the power of faith, it is difficult to make progress.

"The power of faith?"

"Although this person has an average cultivation level, his knowledge of the power of faith is not average. Please be careful."

Gaiyi, as the eternal heavenly clan, they naturally understand the power of faith. Although it is only an external force, when it reaches a certain level, the power of faith will also be amazing.

For example, the several heavenly lords of the 33rd Heavenly Palace, who hold the Heavenly Seal, can control the power of endless faith, and their strength doubles sharply.

Therefore, they dare not care about Wushuangdao: "Senior, brothers, I use the power of faith to reduce part of their combat power, you take the opportunity to shoot. Although not necessarily opponents, but you can follow this The famous Tianzun seeds on the Taixu list have definitely benefited a lot."


Shi Baitian was the first to rush up, and he displayed the super virtual powers, and directly slammed to Gai Yi.

"Looking for death!" Gai snorted coldly. Although he dared not kill the Tianzun disciple Shi Baitian, it was easy to teach him a lesson.

Regarding the attainments of the way of life and death, Gai Yi could be far more powerful than the life and death supreme of the Jietian realm.

Without using Taoist soldiers, he stepped forward and slapped Shi Baitian with a slap. The way of death in the palm of his hand soared to the sky, directly dissipating the endless power of belief that suppressed his body, and the pollution became dead.

At this moment, he was like a **** of death, terrifying.


Shi Baitian's figure was shocked, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

The gap between each other was revealed as soon as Hajime played.

However, Shi Baitian did not retreat, but instead made a frantic move, bombarding Gai Yi with magical powers, bursting into the starry sky.

Although he was invincible, he also hoped to take this opportunity to fight against this peerless Taixu and constantly sharpen himself and make himself stronger.

More importantly, Shi Baitian also hopes that one day, just like Gaiyi, will become a peerless Taixu on the Taixu list. Only in this way can he hope to go further in the future.

"Only you can become a disciple of the Chaos Heavenly Emperor. It seems that this Chaos Heaven is really ordinary."

Gai Yi spoke contemptuously and bluntly with his disdainful disdain. He was too weak to be his opponent at all.

Outside the cosmic battlefield, many Chaos Tianfu Xeon looks ugly.

The strongest of the six heavenly races raised a smile, but in front of Ye Chen, he didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

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